## Usage
-Lyricli can be invoked with the command `lrc`. It can be invoked without
-arguments, with an artist and song or with a special command:
+Lyricli can be invoked with the command `lrc`.
$ lrc [-t]
### Commands
-In order to configure
+In order to configure sources, lyricli provides a few commands:
* `lrc -l` or `lrc --list-sources` lists the available sources. Enabled
sourcess will have a `*`
-* `lrc -e` or `lrc --enable <source>` enables a source
-* `lrc -d` or `lrc --disable <source>` disables a source
-* `lrc -r` or `lrc --reset-source <source>` resets the configuration for
- a source and disables it.
+* `lrc -e` or `lrc --enable-source <source>` enables a source
+* `lrc -d` or `lrc --disable-source <source>` disables a source without
+ resetting its configuration.
+* `lrc -r` or `lrc --reset-source <source>` resets the configuration
+ for a source and disables it.
+And you can print the help or the version:
* `lrc -v` or `lrc --version` prints the version
* `lrc -h` or `lrc --help` display built-in help
## Building
-The build has only been tested on OSX using Swift 3.1. Building defaults
+The build has only been tested on OSX using Swift 5.8 Building defaults
to the debug configuration.
+### Configuration
+To avoid storing the API key in source control, clientToken in the
+lyrics_engine is using a placeholder value. You'll need to replace this
+before building
+* `GENIUS_CLIENT_TOKEN`: The Client token for your genius API client
## Installing from source
Builds lyricli in release configuration and copies the executable as
make install install_path=/opt/bin
+## Linting and Generating Documentation
+We use [swiftlint][swiftlint] to lint, and `make lint` to run it.
+We use [jazzy][jazzy] and [SourceKitten][sourcekitten] to document, and
+`make document` to generate it.
## Running tests
No tests at the moment 😬... but the makefile is mapped to run the swift
make test
+[swiftlint]: https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint
+[jazzy]: https://github.com/realm/jazzy
+[sourcekitten]: https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten