+package mobius
+import (
+ "gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2"
+ "io"
+ "log/slog"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+const (
+ logMaxSize = 100 // MB
+ logMaxBackups = 3
+ logMaxAge = 365 // days
+var logLevels = map[string]slog.Level{
+ "debug": slog.LevelDebug,
+ "info": slog.LevelInfo,
+ "error": slog.LevelError,
+func NewLogger(logLevel, logFile *string) *slog.Logger {
+ return slog.New(
+ slog.NewTextHandler(
+ io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &lumberjack.Logger{
+ Filename: *logFile,
+ MaxSize: logMaxSize,
+ MaxBackups: logMaxBackups,
+ MaxAge: logMaxAge,
+ }),
+ &slog.HandlerOptions{
+ Level: logLevels[*logLevel],
+ ReplaceAttr: func(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
+ if a.Key == slog.TimeKey {
+ // Remove the milliseconds from the time field to save a few columns.
+ a.Value = slog.StringValue(a.Value.Time().Format(time.RFC3339))
+ }
+ return a
+ },
+ },
+ ),
+ )