// Folder Download flow:
// 1. Get filePath from the transfer
// 2. Iterate over files
- // 3. For each fileWrapper:
- // Send fileWrapper header to client
+ // 3. For each file:
+ // Send file header to client
// The client can reply in 3 ways:
- // 1. If type is an odd number (unknown type?), or fileWrapper download for the current fileWrapper is completed:
- // client sends []byte{0x00, 0x03} to tell the server to continue to the next fileWrapper
+ // 1. If type is an odd number (unknown type?), or file download for the current file is completed:
+ // client sends []byte{0x00, 0x03} to tell the server to continue to the next file
- // 2. If download of a fileWrapper is to be resumed:
+ // 2. If download of a file is to be resumed:
// client sends:
// []byte{0x00, 0x02} // download folder action
// [2]byte // Resume data size
- // []byte fileWrapper resume data (see myField_FileResumeData)
+ // []byte file resume data (see myField_FileResumeData)
- // 3. Otherwise, download of the fileWrapper is requested and client sends []byte{0x00, 0x01}
+ // 3. Otherwise, download of the file is requested and client sends []byte{0x00, 0x01}
// When download is requested (case 2 or 3), server replies with:
- // [4]byte - fileWrapper size
+ // [4]byte - file size
// []byte - Flattened File Object
- // After every fileWrapper download, client could request next fileWrapper with:
+ // After every file download, client could request next file with:
// []byte{0x00, 0x03}
// This notifies the server to send the next item header
- // Tell client to send next fileWrapper
+ // Tell client to send next file
if _, err := rwc.Write([]byte{0, DlFldrActionNextFile}); err != nil {
return err