3 To set up run `./install`
5 It provides configuration for:
17 * terminfo italics support
23 The scripts here have support for `brew`, `pacman`, or `apt`.
24 Install brew with: `/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"`
26 It might also be a good idea to install the xcode command line tools with `xcode-select --install`
30 These dotfiles include some provisioning scripts for `brew`, `pacman`, and `apt`.
32 To set up run `./provision <recipe>` where `<recipe>` is one of:
36 * `cask_essential` (only `brew`)
37 * `cask_nice` (only `brew`)
39 To see what each recipe installs, check the files under `provisioning/`
43 For local modifications to the zshrc create `~/.zshrc.local`.
45 ## Local vim overrides
47 For local modifications to your neovim init create `~/.config/nvim/lua/init_local.lua`
49 ## Environment modification
51 In order to specify the environment in the prompt, create a function
52 called `env_info_provider` and echo your environment details (eg.
53 `dev`, `staging`, `production`)
57 Additional scripts are providing for updating extensions in neovim.
59 After setting up nvim and installing plugins, you can run
60 `./add-coc-vim-extensions` to automatically add the extensions.