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+ Class: Lyricli::Sources::Itunes
+ — Documentation by YARD
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+ <div id="content"><h1>Class: Lyricli::Sources::Itunes
+<dl class="box">
+ <dt class="r1">Inherits:</dt>
+ <dd class="r1">
+ <span class="inheritName">Object</span>
+ <ul class="fullTree">
+ <li>Object</li>
+ <li class="next">Lyricli::Sources::Itunes</li>
+ </ul>
+ <a href="#" class="inheritanceTree">show all</a>
+ </dd>
+ <dt class="r2 last">Defined in:</dt>
+ <dd class="r2 last">lib/lyricli/sources/itunes.rb</dd>
+<div class="clear"></div>
+<h2>Overview</h2><div class="docstring">
+ <div class="discussion">
+ <p>
+The source for iTunes
+ </div>
+<div class="tags">
+ <h2>Class Attribute Summary <small>(<a href="#" class="summary_toggle">collapse</a>)</small></h2>
+ <ul class="summary">
+ <li class="public ">
+ <span class="summary_signature">
+ <a href="#name-class_method" title="name (class method)">+ (Object) <strong>name</strong> </a>
+ </span>
+ <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>
+Returns the value of attribute name.
+ </ul>
+ <h2>
+ Class Method Summary
+ <small>(<a href="#" class="summary_toggle">collapse</a>)</small>
+ </h2>
+ <ul class="summary">
+ <li class="public ">
+ <span class="summary_signature">
+ <a href="#enable-class_method" title="enable (class method)">+ (Object) <strong>enable</strong> </a>
+ </span>
+ <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>
+The enable method should run all of the tasks needed to validate the
+ <li class="public ">
+ <span class="summary_signature">
+ <a href="#reset-class_method" title="reset (class method)">+ (Object) <strong>reset</strong> </a>
+ </span>
+ <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>
+The reset method resets any configurations it may have.
+ </ul>
+ <h2>
+ Instance Method Summary
+ <small>(<a href="#" class="summary_toggle">collapse</a>)</small>
+ </h2>
+ <ul class="summary">
+ <li class="public ">
+ <span class="summary_signature">
+ <a href="#current_track-instance_method" title="#current_track (instance method)">- (Hash) <strong>current_track</strong> </a>
+ </span>
+ <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>
+The current_track method should return the name of the current artist and
+ <li class="public ">
+ <span class="summary_signature">
+ <a href="#initialize-instance_method" title="#initialize (instance method)">- (Itunes) <strong>initialize</strong> </a>
+ </span>
+ <span class="note title constructor">constructor</span>
+ <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>
+Instantiates everything it needs to run.
+ </ul>
+<div id="constructor_details" class="method_details_list">
+ <h2>Constructor Details</h2>
+ <div class="method_details first">
+ <h3 class="signature first" id="initialize-instance_method">
+ - (<tt><span class='object_link'><a href="" title="Lyricli::Sources::Itunes (class)">Itunes</a></span></tt>) <strong>initialize</strong>
+</h3><div class="docstring">
+ <div class="discussion">
+ <p>
+Instantiates everything it needs to run.
+ </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="lines">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/lyricli/sources/itunes.rb', line 19</span>
+<span class='kw'>def</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_initialize'>initialize</span>
+ <span class='ivar'>@config</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='const'>Configuration</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_instance'>instance</span>
+ <span class='ivar'>@script</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>"</span><span class='tstring_content'>current_song.scpt</span><span class='tstring_end'>"</span></span>
+<span class='kw'>end</span></pre>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <div id="class_attr_details" class="attr_details">
+ <h2>Class Attribute Details</h2>
+ <span id="name=-class_method"></span>
+ <div class="method_details first">
+ <h3 class="signature first" id="name-class_method">
+ + (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>name</strong>
+</h3><div class="docstring">
+ <div class="discussion">
+ <p>
+Returns the value of attribute name
+ </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="lines">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/lyricli/sources/itunes.rb', line 7</span>
+<span class='kw'>def</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_name'>name</span>
+ <span class='ivar'>@name</span>
+<span class='kw'>end</span></pre>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </div>
+ <div id="class_method_details" class="method_details_list">
+ <h2>Class Method Details</h2>
+ <div class="method_details first">
+ <h3 class="signature first" id="enable-class_method">
+ + (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>enable</strong>
+</h3><div class="docstring">
+ <div class="discussion">
+ <p>
+The enable method should run all of the tasks needed to validate the
+source. In the case of Rdio it has to authenticate with OAuth.
+ </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="lines">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/lyricli/sources/itunes.rb', line 14</span>
+<span class='kw'>def</span> <span class='kw'>self</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_enable'>enable</span>
+ <span class='comment'># Nothing to do
+</span><span class='kw'>end</span></pre>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <div class="method_details ">
+ <h3 class="signature " id="reset-class_method">
+ + (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>reset</strong>
+</h3><div class="docstring">
+ <div class="discussion">
+ <p>
+The reset method resets any configurations it may have
+ </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="lines">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/lyricli/sources/itunes.rb', line 36</span>
+<span class='kw'>def</span> <span class='kw'>self</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_reset'>reset</span>
+ <span class='comment'># Nothing to do
+</span><span class='kw'>end</span></pre>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </div>
+ <div id="instance_method_details" class="method_details_list">
+ <h2>Instance Method Details</h2>
+ <div class="method_details first">
+ <h3 class="signature first" id="current_track-instance_method">
+ - (<tt>Hash</tt>) <strong>current_track</strong>
+</h3><div class="docstring">
+ <div class="discussion">
+ <p>
+The current_track method should return the name of the current artist and
+ </div>
+<div class="tags">
+<p class="tag_title">Returns:</p>
+<ul class="return">
+ <li>
+ <span class='type'>(<tt>Hash</tt>)</span>
+ —
+ <div class='inline'><p>
+A hash containing the current `:song` and `:artist`.
+ </li>
+</div><table class="source_code">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="lines">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/lyricli/sources/itunes.rb', line 27</span>
+<span class='kw'>def</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_current_track'>current_track</span>
+ <span class='id identifier rubyid_path_root'>path_root</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='const'>File</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_expand_path'>expand_path</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='const'>File</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_dirname'>dirname</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='kw'>__FILE__</span><span class='rparen'>)</span><span class='rparen'>)</span>
+ <span class='id identifier rubyid_path'>path</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='const'>File</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_join'>join</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_path_root'>path_root</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='ivar'>@script</span><span class='rparen'>)</span>
+ <span class='id identifier rubyid_current'>current</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='backtick'>`</span><span class='tstring_content'>osascript </span><span class='embexpr_beg'>#{</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_path'>path</span><span class='rbrace'>}</span><span class='tstring_end'>`</span></span>
+ <span class='id identifier rubyid_current'>current</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_current'>current</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_split'>split</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>"</span><span class='tstring_content'><-SEP-></span><span class='tstring_end'>"</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span>
+ <span class='lbrace'>{</span><span class='label'>artist:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_current'>current</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='int'>0</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>song:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_current'>current</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='int'>1</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='rbrace'>}</span>
+<span class='kw'>end</span></pre>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </div>
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