]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/forum/blob - src/components/topic/topic.svelte
Add components to view topics and posts
[rbdr/forum] / src / components / topic / topic.svelte
1 <script>
2 export let id;
4 import { _ } from 'svelte-i18n';
5 import { getTopic } from '$/stores/topic';
7 import ErrorBlock from '$/components/error_block/error_block.svelte';
8 import Loader from '$/components/loader/loader.svelte';
9 import PostContent from '$/components/post_content/post_content.svelte';
10 import { readableTime } from '$/utils/readable_time.js';
12 $: store = getTopic(id);
13 $: topic = $store.data;
14 $: remainingTime = topic ? (topic.updated_at + topic.ttl) - Date.now() : 0;
15 $: remaining = readableTime(remainingTime);
16 </script>
18 {#if $store.loading}
19 <Loader />
20 {/if}
21 {#if $store.error}
22 <ErrorBlock message={$_('topic.error.unavailable')} />
23 {/if}
24 {#if topic}
25 <div class="h-entry" title="{$_('topic.title')}">
26 <h1 class="p-name">{topic.title}</h1>
27 <aside class="topic-meta" title="{$_('topic.metadata_title')}">
28 {#if topic.forum}
29 <span class="topic-location">{$_('topic.category_location')} <a href="/f/{topic.forum.id}"
30 class="p-category">{topic.forum.glyph} {$_(topic.forum.label)}</a>.</span>
31 {/if}
32 <span class="topic-ttl"><a class="u-url u-uid" title="{$_('topic.permalink_title')}" href="/t/{topic.id}">({$_('topic.remaining_time', { values: { remaining: $_(remaining.label, { values: { count: remaining.count } }) } })})</a>.</span>
33 </aside>
34 {#if topic.tags.length > 0}
35 <aside class="topic-tags" title="{$_('topic.tags_title')}">
36 {$_('topic.tags_location')}
37 {#each topic.tags as tag}
38 <a href="/g/{tag.id}" class="p-category">{tag.id}<span class="tag-weight">({tag.weight})</span></a>{' '}
39 {/each}
40 </aside>
41 {/if}
42 {#each topic.posts as post, index}
43 <PostContent post={post} index={index} count={topic.posts.length} />
44 {/each}
45 </div>
46 {/if}