+#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
+require 'uri'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'multi_json'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'launchy'
+# This shit causes a lot of warnings. Quick Hack.
+original_verbosity = $VERBOSE
+$VERBOSE = nil
+require 'rdio'
+$VERBOSE = original_verbosity
+class Lyricli
+ # TODO: Change the whole fucking thing
+ def initialize
+ @rdio_key = "sddac5t8akqrzh5b6kg53jfm"
+ @rdio_secret = "PRcB8TggFr"
+ @token_path = File.expand_path("~/.rdio_token")
+ #Expand the symlink and get the path
+ if File.symlink?(__FILE__) then
+ path = File.dirname(File.readlink(__FILE__))
+ else
+ path = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+ end
+ # Get the current rdio track
+ @rdio = init_rdio
+ rdio_track
+ #Get the current iTunes track
+ current = `osascript #{path}/current_song.scpt`
+ if current and not current.empty? then
+ current = current.split("<-SEP->")
+ @artist ||= current[0]
+ @song ||= current[1]
+ end
+ end
+ def init_rdio
+ if File.exists?(@token_path)
+ f = File.new(@token_path, "r")
+ begin
+ token = MultiJson.decode(f.read)
+ rescue
+ token = create_rdio_token
+ end
+ else
+ token = create_rdio_token
+ end
+ Rdio::SimpleRdio.new([@rdio_key, @rdio_secret], token)
+ end
+ def exit_with_error
+ abort "Usage: #{$0} artist song"
+ end
+ def get_lyrics
+ #Use the API to search
+ uri = URI("http://lyrics.wikia.com/api.php?artist=#{self.sanitize_param @artist}&song=#{self.sanitize_param @song}&fmt=realjson")
+ begin
+ res = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
+ res = MultiJson.decode(res)
+ #Get the actual lyrics url
+ doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(res['url']))
+ node = doc.search(".lyricbox").first
+ rescue
+ abort "Lyrics not found :("
+ end
+ #Remove the rtMatcher nodes
+ node.search(".rtMatcher").each do |n|
+ n.remove
+ end
+ #Maintain new lines
+ node.search("br").each do |br|
+ br.replace "\n"
+ end
+ #Retrieve the lyrics
+ puts node.inner_text
+ end
+ def check_params
+ self.exit_with_error if @artist.nil? or @artist.empty?
+ self.exit_with_error if @song.nil? or @song.empty?
+ end
+ def sanitize_param(p)
+ URI.encode_www_form_component(p.gsub(/ /, "+")).gsub("%2B", "+")
+ end
+lrc = Lyricli.new