- f.ffo.FlatFileInformationFork = FlatFileInformationFork{
- Platform: []byte("AMAC"), // TODO: Remove hardcode to support "AWIN" Platform (maybe?)
- TypeSignature: []byte(ft.TypeCode),
- CreatorSignature: []byte(ft.CreatorCode),
- Flags: []byte{0, 0, 0, 0},
- PlatformFlags: []byte{0, 0, 1, 0}, // TODO: What is this?
- RSVD: make([]byte, 32),
- CreateDate: mTime[:], // some filesystems don't support createTime
- ModifyDate: mTime[:],
- NameScript: []byte{0, 0},
- Name: []byte(f.name),
- NameSize: []byte{0, 0},
- CommentSize: []byte{0, 0},
+ f.Ffo.FlatFileInformationFork = FlatFileInformationFork{
+ Platform: [4]byte{0x41, 0x4D, 0x41, 0x43}, // "AMAC" TODO: Remove hardcode to support "AWIN" Platform (maybe?)
+ TypeSignature: [4]byte([]byte(ft.TypeCode)),
+ CreatorSignature: [4]byte([]byte(ft.CreatorCode)),
+ PlatformFlags: [4]byte{0, 0, 1, 0}, // TODO: What is this?
+ CreateDate: mTime, // some filesystems don't support createTime
+ ModifyDate: mTime,
+ Name: []byte(f.Name),