+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-'use strict';
-/* eslint no-console: 0 */
-const Net = require('net');
-const kPort = 9999;
-const kEscape = new Buffer([0xFF, 0xF4, 0XFF, 0xFD, 0x06]); // IAC IP IAC DO TIMING_MARK
-const kNAWSRequest = new Buffer([0xFF, 0xFD, 0X1F]); // IAC DO NAWS
-const kNAWSResponse = new Buffer([0xFF, 0xFB, 0X1F, 0xFF, 0xFA, 0X1F]); // IAC WILL NAWS IAC SB NAWS
-const kFrequency = 333;
-const kModulationSpeed = 5;
-const run = function run () {
- const server = startServer();
- bindEvents(server);
-const startServer = function startServer () {
- const server = Net.createServer();
- server.listen(kPort, function () {
- const address = server.address();
- console.log(`The server is now listening on ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
- });
- return server;
-const bindEvents = function bindEvents (server) {
- server.on('error', function (err) {
- console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
- process.exit(1);
- });
- server.on('connection', function (socket) {
- let connectionData = {
- width: null,
- height: null,
- modulation: 0,
- screen: screens[Math.floor(Math.random() * screens.length)],
- mode: modes[Math.floor(Math.random() * modes.length)]
- };
- let interval = null;
- socket.write(kNAWSRequest);
- // Currently this is naive, we should parse the buffer properly.
- socket.on('data', function (data) {
- // Only send message if NAWS is supported.
- if (data.slice(0, 6).compare(kNAWSResponse) === 0) {
- connectionData.width = parse16BitBuffer(data.slice(6, 8));
- connectionData.height = parse16BitBuffer(data.slice(8, 10));
- socket.write('\x1B[2J'); // Clear the Screen (CSI 2 J)
- interval = setInterval(writeMessage.bind(null, socket, connectionData), kFrequency);
- }
- if (data.compare(kEscape) === 0) {
- socket.write('\n');
- clearInterval(interval);
- socket.end();
- }
- });
- });
-const writeMessage = function writeMessage (socket, connectionData) {
- let message = '';
- message += '\x1B[1;1H'; // Move cursor to top left (CSI 1;1 H)
- message += connectionData.screen(connectionData.modulation, connectionData.width, connectionData.height, getANSIColor.bind(null, connectionData.mode));
- connectionData.modulation = connectionData.modulation + kModulationSpeed;
- if (connectionData.modulation === 255) {
- connectionData.modulation = 0;
- }
- socket.write(message);
- // return '\x1B[2J*** SUCCESSS ***';
-const parse16BitBuffer = function parse16BitBuffer (buffer) {
- return buffer[0] * 256 + buffer[1];
-const fillScreen = function fillScreen (modulation, width, height, getANSIColor) {
- let response = '';
- for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
- for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) {
- let red = ((modulation + i) * 255 / height) % 255;
- let blue = ((modulation + j) * 255 / width) % 255;
- let green = ((modulation + i * j) * 255 / (width * height)) % 255;
- response = response + getANSIColor(red, blue, green);
- response = response + ' ';
- }
- if (i < height - 1) {
- response = response + '\n';
- }
- }
- return response;
-const randomScreen = function randomScreen (modulation, width, height, getANSIColor) {
- let response = '';
- for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
- for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) {
- let red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- let blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- let green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- response = response + getANSIColor(red, blue, green);
- response = response + ' ';
- }
- if (i < height - 1) {
- response = response + '\n';
- }
- }
- return response;
-const mirrorScreen = function mirrorScreen (modulation, width, height, getANSIColor) {
- let response = [];
- let scale = 2 + Math.round(Math.random() * 4);
- let scaledHeight = Math.floor(height / scale);
- let scaledWidth = Math.floor(width / scale);
- for (let i = 0; i < scaledHeight; i++) {
- let row = [];
- for (let j = 0; j < scaledWidth; j++) {
- let red = ((modulation + i) * 255 / height) % 255;
- let blue = ((modulation + j) * 255 / width) % 255;
- let green = ((modulation + i * j) * 255 / (width * height)) % 255;
- let cell = [getANSIColor(red, blue, green), ' '];
- row.push(cell.join(''));
- }
- let rowText = '';
- for (let j = 0; j < scale; j++) {
- rowText += row.reverse().join('');
- }
- for (let j = 1; j < scale; j++) {
- response[j * i] = rowText;
- response[(height - 1 - (j * i))] = rowText;
- }
- }
- return response.join('\n');
-const randomSprinkles = function mirrorRandomScreen (modulation, width, height, getANSIColor) {
- let response = '';
- let maxSprinkleCount = (width * height) / 2;
- let minSprinkleCount = (width * height) / 8;
- let sprinkleCount = Math.round(Math.random() * (maxSprinkleCount - minSprinkleCount)) + minSprinkleCount;
- let red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- let blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- let green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- for (let i = 0; i < sprinkleCount; i++) {
- let x = Math.round(Math.random() * (width - 1)) + 1;
- let y = Math.round(Math.random() * (height - 1)) + 1;
- let position = `\x1B[${y};${x}H`; // Move cursor to y,x (CSI y;x H)
- response += `${position}${getANSIColor(red, blue, green)} `;
- }
- return response;
-const circlesScreen = function circlesScreen (modulation, width, height, getANSIColor) {
- let response = [];
- let circles = width > height ? height : width;
- for (let i = 0; i < circles; i++) {
- let centerX = Math.round(width / 2) + 1;
- let centerY = Math.round(height / 2) + 1;
- let red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- let blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- let green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- for (let j = 0; j < 180; j++) {
- let angle = 2 * j * (Math.PI / 180);
- let x = Math.round(centerX + Math.sin(angle) * i);
- let y = Math.round(centerY + Math.cos(angle) * i);
- if (x <= width && x > 0 && y <= height && y > 0) {
- let position = `\x1B[${y};${x}H`; // Move cursor to y,x (CSI y;x H)
- response += `${position}${getANSIColor(red, blue, green)} `;
- }
- }
- }
- return response;
-// instead of binding themode, return the one funciton...
-const getANSIColor = function getANSIColor (mode, red, blue, green) {
- let colorCode;
- if (mode === '256') {
- let redValue = Math.round(red * 5 / 255);
- let blueValue = Math.round(blue * 5 / 255);
- let greenValue = Math.round(green * 5 / 255);
- let colorNumber = 16 + 36 * redValue + 6 * greenValue + blueValue;
- colorCode = `\x1B[48;5;${colorNumber}m`;
- } else if (mode === 'ansi') {
- let colorOffset = Math.round((red + blue + green) * 7 / (255 * 3));
- console.log(colorOffset);
- let colorNumber = 40 + colorOffset;
- colorCode = `\x1B[${colorNumber}m`;
- } else{
- colorCode = `\x1B[48;2;${Math.round(red)};${Math.round(green)};${Math.round(blue)}m`;
- }
- return colorCode;
-const screens = [fillScreen, randomScreen, mirrorScreen, randomSprinkles, circlesScreen];
-const modes = ['full', '256', 'ansi'];
# tomato-sauce
Draw stuff via telnet
+## How to run
+`npm install` and then run ``./bin/server.js`. It will listen on port 9999
+by default.
+## Configuration variables
+Tomato Sauce can be configured using env variables:
+* `TOMATO_SAUCE_PORT`: The port to listen on. Defauts to 9999.
+* `TOMATO_SAUCE_FREQUENCY`: How often it will send a screen in
+ miliseconds. Defaults to 333.
+* `TOMATO_SAUCE_MODULATION`: How much the modulation counter will
+ increase per round. Defaults to 5.
+* `TOMATO_SAUCE_SCREEN_PATH`: Path from which we will load screens. It
+ defaults to `{project_root}/lib/screens`
+* `TOMATO_SAUCE_RENDERER_PATH`: Path from which we will load renderers. It
+ defaults to `{project_root}/lib/renderers`
+## Make your own screens
+A screen is a function that will receive a modulation value from 0-255,
+the width of the viewport, the height of the viewport, and a renderer
+function, and it returns a string that consists of the commands that
+will be sent to the socket.
+ * `TomatoSauce.IScreen(modulation <int>, width <int>, height <int>, renderer
+ <TomatoSauce.IRenderer>) -> payload <string>`
+It should output the required commands that telnet needs to move the
+cursor and draw. For convenience, a renderer function is passed so
+calculating color should not be a part of the screen, just moving the
+cursor around and calling specific colors.
+## Make your own renderers
+The included renderers are wrappers to some common ways of obtaining
+colors in the terminal: ANSI, 256 colors, 24-bit colors, and a fake
+color string that uses incorrect color strings to generate random
+You can build your own renderer by building a function that receives a
+red, green, and blue component from 0 to 255 and returns the escape
+codes to generate the color.
+ * `TomatoSauce.IRenderer(red <int>, green <int>, blue <int>) ->
+ colorString <string>`
+## Using as a library
+The binary just serves as a wrapper to read configuration, and as a
+bridge to the console. It consumes `lib/tomato_sauce`. All configuration
+is optional, and should be passed as an object on instantiation. The
+instance is an event emitter that will emit a `listening` event with
+the server data, and an `error` event in case something goes wrong.
+const TomatoSauce = require('tomato-sauce');
+const tomatoSauce = new TomatoSauce(config);
+tomatoSauce.on('listening', function () {
+ const address = event.data.server.address();
+ console.log(`Tomato Sauce listening on: ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
+tomatoSauce.on('error', function (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+### Configuration Values
+The config object should be a simple object with these keys (All are
+ * `port`: The port to listen on (Defaults to 9999)
+ * `frequency`: How often we'll send a new frame in milliseconds
+ (Defaults to 333)
+ * `modulation`: How fast the modulation counter will be increased
+ (Defaults to 5)
+ * `screens`: An array containing the screen functions (Defaults to [])
+ * `renderers`: An array containing the renderer functions (Defaults to [])
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+'use strict';
+/* eslint no-console: 0 */
+const Path = require('path');
+const Getenv = require('getenv');
+const TomatoSauce = require('..');
+const Util = require('../lib/util');
+const config = {
+ port: Getenv.int('TOMATO_SAUCE_PORT', 9999),
+ frequency: Getenv.int('TOMATO_SAUCE_FREQUENCY', 333),
+ modulation: Getenv.int('TOMATO_SAUCE_MODULATION_SPEED', 5)
+const screenPath = Getenv('TOMATO_SAUCE_SCREEN_PATH', Path.join(__dirname, '../lib/screens'));
+const rendererPath = Getenv('TOMATO_SAUCE_RENDERER_PATH', Path.join(__dirname, '../lib/renderers'));
+Util.loadFiles(screenPath).then(function (screens) {
+ config.screens = screens;
+ return Util.loadFiles(rendererPath);
+}).then(function (renderers) {
+ config.renderers = renderers;
+}).then(function () {
+ let tomatoSauce = new TomatoSauce(config);
+ tomatoSauce.on('listening', function (event) {
+ const address = event.data.server.address();
+ console.log(`Tomato Sauce listening on: ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
+ });
+ tomatoSauce.on('error', function (error) {
+ console.error(error.stack || error.message || error);
+ process.exit(1);
+ });
+ tomatoSauce.run();
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Returns a 256 color, see
+// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
+// under 256 colors for more info.
+const TwoFiftySixColors = function (red, blue, green) {
+ let redValue = Math.round(red * 5 / 255);
+ let blueValue = Math.round(blue * 5 / 255);
+ let greenValue = Math.round(green * 5 / 255);
+ let colorNumber = 16 + 36 * redValue + 6 * greenValue + blueValue;
+ return `\x1B[48;5;${colorNumber}m`;
+module.exports = TwoFiftySixColors;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Returns a basic ANSI color. See the color table in:
+// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
+const ANSI = function (red, blue, green) {
+ let colorOffset = Math.round((red + blue + green) * 7 / (255 * 3));
+ let colorNumber = 40 + colorOffset;
+ return `\x1B[${colorNumber}m`;
+module.exports = ANSI;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Sends malformed ANSI 24-bit color strings
+const FakeColor = function (red, blue, green) {
+ return `\x1B[28;2;${Math.round(red)};${Math.round(green)};${Math.round(blue)}m`;
+module.exports = FakeColor;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Returns an ANSI Code for True Color, see:
+// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
+// and look for 24-bit colors. Only looks good in supported terminals,
+// otherwise looks like FakeColor.
+const TrueColor = function (red, blue, green) {
+ return `\x1B[48;2;${Math.round(red)};${Math.round(green)};${Math.round(blue)}m`;
+module.exports = TrueColor;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Draws concentric circles. Each ring has its own color.
+const Circle = function (modulation, width, height, renderer) {
+ let response = [];
+ let circles = width > height ? height : width;
+ for (let i = 0; i < circles; i++) {
+ let centerX = Math.round(width / 2) + 1;
+ let centerY = Math.round(height / 2) + 1;
+ let red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ let blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ let green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ for (let j = 0; j < 180; j++) {
+ let angle = 2 * j * (Math.PI / 180);
+ let x = Math.round(centerX + Math.sin(angle) * i);
+ let y = Math.round(centerY + Math.cos(angle) * i);
+ if (x <= width && x > 0 && y <= height && y > 0) {
+ let position = `\x1B[${y};${x}H`; // Move cursor to y,x (CSI y;x H)
+ response += `${position}${renderer(red, blue, green)} `;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return response;
+module.exports = Circle;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Draws moving gradient boxes.
+const Gradients = function (modulation, width, height, renderer) {
+ let response = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) {
+ let red = ((modulation + i) * 255 / height) % 255;
+ let blue = ((modulation + j) * 255 / width) % 255;
+ let green = ((modulation + i * j) * 255 / (width * height)) % 255;
+ response = response + renderer(red, blue, green);
+ response = response + ' ';
+ }
+ if (i < height - 1) {
+ response = response + '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ return response;
+module.exports = Gradients;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Draws small moving gradient boxes and repeats them.
+const Mirrors = function (modulation, width, height, renderer) {
+ let response = [];
+ let scale = 2 + Math.round(Math.random() * 4);
+ let scaledHeight = Math.floor(height / scale);
+ let scaledWidth = Math.floor(width / scale);
+ for (let i = 0; i < scaledHeight; i++) {
+ let row = [];
+ for (let j = 0; j < scaledWidth; j++) {
+ let red = ((modulation + i) * 255 / height) % 255;
+ let blue = ((modulation + j) * 255 / width) % 255;
+ let green = ((modulation + i * j) * 255 / (width * height)) % 255;
+ let cell = [renderer(red, blue, green), ' '];
+ row.push(cell.join(''));
+ }
+ let rowText = '';
+ for (let j = 0; j < scale; j++) {
+ rowText += row.reverse().join('');
+ }
+ for (let j = 1; j < scale; j++) {
+ response[j * i] = rowText;
+ response[(height - 1 - (j * i))] = rowText;
+ }
+ }
+ return response.join('\n');
+module.exports = Mirrors;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// random colors
+const Random = function (modulation, width, height, renderer) {
+ let response = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) {
+ let red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ let blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ let green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ response = response + renderer(red, blue, green);
+ response = response + ' ';
+ }
+ if (i < height - 1) {
+ response = response + '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ return response;
+module.exports = Random;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+// Places random sprinkles in the screen each frame. Same color per
+// frame.
+const Sprinkles = function (modulation, width, height, renderer) {
+ let response = '';
+ let maxSprinkleCount = (width * height) / 2;
+ let minSprinkleCount = (width * height) / 8;
+ let sprinkleCount = Math.round(Math.random() * (maxSprinkleCount - minSprinkleCount)) + minSprinkleCount;
+ let red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ let blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ let green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
+ for (let i = 0; i < sprinkleCount; i++) {
+ let x = Math.round(Math.random() * (width - 1)) + 1;
+ let y = Math.round(Math.random() * (height - 1)) + 1;
+ let position = `\x1B[${y};${x}H`; // Move cursor to y,x (CSI y;x H)
+ response += `${position}${renderer(red, blue, green)} `;
+ }
+ return response;
+module.exports = Sprinkles;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+const Net = require('net');
+const EventEmitter = require('events');
+const Util = require('./util');
+// Interpret as Command Sequences.
+const kEscape = new Buffer([0xFF, 0xF4, 0XFF, 0xFD, 0x06]); // IAC IP IAC DO TIMING_MARK
+const kNAWSRequest = new Buffer([0xFF, 0xFD, 0X1F]); // IAC DO NAWS
+const kNAWSResponse = new Buffer([0xFF, 0xFB, 0X1F, 0xFF, 0xFA, 0X1F]); // IAC WILL NAWS IAC SB NAWS
+// Main tomato sauce class. Properties:
+// * screens <TomatoSauce.IScreen[]>
+// * renderers <TomatoSauce.IRenderer[]>
+// * port <int>
+// * frequency <int>
+// * modulation <int>
+// The main entry point is the #run() function.
+// It emits a listening event that contains the server information on
+// the `server` key inside the `data` property of the event.
+// It also emits an error event that contains the error information on
+// the `error` key inside the `data` property of the event.
+const TomatoSauce = class TomatoSauce extends EventEmitter {
+ constructor (config) {
+ super();
+ this.screens = [];
+ this.renderers = [];
+ Object.assign(this, config || {});
+ }
+ // Here's where things get started.
+ run () {
+ this._startServer();
+ this._bindEvents();
+ }
+ // Creates a socket, server based on the configuration. Emits the
+ // listening event when ready.
+ _startServer () {
+ const server = Net.createServer();
+ this.server = server;
+ server.listen(this.port, function () {
+ this.emit('listening', {
+ data: {
+ server: server
+ }
+ });
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ _bindEvents () {
+ // Send the error event all the way up.
+ this.server.on('error', function (err) {
+ this.emit('error', {
+ data: {
+ error: err
+ }
+ });
+ }.bind(this));
+ // Send the error event all the way up.
+ this.server.on('connection', function (socket) {
+ this._renderScreen(socket);
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ // Obtains viewport size, and initializes a random screen with a random
+ // renderer, setting the required interval to draw.
+ _renderScreen (socket) {
+ let connectionData = {
+ width: null,
+ height: null,
+ modulation: 0,
+ screen: this._getScreen(),
+ renderer: this._getRenderer(),
+ socket: socket
+ };
+ let interval = null;
+ socket.write(kNAWSRequest);
+ socket.on('data', function (data) {
+ if (data.slice(0, 6).compare(kNAWSResponse) === 0) {
+ connectionData.width = Util.parse16BitBuffer(data.slice(6, 8));
+ connectionData.height = Util.parse16BitBuffer(data.slice(8, 10));
+ socket.write('\x1B[2J'); // Clear the Screen (CSI 2 J)
+ interval = setInterval(this._writeMessage.bind(this, connectionData), this.frequency);
+ }
+ if (data.compare(kEscape) === 0) {
+ socket.write('\n');
+ clearInterval(interval);
+ socket.end();
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ // Resets the cursor, gets a frame and sends it to the socket.
+ _writeMessage (connectionData) {
+ let payload = connectionData.screen(connectionData.modulation, connectionData.width, connectionData.height, connectionData.renderer);
+ let message = `\x1B[1;1H${payload}`; // reset cursor position before payload
+ connectionData.modulation = (connectionData.modulation + this.modulation) % 256;
+ connectionData.socket.write(message);
+ }
+ _getScreen () {
+ return Util.pickRandom(this.screens);
+ }
+ _getRenderer () {
+ return Util.pickRandom(this.renderers);
+ }
+// Defaults.
+TomatoSauce.prototype.port = 9999;
+TomatoSauce.prototype.frequency = 333;
+TomatoSauce.prototype.modulation = 5;
+module.exports = TomatoSauce;
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+const Fs = require('fs');
+const Path = require('path');
+// Module containing utility functions.
+const Util = {
+ // Parses a 16 bit number buffer.
+ parse16BitBuffer: function (buffer) {
+ return buffer[0] * 256 + buffer[1];
+ },
+ // Picks a random element from an array.
+ pickRandom: function (array) {
+ return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
+ },
+ // For a given path, requires all of the files and returns an array
+ // with the results. If the directory contains any non-requireable file,
+ // it will fail.
+ loadFiles: function (path) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ Fs.readdir(path, function (err, files) {
+ if (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ let loadedFiles = [];
+ for (let file of files) {
+ let filePath = Path.join(path, file);
+ let loadedFile;
+ try {
+ loadedFile = require(filePath);
+ } catch (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ loadedFiles.push(loadedFile);
+ }
+ resolve(loadedFiles);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+module.exports = Util;
--- /dev/null
+ "name": "tomato-sauce",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "description": "\"Telnet based drawing functions and renderers\"",
+ "main": "lib/tomato_sauce.js",
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+ },
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git+https://github.com/rbdr/tomato-sauce.git"
+ },
+ "keywords": [
+ "tomato",
+ "sauce",
+ "telnet",
+ "ansi",
+ "colors"
+ ],
+ "author": "Rubén Beltrán del Río <ben@nsovocal.com>",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/rbdr/tomato-sauce/issues"
+ },
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/rbdr/tomato-sauce#readme",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "getenv": "^0.6.0"
+ }