]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/lyricli/summary
descriptionA CLI lyrics tool written in Swift #cli
last changeSat, 16 Mar 2024 22:50:01 +0000 (23:50 +0100)
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Remove the openssl stuff main 3.0.0
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Remove the openssl
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Add x86 while I figure out aarch64
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Try latest
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Add rust
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Use aarch64
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Attempt multiple builds instead of cross-compiling
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Add pod2man
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Attempt to set the aarch64 ld library
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Build openssl
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Adjust mac architectures
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Add mac command
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Load .env on deb / rpm
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Copy .env
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Add secret
2024-03-16 Ruben Beltran... Clean up files
4 months ago 3.0.0
6 months ago 2.0.1
15 months ago 2.0.0
4 years ago 1.0.0 Catalina support, swift 5 support
6 years ago 0.3.0 Spotify support
7 years ago 0.2.0 iTunes support
7 years ago 0.1.0 Initial release, arguments only
4 months ago main
4 months ago rust