2022-04-15 |
Ruben Beltran del Rio | Update plug |
tree | commitdiff |
2021-06-28 |
Ruben Beltran del Rio | Update plug |
tree | commitdiff |
2020-11-10 |
Ruben Beltran del Rio | Remove vim/.netrwhist |
tree | commitdiff |
2020-09-23 |
Ruben Beltran del Rio | Remove old vimrc |
tree | commitdiff |
2020-09-23 |
Ruben Beltran del Rio | Remove old pathogen call |
tree | commitdiff |
2020-02-15 |
Ben Beltran | Replace pathogen with Plug |
tree | commitdiff |
2020-01-24 |
Ben Beltran | Add kotlin vim |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-12-22 |
Ben Beltran | Add svelte plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-04-14 |
Ben Beltran | Add "official" Vim Swift tools |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-04-14 |
Ben Beltran | Remove vim submodule |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-04-14 |
Ben Beltran | Update vim config, add new color scheme |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-03-14 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:rbdr/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-03-14 |
Ben Beltran | Add vim vue |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-03-14 |
Ben Beltran | Merge master |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-03-14 |
Ben Beltran | Use ALE instead of syntastic |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-03-14 |
Ben Beltran | Update vim plugins |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-03-13 |
Ben Beltran | Add ripgrep vim plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2019-03-13 |
Ben Beltran | Remove Ag Plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2018-01-23 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rbdr/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-03 |
Ben Beltran | Add snes and swift vim modules |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-03 |
Ben Beltran | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Update syntastic |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove vim-unimpaired plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove vim-surround |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove vim-snipmate |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove vim-rails |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove easymotion plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Removes tagbar vim plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove SearchComplete vim plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove gist-vim vim plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove taglist vim plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove ZoomWin |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove Align |
tree | commitdiff |
2017-03-02 |
Ben Beltran | Remove jslint |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-10-26 |
Ben Beltran | Updates syntastic |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-10-26 |
Ben Beltran | Adds editorconfig |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-09-30 |
Ben Beltran | Adds vim-togglelist plugin |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-09-28 |
Ben Beltran | Adds yajs submodule |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-09-28 |
Ben Beltran | Removes JS syntax file |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-07-10 |
Ben Beltran | Removes showmarks |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-07-10 |
Ben Beltran | Adds api-notation to vim |
tree | commitdiff |
2015-05-15 |
Ben Beltran | Adds mustache coloring for vim |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-07 |
Ben Beltran | Updates w/new configs |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-07 |
Ben Beltran | Updates w/new configs |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Remove lua inspectstuffs |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Remove lua inspectstuffs |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Add lua inspect |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Add lua inspect |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Aand that's all the plugins. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Aand that's all the plugins. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | A whole bunch of new additions to the submodules |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | A whole bunch of new additions to the submodules |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Move EasyMotion and LargeFile to pathogen bundle |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Move EasyMotion and LargeFile to pathogen bundle |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Delete a bunch of stuff, better arrange submodules |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-05 |
Ben Beltran | Delete a bunch of stuff, better arrange submodules |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-03 |
Ben Beltran | Update stuffs |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-03 |
Ben Beltran | Update stuffs |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-23 |
Ben Beltran | Consolidate configurations |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-23 |
Ben Beltran | Consolidate configurations |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-23 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-23 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-16 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-16 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-16 |
Ben Beltran | Add vim-json bundle |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-16 |
Ben Beltran | Add vim-json bundle |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-16 |
Ben Beltran | Use the newer powerline. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-16 |
Ben Beltran | Use the newer powerline. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-10 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-10 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-08 |
Ben Beltran | Fix broken path, also, add ctags yo. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-04-08 |
Ben Beltran | Fix broken path, also, add ctags yo. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-28 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-28 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Remove backup and DS_Store |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Remove backup and DS_Store |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Remove backup and DS_Store |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Remove backup and DS_Store |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Update the stuff |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Update the stuff |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Update the stuff |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-03-25 |
Ben Beltran | Update the stuff |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-27 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-27 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-27 |
Ben Beltran | Add tmuxinator script |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-27 |
Ben Beltran | Add tmuxinator script |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-20 |
Ben Beltran | Adds the backup folder for vim |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-20 |
Ben Beltran | Adds the backup folder for vim |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-20 |
Ben Beltran | Add weechat, ack, git and nethack |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-20 |
Ben Beltran | Add weechat, ack, git and nethack |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-19 |
Ben Beltran | Add powerline |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-08 |
Ben Beltran | Add vim again :) |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-08 |
Ben Beltran | Delete vim. |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-08 |
Ben Beltran | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benbeltran/dotfiles |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-10-08 |
Ben Beltran | "First commit of dotfiles" |
tree | commitdiff |