]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/txt/blob - learning.md
[rbdr/txt] / learning.md
1 2024-01-15: SELinux provides restrictions to files I wasn't aware of, and can prevent execution in some contexts. With eza you can view it with -Z.
2 2024-01-14: User systemd files are expected in /etc/ and not /lib/
3 2024-01-14: You can use @ and %i in systemd to have multiple instances (eg myfile@.service, and then executable=blabla %i) where %i will be what comes after @. (So in myfile@howdy, %i will expand to howdy)
4 2024-01-13: PPP Connections stay alive in the old net router, so you don't need to run ATDTPPP again, but just the connection.