1 # Contributing to olden-mail
3 Contributions are welcome in a limited way: I'm not very experienced with
4 networking best practices, so any improvement that may increase the reliability
5 or robustness is very appreciated!
7 Feature-wise I believe it to have everything it needs to accomplish its goal,
8 so if you want to add some feature please message first, or fork.
10 Regarding the ergonomics, I'm not sure whether to keep it as environment
11 variables or flags, or potentially both. If contributing something around that,
12 I'd appreciate that we align first on how it should look like.
14 ## The objective of olden mail
16 The goal of olden-mail is to connect vintage comptures to modern mail servers.
18 My personal setup is using an SE/30 system 7.5.5, and a mac mini with MacOS 9
19 connecting to Fastmail. That's the setup I've tested so far.
23 Above All: Be nice, always.
25 * Ensure the linter/formatter shows no warnings or errors
26 * Send patches to olden.mail@r.bdr.sh using [git-send-mail][git-send-mail]
28 ## Things I'd like help with
30 * General code quality
32 * More robust and reliable networking
34 * Compatibility with other setups
36 [git-send-mail]: http://git-send-mail.io/