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[rbdr/dotfiles] / atom / packages / vim-mode-visual-block / package.json
1 {
2 "name": "vim-mode-visual-block",
3 "main": "./lib/main",
4 "version": "0.2.13",
5 "description": "Add visual-blockwise feature to vim-mode",
6 "repository": {
7 "type": "git",
8 "url": "git+https://github.com/t9md/atom-vim-mode-visual-block.git"
9 },
10 "license": "MIT",
11 "engines": {
12 "atom": ">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"
13 },
14 "consumedServices": {
15 "vim-mode": {
16 "versions": {
17 "^0.1.0": "consumeVimMode"
18 }
19 }
20 },
21 "dependencies": {
22 "underscore-plus": "^1.6.6"
23 },
24 "readme": "# vim-mode-visual-block\n\nAdd visual-block operation to [vim-mode](https://atom.io/packages/vim-mode).\n\n![gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/t9md/t9md/375d45f661b76cd8fd874dbcacf93602e7d75c99/img/vim-mode-visual-blockwise.gif)\n\n# What's this?\n\n**Temporarily** workaround, until vim-mode support visual block mode natively.\nI'm not intended to complete solution.\n\n# Keymap\n\nFrom version 0.2.5, starting to provide [default keymap](https://github.com/t9md/atom-vim-mode-visual-block/blob/master/keymaps/vim-mode-visual-block.cson). \n\nFor older version user\n* Remove explicit keymap from `keymap.cson` and use default keymap.\n\n# Limitation\n- Count not supported.\n- Currently yank and paste for block range is not supported.\n- No support for non-contiguous multi selection.\n\n# Todo\n* [x] Precise state check when escape from visual-block.\n* [x] Support other insert-mode initiator like `a`, `i`, `C`.\n* [ ] Yank and paste support.\n* [ ] Concatenate undo transaction?.\n",
25 "readmeFilename": "README.md",
26 "bugs": {
27 "url": "https://github.com/t9md/atom-vim-mode-visual-block/issues"
28 },
29 "homepage": "https://github.com/t9md/atom-vim-mode-visual-block#readme",
30 "_id": "vim-mode-visual-block@0.2.13",
31 "_shasum": "5f4d8288c01082f685c4dc4bb039241e61d624e6",
32 "_resolved": "file:../d-115828-94488-fbcgjf/package.tgz",
33 "_from": "../d-115828-94488-fbcgjf/package.tgz",
34 "_atomModuleCache": {
35 "version": 1,
36 "dependencies": [
37 {
38 "name": "underscore-plus",
39 "version": "1.6.6",
40 "path": "node_modules/underscore-plus/lib/underscore-plus.js"
41 },
42 {
43 "name": "underscore",
44 "version": "1.6.0",
45 "path": "node_modules/underscore-plus/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js"
46 }
47 ],
48 "extensions": {
49 ".coffee": [
50 "lib/main.coffee"
51 ],
52 ".js": [
53 "node_modules/underscore-plus/lib/underscore-plus.js",
54 "node_modules/underscore-plus/node_modules/underscore/underscore-min.js",
55 "node_modules/underscore-plus/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js"
56 ],
57 ".json": [
58 "node_modules/underscore-plus/node_modules/underscore/package.json",
59 "node_modules/underscore-plus/package.json",
60 "package.json"
61 ]
62 },
63 "folders": [
64 {
65 "paths": [
66 "lib",
67 ""
68 ],
69 "dependencies": {
70 "underscore-plus": "^1.6.6"
71 }
72 },
73 {
74 "paths": [
75 "node_modules/underscore-plus/lib",
76 "node_modules/underscore-plus"
77 ],
78 "dependencies": {
79 "underscore": "~1.6.0"
80 }
81 }
82 ]
83 }
84 }