Above All: Be nice, always.
- Ensure the style checkers show no warnings or errors
+- Make sure all tetsts are passing
- Don't break the CI
- Make the PRs according to [Git Flow][gitflow]: (features go to
develop, hotfixes go to master)
## Testing
-You can run tests with `npm test`. The tests use `testing-library` and
+You can run tests with `npm test`. The tests use `testing-library`, `pact`,
+and `jest`.
Here's some short guidelines:
- Every component that receives props or changes state should be tested.
- Test expected outcomes, not implementation details.
- Avoid mocking unless it's an external call
+ - Stores that interact with the API should be tested using pact
[node]: https://nodejs.org/en/
[forum-server]: https://gitlab.com/rbdr/forum-server