4 # These are used to rename the executable to lrc without renaming the package
5 source_binary_name = lyricli
6 target_binary_name = lrc
7 install_path = /usr/local/bin
8 source_binary_path = $(build_path)/$(configuration)/$(source_binary_name)
9 install_binary_path = $(install_path)/$(target_binary_name)
12 # Default to release configuration on install
13 install: configuration = release
18 swift build --build-path $(build_path) --configuration $(configuration)
21 cp $(source_binary_path) $(install_binary_path)
27 cd Sources && swiftlint
30 sourcekitten doc --spm-module $(source_binary_name) > $(build_path)/$(source_binary_name).json
32 -s $(build_path)/$(source_binary_name).json \
36 --author_url https://gitlab.com/lyricli \
37 --github_url https://gitlab.com/lyricli/lyricli \
38 --module-version 0.4.0 \
45 docker build --force-rm --build-arg swift_version=$(swift_version) -t lyriclitest/swift:$(swift_version) .
47 docker-push: docker-build
48 docker push lyriclitest/swift:$(swift_version)
50 .PHONY: build install test clean lint docker-build docker-push