API Notation is a language-agnostic notation to share the public API of components in code. It was created to standardize software specification documents in teams that need to review code across several languages.
-The notation consists of one or more `definitions`, and `comments`
+// Anything after two forward slashes is a comment
+ + class property
+ - instance property
+ ~> listened events (socket)
+ +> listened events (class/module)
+ -> listened events (instance)
+ <~ dispatched events (socket)
+ <+ dispatched events(class/module)
+ <- dispatched events (instance)
+ :: class method
+ # instance method
+Other symbols
+ => returns
+ #> throws
+[xx] optional
+<xx> data type
+Recommended order: class first, then sockets, then instance. Internally:
+Properties, events, methods.
+Or, with some examples:
// Definitions start with object / module / class names, with namespaces