]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/sorting-hat-renderer/blob - CONTRIBUTING.md
Merge branch 'release/1.0.0'
[rbdr/sorting-hat-renderer] / CONTRIBUTING.md
1 # Contributing to Lissajous Renderer
3 This app is intended to be part of a short demo for the gdljs community
4 that uses the mindwave eeg to sort you into a house or ninja turtle
5 personality. It's not really intended to go beyond that, however if you
6 would like to contribute and improve it will be appreciated.
8 ## How to contribute
10 Above All: Be nice, always.
12 * Ensure the linter shows no warnings or errors
13 * Don't break the CI
14 * Make the PRs according to [Git Flow][gitflow]: (features go to
15 develop, hotfixes go to master)
16 * Update the CHANGELOG
18 [gitflow]: https://github.com/nvie/gitflow