+++ /dev/null
-" LargeFile: Sets up an autocmd to make editing large files work with celerity
-" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-" Date: Sep 23, 2008
-" Version: 4
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 1506 1 :AutoInstall: LargeFile.vim
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Load Once: {{{1
-if exists("g:loaded_LargeFile") || &cp
- finish
-let g:loaded_LargeFile = "v4"
-let s:keepcpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Commands: {{{1
-com! Unlarge call s:Unlarge()
-com! -bang Large call s:LargeFile(<bang>0,expand("%"))
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Options: {{{1
-if !exists("g:LargeFile")
- let g:LargeFile= 20 " in megabytes
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" LargeFile Autocmd: {{{1
-" for large files: turns undo, syntax highlighting, undo off etc
-" (based on vimtip#611)
-augroup LargeFile
- au!
- au BufReadPre * call <SID>LargeFile(0,expand("<afile>"))
- au BufReadPost *
- \ if &ch < 2 && (getfsize(expand("<afile>")) >= g:LargeFile*1024*1024 || getfsize(expand("<afile>")) == -2)
- \| echomsg "***note*** handling a large file"
- \| endif
-augroup END
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:LargeFile: {{{2
-fun! s:LargeFile(force,fname)
-" call Dfunc("LargeFile(force=".a:force." fname<".a:fname.">)")
- if a:force || getfsize(a:fname) >= g:LargeFile*1024*1024 || getfsize(a:fname) <= -2
- syn clear
- let b:eikeep = &ei
- let b:ulkeep = &ul
- let b:bhkeep = &bh
- let b:fdmkeep= &fdm
- let b:swfkeep= &swf
- set ei=FileType
- setlocal noswf bh=unload fdm=manual ul=-1
- let fname=escape(substitute(a:fname,'\','/','g'),' ')
- exe "au LargeFile BufEnter ".fname." set ul=-1"
- exe "au LargeFile BufLeave ".fname." let &ul=".b:ulkeep."|set ei=".b:eikeep
- exe "au LargeFile BufUnload ".fname." au! LargeFile * ". fname
- echomsg "***note*** handling a large file"
- endif
-" call Dret("s:LargeFile")
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:Unlarge: this function will undo what the LargeFile autocmd does {{{2
-fun! s:Unlarge()
-" call Dfunc("s:Unlarge()")
- if exists("b:eikeep") |let &ei = b:eikeep |endif
- if exists("b:ulkeep") |let &ul = b:ulkeep |endif
- if exists("b:bhkeep") |let &bh = b:bhkeep |endif
- if exists("b:fdmkeep")|let &fdm = b:fdmkeep|endif
- if exists("b:swfkeep")|let &swf = b:swfkeep|endif
- syn on
- doau FileType
-" call Dret("s:Unlarge")
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Restore: {{{1
-let &cpo= s:keepcpo
-unlet s:keepcpo
-" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var Ne = require('neon');
-Nitrogen = {
- Manifest : require('./lib/manifest.js'),
- Server : {}
-Ne.Class(Nitrogen.Server, 'Editor')({
- prototype : {
- fs : require('fs'),
- express : require('express'),
- httpProxy : require('http-proxy'),
- io : require('socket.io'),
- http : require('http'),
- app : null,
- server : null,
- socket : null,
- port : 4000,
- occipitalOptions : {},
- init : function init(config) {
- Object.keys(config).forEach(function (property) {
- this[property] = config[property];
- }, this);
- console.log('Nitrogen Session Server starting ');
- this.app = this.express();
- this.proxy = new this.httpProxy.RoutingProxy();
- this.server = this.http.createServer(this.app);
- this.initRack();
- this.initDb();
- this.initRoutes();
- this.server.listen(this.port);
- this.socket = this.io.listen(this.server);
- this.initSyncEvents();
- console.log('Nitrogen Session Server listening on port ' + this.port);
- },
- initRack : function initRack() {
- var nitrogen = this;
- this.app.use(this.express.logger());
- this.app.use(this.express.compress());
- this.app.use(function (request, response, next) {
- response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
- response.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS');
- response.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization, Content-Length, X-Requested-With');
- if ('OPTIONS' == request.method) {
- response.send(200);
- }
- else {
- next();
- }
- });
- // This has to be here in order for a proxied post to work.
- // See https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/issues/180
- // for more information.
- this.app.use(function (request, response, next) {
- if (request.url.match(/\/attachments\/.*/) && request.method === "POST" ){
- var options = nitrogen.occipitalOptions;
- nitrogen.proxy.proxyRequest( request, response, options );
- } else {
- return next();
- }
- });
- this.app.use(this.express.bodyParser());
- this.app.use('/', this.express.static('public'));
- },
- initDb : function initDb() {
- var fileNames = this.fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/../').filter(function(fn){ return fn.match(/.*\.json$/); });
- var i, filePath, collectionName;
- data = Nitrogen.data = {};
- for( i=0; i < fileNames.length; i+=1 ){
- filePath = __dirname + '/../' + fileNames[i];
- collectionName = fileNames[i].replace(/.json/, '');
- data[collectionName] = this.fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString().replace(/\n$/, "").split(/\n/).map(function(r){
- return JSON.parse(r);
- });
- }
- },
- initRoutes : function initRoutes() {
- var nitrogen = this,
- path = require('path');
- this.app.get('/', function (request, response) {
- var file = path.resolve('./public/app.html');
- response.sendfile(file);
- });
- this.app.get('/api/all', function (req, res) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(data));
- });
- this.app.get('/api/:model', function (req, res) {
- var records = data[req.params.model]
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(records));
- });
- this.app.get('/api/:model/:id', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- if (record) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(record));
- }
- else {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(404, 'record not found');
- }
- });
- this.app.get('/api/:model/:id/delete', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- data[model].splice(data[model].indexOf(record), 1);
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send('{}');
- });
- this.app.post('/api/:model/create', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = req.body;
- record.id = util.generateUid(24);
- data[model].push(record);
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(record));
- });
- this.app.post('/api/:model/:id/update', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- var position = data[model].indexOf(record);
- console.log(req);
- data[model].splice(position, 1, req.body);
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(record));
- });
- this.app.get('/manifest_doc.js', function (req, res) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- // Generate the package every time for development
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('./public/manifest_doc.js'));
- });
- /* TODO: Uncomment when file detection is done
- nitrogen.fs.exists('./public/manifest_doc.js', function (exists) {
- if (exists) {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('./public/manifest_doc.js'));
- } else {
- // create package
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('./public/manifest_doc.js'));
- });
- }
- }); */
- });
- this.app.get('/get_assets', function (req, res) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
- // Generate the package everytime for development
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('../app_assets/package.dat'));
- });
- /* TODO: Uncomment when file detection is ready
- nitrogen.fs.exists('../app_assets/package.dat', function (exists) {
- if (exists) {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('../app_assets/package.dat'));
- } else {
- // create package
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('../app_assets/package.dat'));
- });
- }
- }); */
- });
- this.app.get('/attachments/*', function (req, res) {
- var options = nitrogen.occipitalOptions;
- nitrogen.proxy.proxyRequest( req, res, options );
- });
- },
- initSyncEvents : function () {
- this.socket.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
- socket.emit('connected', {message : "Connection established"});
- socket.on('sync', function (sync_data) {
- console.log(">> Incoming LSD DATA".blue);
- sync_data = JSON.parse(sync_data);
- // Let's handle each guy
- switch(sync_data.action) {
- case "create":
- data["tasks"].push(sync_data.data);
- break;
- case "update":
- var record = data["tasks"].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == sync_data.data.id;
- })[0];
- var position = data["tasks"].indexOf(record);
- data["tasks"].splice(position, 1, sync_data.data);
- break;
- case "remove":
- var record = data["tasks"].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == sync_data.data.id;
- })[0];
- var position = data["tasks"].indexOf(record);
- data["tasks"].splice(position, 1);
- break;
- }
- socket.emit('sync_ok', {message : "Sync Received: OK"});
- });
- });
- this.socket.sockets.on('disconnect', function (socket) {
- socket.emit('disconnected', {message : "Connection lost"});
- });
- }
- }
-new Nitrogen.Server.Editor({
- port : process.argv[2] || 4000,
- occipitalOptions : {
- host : (process.argv[3]) ? process.argv[3].replace(/:.*/, '') : '',
- port : (process.argv[3]) ? process.argv[3].replace(/.*:/, '') : '3001'
- }
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var Ne = require('neon');
-Nitrogen = {
- Manifest : require('./lib/manifest.js'),
- Server : {}
-Ne.Class(Nitrogen.Server, 'Editor')({
- prototype : {
- fs : require('fs'),
- express : require('express'),
- httpProxy : require('http-proxy'),
- io : require('socket.io'),
- http : require('http'),
- app : null,
- server : null,
- socket : null,
- port : 4000,
- occipitalOptions : {},
- init : function init(config) {
- Object.keys(config).forEach(function (property) {
- this[property] = config[property];
- }, this);
- console.log('Nitrogen Session Server starting ');
- this.app = this.express();
- this.proxy = new this.httpProxy.RoutingProxy();
- this.server = this.http.createServer(this.app);
- this.initRack();
- this.initDb();
- this.initRoutes();
- this.server.listen(this.port);
- this.socket = this.io.listen(this.server);
- this.socket.set('transports', ['websocket'])
- this.socket.disable('heartbeats');
- this.initSyncEvents();
- console.log('Nitrogen Session Server listening on port ' + this.port);
- },
- initRack : function initRack() {
- var nitrogen = this;
- this.app.use(this.express.logger());
- this.app.use(this.express.compress());
- this.app.use(function (request, response, next) {
- response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
- response.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS');
- response.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization, Content-Length, X-Requested-With');
- if ('OPTIONS' == request.method) {
- response.send(200);
- }
- else {
- next();
- }
- });
- // This has to be here in order for a proxied post to work.
- // See https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/issues/180
- // for more information.
- this.app.use(function (request, response, next) {
- if (request.url.match(/\/attachments\/.*/) && request.method === "POST" ){
- var options = nitrogen.occipitalOptions;
- nitrogen.proxy.proxyRequest( request, response, options );
- } else {
- return next();
- }
- });
- this.app.use(this.express.bodyParser());
- this.app.use('/', this.express.static('public'));
- },
- initDb : function initDb() {
- var fileNames = this.fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/../').filter(function(fn){ return fn.match(/.*\.json$/); });
- var i, filePath, collectionName;
- data = Nitrogen.data = {};
- for( i=0; i < fileNames.length; i+=1 ){
- filePath = __dirname + '/../' + fileNames[i];
- collectionName = fileNames[i].replace(/.json/, '');
- data[collectionName] = this.fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString().replace(/\n$/, "").split(/\n/).map(function(r){
- return JSON.parse(r);
- });
- }
- },
- initRoutes : function initRoutes() {
- var nitrogen = this,
- path = require('path');
- this.app.get('/', function (request, response) {
- var file = path.resolve('./public/app.html');
- response.sendfile(file);
- });
- this.app.get('/api/all', function (req, res) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(data));
- });
- this.app.get('/api/:model', function (req, res) {
- var records = data[req.params.model]
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(records));
- });
- this.app.get('/api/:model/:id', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- if (record) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(record));
- }
- else {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(404, 'record not found');
- }
- });
- this.app.get('/api/:model/:id/delete', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- data[model].splice(data[model].indexOf(record), 1);
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send('{}');
- });
- this.app.post('/api/:model/create', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = req.body;
- record.id = util.generateUid(24);
- data[model].push(record);
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(record));
- });
- this.app.post('/api/:model/:id/update', function (req, res){
- var model = req.params.model;
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- var position = data[model].indexOf(record);
- console.log(req);
- data[model].splice(position, 1, req.body);
- var record = data[model].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == req.params.id;
- })[0];
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- res.send(JSON.stringify(record));
- });
- this.app.get('/manifest_doc.js', function (req, res) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- // Generate the package every time for development
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('./public/manifest_doc.js'));
- });
- /* TODO: Uncomment when file detection is done
- nitrogen.fs.exists('./public/manifest_doc.js', function (exists) {
- if (exists) {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('./public/manifest_doc.js'));
- } else {
- // create package
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('./public/manifest_doc.js'));
- });
- }
- }); */
- });
- this.app.get('/get_assets', function (req, res) {
- res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
- // Generate the package everytime for development
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('../app_assets/package.dat'));
- });
- /* TODO: Uncomment when file detection is ready
- nitrogen.fs.exists('../app_assets/package.dat', function (exists) {
- if (exists) {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('../app_assets/package.dat'));
- } else {
- // create package
- Manifest.generatePackage(function () {
- res.sendfile(path.resolve('../app_assets/package.dat'));
- });
- }
- }); */
- });
- this.app.get('/attachments/*', function (req, res) {
- var options = nitrogen.occipitalOptions;
- nitrogen.proxy.proxyRequest( req, res, options );
- });
- },
- initSyncEvents : function () {
- this.socket.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
- socket.emit('connected', {message : "Connection established"});
- socket.on('sync', function (sync_data) {
- console.log(">> Incoming LSD DATA".blue);
- sync_data = JSON.parse(sync_data);
- // Let's handle each guy
- switch(sync_data.action) {
- case "create":
- data["tasks"].push(sync_data.data);
- break;
- case "update":
- var record = data["tasks"].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == sync_data.data.id;
- })[0];
- var position = data["tasks"].indexOf(record);
- data["tasks"].splice(position, 1, sync_data.data);
- break;
- case "remove":
- var record = data["tasks"].filter(function (record) {
- return record.id == sync_data.data.id;
- })[0];
- var position = data["tasks"].indexOf(record);
- data["tasks"].splice(position, 1);
- break;
- }
- socket.emit('sync_ok', {message : "Sync Received: OK"});
- });
- });
- this.socket.sockets.on('disconnect', function (socket) {
- socket.emit('disconnected', {message : "Connection lost"});
- });
- }
- }
-new Nitrogen.Server.Editor({
- port : process.argv[2] || 4000,
- occipitalOptions : {
- host : (process.argv[3]) ? process.argv[3].replace(/:.*/, '') : '',
- port : (process.argv[3]) ? process.argv[3].replace(/.*:/, '') : '3001'
- }