+A command line tool to show the lyrics of your current song.
+## Usage
+Lyricli can be invoked with the command `lrc`.
+$ lrc [-t]
+When you run it without arguments, it will look in the available source
+to try to find a playing song and extract the lyrics. If you include the
+`-t` flag, it will show the song and artist names before the lyrics.
+$ lrc [-t] <artist_name> <song_name>
+When you run it with arguments, it will use them to search for the
+lyrics. This won't work if you manually disable the arguments source in
+your configuration file. If you include the `-t` flag, it will show the
+song and artist names before the lyrics.
+### Commands
+In order to configure sources, lyricli provides a few commands:
+* `lrc -l` or `lrc --list-sources` lists the available sources. Enabled
+ sourcess will have a `*`
+* `lrc -e` or `lrc --enable-source <source>` enables a source
+* `lrc -d` or `lrc --disable-source <source>` disables a source without
+ resetting its configuration.
+* `lrc -r` or `lrc --reset-source <source>` resets the configuration
+ for a source and disables it.
+And you can print the help or the version:
+* `lrc -v` or `lrc --version` prints the version
+* `lrc -h` or `lrc --help` display built-in help