- `<leader>om`, `:NotaOpenMonthlyNote`, Opens this month's monthly note.
- `<leader>os`, `:NotaOpenSeasonalNote`, Opens this season's seasonal note.
- `<leader>oy`, `:NotaOpenYearlyNote`, Opens this year's yearly note.
-- `<leader>on`, `:NotaOpenNote`, Opens an arbitrary note. (Requires [fzf-lua][fzf-lua])
+- `<leader>on`, `:NotaOpenNote`, Opens an arbitrary note. (Requires fzf-lua)
### Task Views
- `<leader>oa`, `:NotaOpenAgenda`, Opens the agenda window with this week's tasks.
- `<leader>oo`, `:NotaOpenOpen`, Opens a window that lets you navigate through all open tasks.
- `<leader>oO`, `:NotaOpenOpenImportant`, Opens a window that lets you navigate through all open important tasks.
-- `<leader>oj`, `:NotaOpenJournal`, Opens a window that lets you search completed tasks to find journal entries. (Requires [fzf-lua][fzf-lua] and ripgrep)
+- `<leader>oj`, `:NotaOpenJournal`, Opens a window that lets you search completed tasks to find journal entries. (Requires fzf-lua and ripgrep)
### Task Handling Commands
- `<leader>t`, `:NotaToggleTask`, Toggles completion state of the task under the cursor.