build: prepare
cargo build --profile $(profile) --target $(target)
+ cargo test
+ cargo tarpaulin
release: rpm tar deb
@$(eval filename := $(app_name)-$(target)-$(channel))
$(MAKE) -e profile=release -e channel=$(subst refs/tags/,,$(GIT_REF)) package
-.PHONY: default build $(architectures) rpm package prepare set_rust ci release
+.PHONY: default build $(architectures) rpm package prepare set_rust ci release test coverage
Build release with `make -e profile=release` or `make -e profile=release build`.
+Run tests with `make test`.
+If you have [tarpaulin][tarpaulin], you can also run `make coverage` to get
+coverage information.
+[tarpaulin]: https://github.com/xd009642/tarpaulin
return result;
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::file_handler::FileType;
+ use std::collections::HashSet;
+ use std::fs::create_dir_all;
+ fn fixtures_dir() -> PathBuf {
+ PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures")
+ }
+ fn get_paths(files: &Vec<File>) -> HashSet<String> {
+ files
+ .iter()
+ .map(|f| f.path.strip_prefix(&fixtures_dir()).unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string())
+ .collect()
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn finds_all_files() {
+ let files = find_files(&fixtures_dir());
+ let paths = get_paths(&files);
+ assert!(paths.contains("test1.gmi"));
+ assert!(paths.contains("_layout.html"));
+ assert!(paths.contains("nested/nested.gmi"));
+ assert!(paths.contains("assets/style.css"));
+ assert!(paths.contains("image.png"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn identifies_correct_file_types() {
+ let files = find_files(&fixtures_dir());
+ for file in files {
+ let extension = file.path.extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str());
+ match extension {
+ Some("gmi") => assert_eq!(file.file_type, FileType::Gemini),
+ Some("html") => {
+ if file.path.ends_with("_layout.html") {
+ assert_eq!(file.file_type, FileType::Layout)
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(file.file_type, FileType::File)
+ }
+ },
+ _ => assert_eq!(file.file_type, FileType::File),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn ignores_git_directory() {
+ let files = find_files(&fixtures_dir());
+ let paths = get_paths(&files);
+ // These files should exist in the fixtures but not be included
+ assert!(!paths.iter().any(|p| p.starts_with(".git/")));
+ assert!(!paths.contains(".gitignore"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handles_nested_directories() {
+ let files = find_files(&fixtures_dir());
+ let paths = get_paths(&files);
+ // Check that files in nested directories are found
+ assert!(paths.contains("nested/nested.gmi"));
+ assert!(paths.contains("assets/style.css"));
+ // Verify directory structure is preserved in paths
+ let nested_files: Vec<_> = files.iter()
+ .filter(|f| f.path.starts_with(fixtures_dir().join("nested")))
+ .collect();
+ assert!(!nested_files.is_empty());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn returns_empty_for_empty_directory() {
+ let empty_dir = fixtures_dir().join("empty");
+ let _ = create_dir_all(&empty_dir);
+ let files = find_files(&empty_dir);
+ assert!(files.is_empty());
+ }
- fn handle_html(&self, source: &PathBuf, destination: &PathBuf, file: &File, _l: &String) {
+ fn handle_html(&self, source: &PathBuf, destination: &PathBuf, file: &File, _l: &str) {
return self.handle(source, destination, file);
return self.handle(source, destination, file);
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use std::fs;
+ fn setup() -> Strategy {
+ Strategy {}
+ }
+ fn fixtures_dir() -> PathBuf {
+ PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures")
+ }
+ fn fixture_path(filename: &str) -> PathBuf {
+ fixtures_dir().join(filename)
+ }
+ mod file_type_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn identifies_regular_files() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(strategy.is(&fixture_path("image.png")));
+ assert!(strategy.is(&fixture_path("style.css")));
+ assert!(!strategy.is(&fixtures_dir()));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn identifies_file_type() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(matches!(strategy.identify(), FileType::File));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handles_correct_file_type() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(strategy.can_handle(&FileType::File));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Layout));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Gemini));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Unknown));
+ }
+ }
+ mod file_handling_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn copies_single_file() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let source = fixtures_dir();
+ let output = fixture_path("output");
+ let file = File {
+ path: fixture_path("image.png"),
+ file_type: FileType::File,
+ };
+ strategy.handle(&source, &output, &file);
+ let copied_path = output.join("image.png");
+ assert!(copied_path.exists());
+ // Verify file contents are identical
+ let original = fs::read(&file.path).unwrap();
+ let copied = fs::read(&copied_path).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(original, copied);
+ // Cleanup
+ let _ = fs::remove_file(copied_path);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn copies_nested_file() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let source = fixtures_dir();
+ let output = fixture_path("output");
+ let file = File {
+ path: fixture_path("assets/style.css"),
+ file_type: FileType::File,
+ };
+ strategy.handle(&source, &output, &file);
+ let copied_path = output.join("assets").join("style.css");
+ assert!(copied_path.exists());
+ // Verify file contents are identical
+ let original = fs::read(&file.path).unwrap();
+ let copied = fs::read(&copied_path).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(original, copied);
+ // Cleanup
+ let _ = fs::remove_file(copied_path);
+ let _ = fs::remove_dir(output.join("assets"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handle_html_copies_file() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let source = fixtures_dir();
+ let output = fixture_path("output_html");
+ let file = File {
+ path: fixture_path("image.png"),
+ file_type: FileType::File,
+ };
+ strategy.handle_html(&source, &output, &file, "unused layout");
+ let copied_path = output.join("image.png");
+ assert!(copied_path.exists());
+ // Cleanup
+ let _ = fs::remove_file(copied_path);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handle_gemini_copies_file() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let source = fixtures_dir();
+ let output = fixture_path("output_gemini");
+ let file = File {
+ path: fixture_path("image.png"),
+ file_type: FileType::File,
+ };
+ strategy.handle_gemini(&source, &output, &file);
+ let copied_path = output.join("image.png");
+ assert!(copied_path.exists());
+ // Cleanup
+ let _ = fs::remove_file(copied_path);
+ }
+ }
use crate::file_handler::{File, FileType, FileHandlerStrategy};
use crate::gemini_parser::parse;
+use crate::html_renderer::render_html;
impl Strategy {
fn is_title(&self, line: &str) -> bool {
- fn handle_html(&self, source: &PathBuf, destination: &PathBuf, file: &File, layout: &String) {
+ fn handle_html(&self, source: &PathBuf, destination: &PathBuf, file: &File, layout: &str) {
let gemini_contents = read_to_string(&file.path).unwrap();
// Front matter extraction
let mut lines_found = 0;
let mut title = "";
let mut description = "";
- for line in lines[..2].iter() {
- if self.is_title(&line) {
- title = self.get_title(&line).trim();
- lines_found = lines_found + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if self.is_description(&line) {
- description = self.get_description(&line).trim();
- lines_found = lines_found + 1;
- continue;
+ if let Some(slice) = lines.get(..2) {
+ for line in slice.iter() {
+ if self.is_title(&line) {
+ title = self.get_title(&line).trim();
+ lines_found = lines_found + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if self.is_description(&line) {
+ description = self.get_description(&line).trim();
+ lines_found = lines_found + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
let gemini_source = lines[lines_found..].join("\n");
- let content_html = parse(&gemini_source[..]);
+ let content_html = render_html(parse(&gemini_source[..]));
let generated_html = layout
.replace("{{ title }}", title)
// Front matter extraction
let lines: Vec<&str> = gemini_contents.split("\n").collect();
let mut lines_found = 0;
- for line in lines[..2].iter() {
- if self.is_title(&line) {
- lines_found = lines_found + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if self.is_description(&line) {
- lines_found = lines_found + 1;
- continue;
+ if let Some(slice) = lines.get(..2) {
+ for line in slice.iter() {
+ if self.is_title(&line) {
+ lines_found = lines_found + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if self.is_description(&line) {
+ lines_found = lines_found + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use std::fs;
+ fn setup() -> Strategy {
+ Strategy {}
+ }
+ fn fixtures_dir() -> PathBuf {
+ PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures")
+ }
+ fn fixture_path(filename: &str) -> PathBuf {
+ fixtures_dir().join(filename)
+ }
+ fn read_fixture(filename: &str) -> String {
+ fs::read_to_string(fixture_path(filename))
+ .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to read fixture file: {}", filename))
+ }
+ mod front_matter_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn detects_title() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let content = read_fixture("test1.gmi");
+ let first_line = content.lines().next().unwrap();
+ assert!(strategy.is_title(first_line));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn detects_description() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let content = read_fixture("test1.gmi");
+ let second_line = content.lines().nth(1).unwrap();
+ assert!(strategy.is_description(second_line));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn extracts_title() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let content = read_fixture("test1.gmi");
+ let first_line = content.lines().next().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(strategy.get_title(first_line).trim(), "Test Title");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn extracts_description() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let content = read_fixture("test1.gmi");
+ let second_line = content.lines().nth(1).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(strategy.get_description(second_line).trim(), "Test Description");
+ }
+ }
+ mod file_type_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn identifies_gemini_files() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(strategy.is(&fixture_path("test1.gmi")));
+ assert!(!strategy.is(&fixture_path("_layout.html")));
+ assert!(!strategy.is(&fixtures_dir()));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn identifies_file_type() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(matches!(strategy.identify(), FileType::Gemini));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handles_correct_file_type() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Gemini));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Layout));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::File));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Unknown));
+ }
+ }
+ mod file_handling_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn handles_html_generation() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let source = fixtures_dir();
+ let output = fixture_path("output");
+ let layout = read_fixture("_layout.html");
+ let file = File {
+ path: fixture_path("test1.gmi"),
+ file_type: FileType::Gemini,
+ };
+ strategy.handle_html(
+ &source,
+ &output,
+ &file,
+ &layout,
+ );
+ let generated_path = output.join("test1.html");
+ assert!(generated_path.exists());
+ let content = fs::read_to_string(generated_path.clone()).unwrap();
+ assert!(content.contains("Test Title"));
+ assert!(content.contains("<h1>"));
+ // Cleanup
+ let _ = fs::remove_file(generated_path);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handles_gemini_generation() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let source = fixtures_dir();
+ let output = fixture_path("output");
+ let file = File {
+ path: fixture_path("test1.gmi"),
+ file_type: FileType::Gemini,
+ };
+ strategy.handle_gemini(
+ &source,
+ &output,
+ &file,
+ );
+ let generated_path = output.join("test1.gmi");
+ assert!(generated_path.exists());
+ let content = fs::read_to_string(&generated_path).unwrap();
+ assert!(content.contains("# Heading"));
+ assert!(!content.contains("Test Title")); // Front matter should be removed
+ // Cleanup
+ let _ = fs::remove_file(generated_path);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handles_nested_structure() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let source = fixtures_dir();
+ let output = fixture_path("output");
+ let layout = read_fixture("_layout.html");
+ let file = File {
+ path: fixture_path("nested/nested.gmi"),
+ file_type: FileType::Gemini,
+ };
+ strategy.handle_html(
+ &source,
+ &output,
+ &file,
+ &layout,
+ );
+ let generated_path = output.join("nested").join("nested.html");
+ assert!(generated_path.exists());
+ // Cleanup
+ let _ = fs::remove_file(generated_path);
+ let _ = fs::remove_dir(output.join("nested"));
+ }
+ }
// We don't implement handling for layout, as we assume there's only one
// and it got handled before.
- fn handle_html(&self, _s: &PathBuf, _d: &PathBuf, _f: &File, _l: &String) {}
+ fn handle_html(&self, _s: &PathBuf, _d: &PathBuf, _f: &File, _l: &str) {}
fn handle_gemini(&self, _s: &PathBuf, _d: &PathBuf, _f: &File) {}
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use std::path::PathBuf;
+ fn setup() -> Strategy {
+ Strategy {}
+ }
+ mod is_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn identifies_layout_file() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("_layout.html");
+ assert!(strategy.is(&path));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn rejects_non_layout_html() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("regular.html");
+ assert!(!strategy.is(&path));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn rejects_layout_with_different_extension() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("_layout.txt");
+ assert!(!strategy.is(&path));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn rejects_layout_with_prefix() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("prefix_layout.html");
+ assert!(!strategy.is(&path));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn rejects_directory_named_layout() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures");
+ assert!(!strategy.is(&path));
+ }
+ }
+ mod identify_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn returns_layout_type() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(matches!(strategy.identify(), FileType::Layout));
+ }
+ }
+ mod can_handle_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn handles_layout_type() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Layout));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn rejects_non_layout_types() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::File));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Gemini));
+ assert!(!strategy.can_handle(&FileType::Unknown));
+ }
+ }
+ mod handle_methods {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn handle_html_does_nothing() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let file = File {
+ path: PathBuf::from("test.html"),
+ file_type: FileType::Layout,
+ };
+ // Should not panic
+ strategy.handle_html(
+ &PathBuf::from("source"),
+ &PathBuf::from("dest"),
+ &file,
+ "layout content"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn handle_gemini_does_nothing() {
+ let strategy = setup();
+ let file = File {
+ path: PathBuf::from("test.gmi"),
+ file_type: FileType::Layout,
+ };
+ // Should not panic
+ strategy.handle_gemini(
+ &PathBuf::from("source"),
+ &PathBuf::from("dest"),
+ &file
+ );
+ }
+ }
- pub fn get_layout_or_panic(&mut self, files: &Vec<File>) -> Result<(), &str> {
+ pub fn get_layout_or_panic(&mut self, files: &[File]) -> Result<(), &str> {
for file in files {
match file.file_type {
FileType::Layout => {
Err("No layout found. Please ensure there's a _layout.html file at the root")
- pub fn handle_all(&self, source: &PathBuf, html_destination: &PathBuf, gemini_destination: &PathBuf, files: &Vec<File>) {
- for file in files {
+ pub fn handle_all(&self, source: &PathBuf, html_destination: &PathBuf, gemini_destination: &PathBuf, files: &[File]) {
+ files.iter().for_each(|file| {
self.handle(source, html_destination, gemini_destination, file);
- }
+ });
pub fn handle(&self, source: &PathBuf, html_destination: &PathBuf, gemini_destination: &PathBuf, file: &File) {
- for strategy in self.strategies.iter() {
- if strategy.can_handle(&file.file_type) {
- let layout = self.layout.as_ref().unwrap();
+ if let Some(strategy) = self.strategies
+ .iter()
+ .find(|s| s.can_handle(&file.file_type))
+ {
+ let layout = self.layout.as_ref()
+ .expect("Layout should be initialized before handling files");
strategy.handle_html(source, html_destination, file, layout);
strategy.handle_gemini(source, gemini_destination, file);
- }
fn is(&self, path: &PathBuf) -> bool;
fn identify(&self) -> FileType;
fn can_handle(&self, file_type: &FileType) -> bool;
- fn handle_html(&self, source: &PathBuf, destination: &PathBuf, file: &File, layout: &String);
+ fn handle_html(&self, source: &PathBuf, destination: &PathBuf, file: &File, layout: &str);
fn handle_gemini(&self, source: &PathBuf, destination: &PathBuf, file: &File);
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum FileType {
+#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct File {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub file_type: FileType,
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use std::path::PathBuf;
+ fn create_test_file(path: &str, file_type: FileType) -> File {
+ File {
+ path: PathBuf::from(path),
+ file_type,
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_identify_gemini_file() {
+ let handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("test.gmi");
+ assert!(matches!(handler.identify(&path), FileType::Gemini));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_identify_layout_file() {
+ let handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("_layout.html");
+ assert!(matches!(handler.identify(&path), FileType::Layout));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_identify_regular_file() {
+ let handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("regular.html");
+ assert!(matches!(handler.identify(&path), FileType::File));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_identify_unknown_file() {
+ let handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let path = PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures");
+ assert!(matches!(handler.identify(&path), FileType::Unknown));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_get_layout_success() {
+ let mut handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let files = vec![
+ create_test_file("test.gmi", FileType::Gemini),
+ create_test_file("tests/fixtures/_layout.html", FileType::Layout),
+ create_test_file("regular.html", FileType::File),
+ ];
+ assert!(handler.get_layout_or_panic(&files).is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_get_layout_failure() {
+ let mut handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let files = vec![
+ create_test_file("test.gmi", FileType::Gemini),
+ create_test_file("regular.html", FileType::File),
+ ];
+ assert!(handler.get_layout_or_panic(&files).is_err());
+ }
+ // Mock strategy for testing
+ struct MockStrategy {
+ is_match: bool,
+ file_type: FileType,
+ }
+ impl FileHandlerStrategy for MockStrategy {
+ fn is(&self, _path: &PathBuf) -> bool {
+ self.is_match
+ }
+ fn identify(&self) -> FileType {
+ self.file_type.clone()
+ }
+ fn can_handle(&self, file_type: &FileType) -> bool {
+ &self.file_type == file_type
+ }
+ fn handle_html(&self, _source: &PathBuf, _destination: &PathBuf, _file: &File, _layout: &str) {}
+ fn handle_gemini(&self, _source: &PathBuf, _destination: &PathBuf, _file: &File) {}
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_custom_strategy() {
+ let mock_strategy = MockStrategy {
+ is_match: true,
+ file_type: FileType::Gemini,
+ };
+ let handler = FileHandler {
+ strategies: vec![Box::new(mock_strategy)],
+ layout: None,
+ };
+ let path = PathBuf::from("test.whatever");
+ assert!(matches!(handler.identify(&path), FileType::Gemini));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_handle_all_empty_files() {
+ let handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let files: Vec<File> = vec![];
+ // Should not panic with empty vector
+ handler.handle_all(
+ &PathBuf::from("source"),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &files
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_handle_with_layout() {
+ let mut handler = FileHandler::default();
+ handler.layout = Some("test layout".to_string());
+ let file = create_test_file("tests/fixtures/test1.gmi", FileType::Gemini);
+ // Should not panic with valid layout
+ handler.handle(
+ &PathBuf::from(""),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &file
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic(expected = "Layout should be initialized before handling files")]
+ fn test_handle_without_layout() {
+ let handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let file = create_test_file("test.gmi", FileType::Gemini);
+ handler.handle(
+ &PathBuf::from("source"),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &file
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_slice_handling() {
+ let mut handler = FileHandler::default();
+ let files = vec![
+ create_test_file("tests/fixtures/test1.gmi", FileType::Gemini),
+ create_test_file("tests/fixtures/_layout.html", FileType::Layout),
+ create_test_file("tests/fixtures/test2.gmi", FileType::Gemini),
+ create_test_file("tests/fixtures/test3.gmi", FileType::Gemini),
+ ];
+ let _ = handler.get_layout_or_panic(&files[1..]);
+ // Test with slice
+ handler.handle_all(
+ &PathBuf::from(""),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &PathBuf::from("tests/fixtures/output"),
+ &files[1..] // Test with slice of last three elements
+ );
+ }
- pub fn parse(source: &str) -> String {
- let lines = source.split("\n");
- let mut is_preformatted = false;
- let mut block_label: Option<String> = None;
- let mut html: String = "".to_owned();
- let mut current_line_type: Option<LineType> = None;
- let mut heading_stack: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
- for line in lines {
- let mut line_type = LineType::Blank;
- if line.char_indices().count() > 2 {
- let mut end = line.len();
- if line.char_indices().count() > 3 {
- end = line.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| i).nth(3).unwrap();
- }
- line_type = identify_line(&line[..end], is_preformatted);
- }
- match line_type {
- LineType::PreformattedToggle => {
- is_preformatted = !is_preformatted;
- if is_preformatted && line.char_indices().count() > 3 {
- block_label = Some(get_partial_line_content(&line_type, line));
- } else {
- block_label = None;
- }
- },
- _ => {
- // Close previous block if needed
- if let Some(line) = ¤t_line_type {
- if line != &line_type && is_block(line) {
- html.push_str(get_line_closer(line));
- }
- }
- // Blocks
- if is_block(&line_type) {
- if let Some(line) = ¤t_line_type {
- if line != &line_type {
- html.push_str(&get_line_opener(&line_type, block_label.as_ref()));
- }
- } else {
- html.push_str(&get_line_opener(&line_type, None));
- }
- let line_content = get_partial_line_content(&line_type, line);
- html.push_str(&line_content);
- } else {
- html.push_str(&get_heading_wrapper(&mut heading_stack, &line_type));
- html.push_str(&get_full_line_content(&line_type, line));
- }
- current_line_type = Some(line_type);
- },
- }
- }
- if let Some(line) = ¤t_line_type {
- if is_block(line) {
- html.push_str(get_line_closer(line));
- }
- }
- html.push_str(&close_heading_wrapper(&mut heading_stack));
- html
-fn is_block(line_type: &LineType) -> bool {
- return match line_type {
- LineType::PreformattedText | LineType::ListItem | LineType::Quote => true,
- _ => false,
- }
-fn get_partial_line_content(line_type: &LineType, line: &str) -> String {
- let encoded_line = line.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">");
- return match line_type {
- LineType::ListItem => format!("<li>{}</li>", encoded_line[2..].trim()),
- LineType::Quote => encoded_line[1..].trim().to_string(),
- LineType::PreformattedText => format!("{}\n", encoded_line),
- LineType::PreformattedToggle => encoded_line[3..].trim().to_string(),
- _ => "".to_string(),
- }
-fn get_full_line_content(line_type: &LineType, line: &str) -> String {
- let encoded_line = line.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">");
- match line_type {
- LineType::Text => format!("<p>{}</p>\n", encoded_line.trim()),
- LineType::Blank => "<br>\n".to_string(),
- LineType::Link => {
- let url = get_link_address(line);
- if url.starts_with("gemini:") {
- format!("<p class=\"a\"><a href=\"{}\">{}</a></p>\n", url, get_link_content(line))
- } else {
- format!("<p class=\"a\"><a href=\"{}\">{}</a></p>\n", url.replace(".gmi", ".html"), get_link_content(line))
- }
- },
- LineType::Heading1 => format!("<h1>{}</h1>\n", encoded_line[1..].trim()),
- LineType::Heading2 => format!("<h2>{}</h2>\n", encoded_line[2..].trim()),
- LineType::Heading3 => format!("<h3>{}</h3>\n", encoded_line[3..].trim()),
- _ => "".to_string(),
- }
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum GeminiLine {
+ Text(String, bool),
+ PreformattedToggle(bool, String),
+ Heading(u8, String),
+ Link(String, String),
+ Quote(String),
+ ListItem(String)
-fn get_heading_wrapper(heading_stack: &mut Vec<u8>, line_type: &LineType) -> String {
- let mut string = String::new();
- let current_heading: u8 = match line_type {
- LineType::Heading1 => 1,
- LineType::Heading2 => 2,
- LineType::Heading3 => 3,
- _ => 255
- };
- if current_heading < 255 {
- while let Some(open_heading) = heading_stack.pop() {
- // You just encountered a more important heading.
- // Put it back. Desist.
- if open_heading < current_heading {
- heading_stack.push(open_heading);
- break;
- }
+/// Parses gemtext source code into a vector of GeminiLine elements.
+/// # Arguments
+/// * `source` - A string slice that contains the gemtext
+/// # Returns
+/// A `Vec<GeminiLine>` containing the rendered HTML.
+pub fn parse(source: &str) -> Vec<GeminiLine> {
+ source.lines()
+ .fold(
+ (Vec::new(), false),
+ |(mut lines, is_preformatted), line| {
+ let parsed = if is_preformatted {
+ parse_preformatted_line(line)
+ } else {
+ parse_line(line)
+ };
- string.push_str("</section>");
+ let new_is_preformatted = match parsed {
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(x, _) => x,
+ _ => is_preformatted
+ };
- if open_heading == current_heading {
- break;
+ lines.push(parsed);
+ (lines, new_is_preformatted)
- }
- heading_stack.push(current_heading);
- string.push_str(&format!("<section class=\"h{}\">", current_heading));
- }
- return string;
+ )
+ .0
-fn close_heading_wrapper(heading_stack: &mut Vec<u8>) -> String {
- let mut string = String::new();
- while let Some(_open_heading) = heading_stack.pop() {
- string.push_str("</section>");
+fn parse_preformatted_line(line: &str) -> GeminiLine {
+ match line {
+ s if s.starts_with("```") => GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(false, String::new()),
+ _ => GeminiLine::Text(line.to_string(), true),
- return string;
-fn get_line_opener(line_type: &LineType, block_label: Option<&String>) -> String {
- match line_type {
- LineType::ListItem => "<ul>".to_string(),
- LineType::Quote => "<blockquote>".to_string(),
- LineType::PreformattedText => {
- if let Some(label) = &block_label {
- return format!("<pre role=\"img\" aria-label=\"{}\">", label);
- } else {
- return "<pre>".to_string();
+fn parse_line(line: &str) -> GeminiLine {
+ match line {
+ s if s.starts_with("###") => GeminiLine::Heading(3, s[3..].to_string()),
+ s if s.starts_with("##") => GeminiLine::Heading(2, s[2..].to_string()),
+ s if s.starts_with("#") => GeminiLine::Heading(1, s[1..].to_string()),
+ s if s.starts_with("=>") => {
+ let content = s[2..].trim();
+ match content.split_once(char::is_whitespace) {
+ Some((url, text)) => GeminiLine::Link(url.trim().to_string(), text.trim().to_string()),
+ None => GeminiLine::Link(content.trim().to_string(), String::new()),
- _ => "".to_string(),
+ s if s.starts_with("* ") => GeminiLine::ListItem(s[2..].to_string()),
+ s if s.starts_with(">") => GeminiLine::Quote(s[1..].to_string()),
+ s if s.starts_with("```") => GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, s[3..].to_string()),
+ _ => GeminiLine::Text(line.to_string(), false),
-fn get_line_closer(line_type: &LineType) -> &'static str {
- match line_type {
- LineType::ListItem => "</ul>\n",
- LineType::Quote => "</blockquote>\n",
- LineType::PreformattedText => "</pre>\n",
- _ => "",
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_headings() {
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("### Heading"), GeminiLine::Heading(3, " Heading".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("## Heading"), GeminiLine::Heading(2, " Heading".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("# Heading"), GeminiLine::Heading(1, " Heading".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("###"), GeminiLine::Heading(3, "".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("#####"), GeminiLine::Heading(3, "##".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("# "), GeminiLine::Heading(1, " ".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_preformatted_line("### Heading"), GeminiLine::Text("### Heading".to_string(), true));
+ assert_eq!(parse_preformatted_line("## Heading"), GeminiLine::Text("## Heading".to_string(), true));
+ assert_eq!(parse_preformatted_line("# Heading"), GeminiLine::Text("# Heading".to_string(), true));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_links() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("=> https://example.com Link text"),
+ GeminiLine::Link("https://example.com".to_string(), "Link text".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("=> /local/path"),
+ GeminiLine::Link("/local/path".to_string(), "".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("=>"),
+ GeminiLine::Link("".to_string(), "".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("=> "),
+ GeminiLine::Link("".to_string(), "".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("=> multiple spaces in text"),
+ GeminiLine::Link("multiple".to_string(), "spaces in text".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_preformatted_line("=> https://example.com Link text"),
+ GeminiLine::Text("=> https://example.com Link text".to_string(), true)
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_list_items() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("* List item"),
+ GeminiLine::ListItem("List item".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("* "), GeminiLine::ListItem("".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("*"), GeminiLine::Text("*".to_string(), false));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("*WithText"), GeminiLine::Text("*WithText".to_string(), false));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("* Multiple spaces"), GeminiLine::ListItem(" Multiple spaces".to_string()));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_quotes() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line(">Quote text"),
+ GeminiLine::Quote("Quote text".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(parse_line(">"), GeminiLine::Quote("".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("> "), GeminiLine::Quote(" ".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line(">>Nested"), GeminiLine::Quote(">Nested".to_string()));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_preformatted() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("```alt-text"),
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, "alt-text".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("```"), GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, "".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("``` "), GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, " ".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("````"), GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, "`".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_preformatted_line("```alt-text"),
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(false, "".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_preformatted_line("```"),
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(false, "".to_string())
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_text() {
+ // Normal case
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_line("Regular text"),
+ GeminiLine::Text("Regular text".to_string(), false)
+ );
+ // Edge cases
+ assert_eq!(parse_line(""), GeminiLine::Text("".to_string(), false));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line(" "), GeminiLine::Text(" ".to_string(), false));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line(" "), GeminiLine::Text(" ".to_string(), false));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_malformed_input() {
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("= >Not a link"), GeminiLine::Text("= >Not a link".to_string(), false));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("``Not preformatted"), GeminiLine::Text("``Not preformatted".to_string(), false));
+ assert_eq!(parse_line("** Not a list"), GeminiLine::Text("** Not a list".to_string(), false));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_full_document() {
+ let input = "\
+# Heading 1
+## Heading 2
+### Heading 3
+Regular text
+=> https://example.com Link text
+* List item
+# Heading 1
+## Heading 2
+### Heading 3
+=> https://example.com Link text
+* List item
+```trailing alt";
+ let result = parse(input);
+ assert_eq!(result, vec![
+ GeminiLine::Heading(1, " Heading 1".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Heading(2, " Heading 2".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Heading(3, " Heading 3".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Text("Regular text".to_string(), false),
+ GeminiLine::Link("https://example.com".to_string(), "Link text".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::ListItem("List item".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Quote("Quote".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, "alt".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Text("code".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::Text("# Heading 1".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::Text("## Heading 2".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::Text("### Heading 3".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::Text("=> https://example.com Link text".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::Text("* List item".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::Text(">Quote".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(false, "".to_string()),
+ ]);
-fn get_link_content(line: &str) -> &str {
- let components: Vec<&str> = line[2..].trim().splitn(2, " ").collect();
- if components.len() > 1 {
- return components[1].trim()
- }
- components[0].trim()
-fn get_link_address(line: &str) -> &str {
- let components: Vec<&str> = line[2..].trim().splitn(2, " ").collect();
- components[0].trim()
-fn identify_line(line: &str, is_preformatted: bool) -> LineType {
- if line.starts_with("```") {
- return LineType::PreformattedToggle;
- }
- if is_preformatted {
- return LineType::PreformattedText;
- }
- if line.is_empty() {
- return LineType::Blank;
- }
- if line.starts_with("=>") {
- return LineType::Link;
- }
- if line.starts_with("* ") {
- return LineType::ListItem;
- }
- if line.starts_with(">") {
- return LineType::Quote;
- }
- if line.starts_with("###") {
- return LineType::Heading3;
- }
- if line.starts_with("##") {
- return LineType::Heading2;
- }
- if line.starts_with("#") {
- return LineType::Heading1;
- }
- LineType::Text
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
-enum LineType {
- Text,
- Blank,
- Link,
- PreformattedToggle,
- PreformattedText,
- Heading1,
- Heading2,
- Heading3,
- ListItem,
- Quote
--- /dev/null
+use crate::gemini_parser::GeminiLine;
+/// Renders HTML from a vector of GeminiLine elements.
+/// # Arguments
+/// * `lines` - Vector of GeminiLine elements to render
+/// # Returns
+/// A String containing the rendered HTML.
+pub fn render_html(lines: Vec<GeminiLine>) -> String {
+ let mut heading_stack = Vec::new();
+ let mut last_line: Option<&GeminiLine> = None;
+ let mut result = String::new();
+ for line in &lines {
+ result.push_str(&line_preamble(line, last_line, &mut heading_stack));
+ result.push_str(&line_content(line));
+ result.push('\n');
+ last_line = Some(line);
+ }
+ result.push_str(&finalize_html(&heading_stack, last_line));
+ result
+fn line_preamble(
+ line: &GeminiLine,
+ last_line: Option<&GeminiLine>,
+ heading_stack: &mut Vec<u8>
+) -> String {
+ let mut html = String::new();
+ if let Some(last_line) = last_line {
+ match last_line {
+ GeminiLine::ListItem(_) => {
+ match line {
+ GeminiLine::ListItem(_) => {},
+ _ => html.push_str("</ul>\n"),
+ }
+ },
+ GeminiLine::Quote(_) => {
+ match line {
+ GeminiLine::Quote(_) => {},
+ _ => html.push_str("</blockquote>\n"),
+ }
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ match line {
+ GeminiLine::Heading(level, _) => {
+ while let Some(open_heading) = heading_stack.pop() {
+ // You just encountered a more important heading.
+ // Put it back. Desist.
+ if open_heading < *level {
+ heading_stack.push(open_heading);
+ break;
+ }
+ html.push_str("</section>\n");
+ if open_heading == *level {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ heading_stack.push(*level);
+ html.push_str(&format!("<section class=\"h{}\">\n", level));
+ },
+ GeminiLine::ListItem(_) => {
+ match last_line {
+ Some(GeminiLine::ListItem(_)) => {},
+ _ => html.push_str("<ul>\n"),
+ }
+ },
+ GeminiLine::Quote(_) => {
+ match last_line {
+ Some(GeminiLine::Quote(_)) => {},
+ _ => html.push_str("<blockquote>\n"),
+ }
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ html
+fn line_content(line: &GeminiLine) -> String {
+ match line {
+ GeminiLine::Text(content, false) => format!("<p>{}</p>", content),
+ GeminiLine::Link(url, text) => {
+ let display = if text.is_empty() { url } else { text };
+ format!("<p class=\"a\"><a href=\"{}\">{}</a></p>", url, display)
+ },
+ GeminiLine::Heading(level, content) => format!("<h{}>{}</h{}>", level, content, level),
+ GeminiLine::ListItem(content) => format!("<li>{}</li>", content),
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, alt_text) => { format!("<pre aria-label=\"{}\">", alt_text) }
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(false, _) => { "</pre>".to_string() }
+ GeminiLine::Text(content, true) | GeminiLine::Quote(content) => format!("{}", content)
+ }
+fn finalize_html(heading_stack: &[u8], last_line: Option<&GeminiLine>) -> String {
+ let mut html = String::new();
+ match last_line {
+ Some(GeminiLine::ListItem(_)) => html.push_str("</ul>\n"),
+ Some(GeminiLine::Quote(_)) => html.push_str("</blockquote>\n"),
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ for _ in heading_stack {
+ html.push_str("</section>\n");
+ }
+ html
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_simple_text() {
+ let input = vec![
+ GeminiLine::Text("Hello world".to_string(), false),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_html(input),
+ "<p>Hello world</p>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_heading_nesting() {
+ let input = vec![
+ GeminiLine::Heading(1, "Top".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Heading(2, "Sub".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Heading(3, "SubSub".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Heading(2, "Another Sub".to_string()),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_html(input),
+ "<section class=\"h1\">\n\
+ <h1>Top</h1>\n\
+ <section class=\"h2\">\n\
+ <h2>Sub</h2>\n\
+ <section class=\"h3\">\n\
+ <h3>SubSub</h3>\n\
+ </section>\n\
+ </section>\n\
+ <section class=\"h2\">\n\
+ <h2>Another Sub</h2>\n\
+ </section>\n\
+ </section>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_list_transitions() {
+ let input = vec![
+ GeminiLine::ListItem("First".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::ListItem("Second".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Text("Break".to_string(), false),
+ GeminiLine::ListItem("New list".to_string()),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_html(input),
+ "<ul>\n\
+ <li>First</li>\n\
+ <li>Second</li>\n\
+ </ul>\n\
+ <p>Break</p>\n\
+ <ul>\n\
+ <li>New list</li>\n\
+ </ul>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_quote_transitions() {
+ let input = vec![
+ GeminiLine::Quote("First quote".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Quote("Still quoting".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Text("Normal text".to_string(), false),
+ GeminiLine::Quote("New quote".to_string()),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_html(input),
+ "<blockquote>\n\
+ First quote\n\
+ Still quoting\n\
+ </blockquote>\n\
+ <p>Normal text</p>\n\
+ <blockquote>\n\
+ New quote\n\
+ </blockquote>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_preformatted() {
+ let input = vec![
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(true, "code".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Text("let x = 42;".to_string(), true),
+ GeminiLine::PreformattedToggle(false, String::new()),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_html(input),
+ "<pre aria-label=\"code\">\n\
+ let x = 42;\n\
+ </pre>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_links() {
+ let input = vec![
+ GeminiLine::Link("https://example.com".to_string(), "Example".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Link("https://rust-lang.org".to_string(), "".to_string()),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_html(input),
+ "<p class=\"a\"><a href=\"https://example.com\">Example</a></p>\n\
+ <p class=\"a\"><a href=\"https://rust-lang.org\">https://rust-lang.org</a></p>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_complex_nesting() {
+ let input = vec![
+ GeminiLine::Heading(1, "Title".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Text("Intro".to_string(), false),
+ GeminiLine::Heading(2, "Section".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::ListItem("Point 1".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::ListItem("Point 2".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Quote("Important quote".to_string()),
+ GeminiLine::Heading(2, "Another Section".to_string()),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_html(input),
+ "<section class=\"h1\">\n\
+ <h1>Title</h1>\n\
+ <p>Intro</p>\n\
+ <section class=\"h2\">\n\
+ <h2>Section</h2>\n\
+ <ul>\n\
+ <li>Point 1</li>\n\
+ <li>Point 2</li>\n\
+ </ul>\n\
+ <blockquote>\n\
+ Important quote\n\
+ </blockquote>\n\
+ </section>\n\
+ <section class=\"h2\">\n\
+ <h2>Another Section</h2>\n\
+ </section>\n\
+ </section>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_empty_input() {
+ let input = Vec::new();
+ assert_eq!(render_html(input), "");
+ }
mod gemini_parser;
+mod html_renderer;
mod file_finder;
mod file_handler;
--- /dev/null
+<head><title>{{ title }}</title></head>
+{{ content }}
--- /dev/null
+--- title: Test Title
+--- description: Test Description
+# Heading
+Some content here