]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/forum/blob - src/lib/components/topic/topic.test.ts
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[rbdr/forum] / src / lib / components / topic / topic.test.ts
1 /**
2 * @jest-environment jsdom
3 */
5 import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect';
7 import { addMessages } from 'svelte-i18n';
9 import { cleanup, render } from '@testing-library/svelte';
10 import '$lib/i18n';
12 import Topic from './topic.svelte';
14 const internals = {
15 results: null,
16 basicTopic: {
17 id: 'b1a4f8d1-4d16-4872-b391-fda6a0e9012d',
18 title: 'I sure am a test topic',
19 ttl: 160 * 1000,
20 updated_at: Date.now(),
21 forum: {
22 id: 'diversion',
23 glyph: '⏃',
24 label: 'test_forums.diversion'
25 },
26 tags: [
27 {
28 id: 'fish',
29 weight: 40
30 },
31 {
32 id: 'statue',
33 weight: 5
34 }
35 ],
36 posts: [
37 {
38 id: '413a74db-9473-4bac-8698-da9452c05854',
39 text: 'This is the first post',
40 created_at: Date.UTC(1999, 7, 1, 8, 8, 2, 111).valueOf(),
41 author: {
42 handle: 'past_user',
43 id: 'c76d3e51-76ac-4e84-a1b2-2eee9abd68b3'
44 }
45 },
46 {
47 id: '821ff177-5250-406f-9431-1a8097b35430',
48 text: 'This response came later',
49 created_at: Date.UTC(2038, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 789).valueOf(),
50 author: {
51 handle: 'future_user',
52 id: 'cb9307cb-77e9-4c55-bbe7-dbbf88737358'
53 }
54 }
55 ]
56 },
57 topicWithoutForum: {
58 id: '9715e9ee-0d63-4b50-b613-826ef2791728',
59 title: 'This topic, no forums',
60 ttl: 160 * 1000,
61 updated_at: Date.now(),
62 tags: [
63 {
64 id: 'cauliflower',
65 weight: 33
66 }
67 ],
68 posts: []
69 }
70 };
72 describe('Topic component', () => {
73 beforeAll(() => {
74 addMessages('en', {
75 'test_forums.diversion': 'Diversion'
76 });
77 });
79 beforeEach(() => {
80 internals.results = render(Topic, {
81 props: {
82 topic: internals.basicTopic
83 }
84 });
85 });
87 test('Should show the topic title', () => {
88 expect(internals.results.getByText('I sure am a test topic')).toBeVisible();
89 });
90 test('Should display remaining time in readable format', () => {
91 expect(internals.results.getByText(/2 minutes remaining/)).toBeVisible();
92 });
93 test('Remaining time should be a permalink to the topic', () => {
94 expect(internals.results.getByText(/2 minutes remaining/).closest('a')).toHaveAttribute(
95 'href',
96 '/t/b1a4f8d1-4d16-4872-b391-fda6a0e9012d'
97 );
98 });
100 test('Should show text for all posts', () => {
101 expect(internals.results.getByText('This is the first post')).toBeVisible();
102 expect(internals.results.getByText('This response came later')).toBeVisible();
103 });
105 test('Should send index and count to posts', () => {
106 expect(internals.results.getByTitle('Post 1 of 2 by past_user')).toBeVisible();
107 expect(internals.results.getByTitle('Post 2 of 2 by future_user')).toBeVisible();
108 });
110 describe('Forum link', () => {
111 test('Should show forum if the post has one', () => {
112 expect(internals.results.getByText(/^\s*⏃\s*Diversion\s*$/)).toBeVisible();
113 });
115 test('Forum text should be a permalink to the forum', () => {
116 expect(internals.results.getByText(/^\s*⏃\s*Diversion\s*$/).closest('a')).toHaveAttribute(
117 'href',
118 '/f/diversion'
119 );
120 });
122 test("Should not show forum if the post doesn't have one", () => {
123 cleanup();
124 internals.results = render(Topic, {
125 props: {
126 topic: internals.topicWithoutForum
127 }
128 });
130 expect(internals.results.queryByText(/^\s*⏃\s*Diversion\s*$/)).toBe(null);
131 });
132 });
134 describe('Tag listing', () => {
135 test('Should show topic tags', () => {
136 expect(internals.results.getByText('fish')).toBeVisible();
137 expect(internals.results.getByText('fish')).toHaveTextContent('fish(40)');
138 expect(internals.results.getByText('statue')).toBeVisible();
139 expect(internals.results.getByText('statue')).toHaveTextContent('statue(5)');
140 });
142 test('Tag text should be a permalink to the tag', () => {
143 expect(internals.results.getByText('fish').closest('a')).toHaveAttribute('href', '/g/fish');
144 expect(internals.results.getByText('statue').closest('a')).toHaveAttribute(
145 'href',
146 '/g/statue'
147 );
148 });
149 });
150 });