-configuration = debug
-build_path = .build
+profile := dev
+target = $(shell rustc -vV | grep host | awk '{print $$2}')
+architectures := x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
+app_name := lrc
+long_app_name := lyricli
-# These are used to rename the executable to lrc without renaming the package
-source_binary_name = lyricli
-target_binary_name = lrc
-install_path = /usr/local/bin
-source_binary_path = $(build_path)/$(configuration)/$(source_binary_name)
-install_binary_path = $(install_path)/$(target_binary_name)
-swift_version = 5.0.1
+default: build
-# Default to release configuration on install
-install: configuration = release
+ rustup default stable
-default: build
+ rustup target add $(target)
+build: prepare
+ @export $$(cat .env | xargs) > /dev/null 2>&1 && cargo build --profile $(profile) --target $(target)
+release: rpm tar deb
+ @$(eval filename := $(app_name)-$(target)-$(channel))
- swift build --build-path $(build_path) --configuration $(configuration)
+ifneq ($(channel),)
+ $(MAKE) -e channel=$(channel) -e target=$@ release
+ $(MAKE) -e target=$@ build
-install: build
- sudo cp $(source_binary_path) $(install_binary_path)
+deb: build
+ifeq ($(findstring linux,$(target)),linux)
+ @$(eval filename := $(app_name)-$(target)-$(channel))
+ @export $$(cat .env | xargs) > /dev/null 2>&1 && cargo deb --profile $(profile) --target $(target)
+ mv target/$(target)/debian/*.deb $(filename).deb
+ sha256sum $(filename).deb > $(filename).deb.sha256
+ rsync -avz $(filename).deb deploy@conchos.unlimited.pizza:/srv/http/build.r.bdr.sh/$(long_app_name)
+ rsync -avz $(filename).deb.sha256 deploy@conchos.unlimited.pizza:/srv/http/build.r.bdr.sh/$(long_app_name)
-test: build
- swift test
+rpm: build
+ifeq ($(findstring linux,$(target)),linux)
+ @$(eval filename := $(app_name)-$(target)-$(channel))
+ @export $$(cat .env | xargs) > /dev/null 2>&1 && cargo generate-rpm --profile $(profile) --target $(target)
+ mv target/$(target)/generate-rpm/*.rpm $(filename).rpm
+ sha256sum $(filename).rpm > $(filename).rpm.sha256
+ rsync -avz $(filename).rpm deploy@conchos.unlimited.pizza:/srv/http/build.r.bdr.sh/$(long_app_name)
+ rsync -avz $(filename).rpm.sha256 deploy@conchos.unlimited.pizza:/srv/http/build.r.bdr.sh/$(long_app_name)
- cd Sources && swiftlint
+tar: build
+ @$(eval filename := $(app_name)-$(target)-$(channel))
+ tar -czvf $(filename).tar.gz -C target/$(target)/$(profile)/ $(app_name)
+ sha256sum $(filename).tar.gz > $(filename).tar.gz.sha256
+ rsync -avz $(filename).tar.gz deploy@conchos.unlimited.pizza:/srv/http/build.r.bdr.sh/$(long_app_name)
+ rsync -avz $(filename).tar.gz.sha256 deploy@conchos.unlimited.pizza:/srv/http/build.r.bdr.sh/$(long_app_name)
-document: build
- sourcekitten doc --spm-module $(source_binary_name) > $(build_path)/$(source_binary_name).json
- jazzy \
- -s $(build_path)/$(source_binary_name).json \
- --readme README.md \
- --clean \
- --author Lyricli \
- --author_url https://gitlab.com/lyricli \
- --github_url https://gitlab.com/lyricli/lyricli \
- --module-version 1.0.0 \
- --module Lyricli \
+package: $(architectures)
- swift package clean
+ @$(eval mac_architectures := x86_64-apple-darwin aarch64-apple-darwin)
+ifeq ($(tag),)
+ $(MAKE) -e profile=release -e architectures='$(mac_architectures)' -e channel=unstable package
+ $(MAKE) -e profile=release -e architectures='$(mac_architectures)' -e channel=$(tag) package
- docker build --force-rm --build-arg swift_version=$(swift_version) -t lyriclitest/swift:$(swift_version) .
-docker-push: docker-build
- docker push lyriclitest/swift:$(swift_version)
+ifeq ($(GIT_REF),refs/heads/main)
+ $(MAKE) -e profile=release -e channel=unstable package
+else ifneq (,$(findstring refs/tags/,$(GIT_REF)))
+ $(MAKE) -e profile=release -e channel=$(subst refs/tags/,,$(GIT_REF)) package
-.PHONY: build install test clean lint docker-build docker-push
+.PHONY: default build $(architectures) rpm package prepare set_rust ci release