]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blob - vim/plugin/surround.vim
Use the newer powerline.
[rbdr/dotfiles] / vim / plugin / surround.vim
1 " surround.vim - Surroundings
2 " Author: Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM@tpope.org>
3 " Version: 1.90
4 " GetLatestVimScripts: 1697 1 :AutoInstall: surround.vim
5 "
6 " See surround.txt for help. This can be accessed by doing
7 "
8 " :helptags ~/.vim/doc
9 " :help surround
10 "
11 " Licensed under the same terms as Vim itself.
13 " ============================================================================
15 " Exit quickly when:
16 " - this plugin was already loaded or disabled
17 " - when 'compatible' is set
18 if (exists("g:loaded_surround") && g:loaded_surround) || &cp
19 finish
20 endif
21 let g:loaded_surround = 1
23 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
24 set cpo&vim
26 " Input functions {{{1
28 function! s:getchar()
29 let c = getchar()
30 if c =~ '^\d\+$'
31 let c = nr2char(c)
32 endif
33 return c
34 endfunction
36 function! s:inputtarget()
37 let c = s:getchar()
38 while c =~ '^\d\+$'
39 let c = c . s:getchar()
40 endwhile
41 if c == " "
42 let c = c . s:getchar()
43 endif
44 if c =~ "\<Esc>\|\<C-C>\|\0"
45 return ""
46 else
47 return c
48 endif
49 endfunction
51 function! s:inputreplacement()
52 "echo '-- SURROUND --'
53 let c = s:getchar()
54 if c == " "
55 let c = c . s:getchar()
56 endif
57 if c =~ "\<Esc>" || c =~ "\<C-C>"
58 return ""
59 else
60 return c
61 endif
62 endfunction
64 function! s:beep()
65 exe "norm! \<Esc>"
66 return ""
67 endfunction
69 function! s:redraw()
70 redraw
71 return ""
72 endfunction
74 " }}}1
76 " Wrapping functions {{{1
78 function! s:extractbefore(str)
79 if a:str =~ '\r'
80 return matchstr(a:str,'.*\ze\r')
81 else
82 return matchstr(a:str,'.*\ze\n')
83 endif
84 endfunction
86 function! s:extractafter(str)
87 if a:str =~ '\r'
88 return matchstr(a:str,'\r\zs.*')
89 else
90 return matchstr(a:str,'\n\zs.*')
91 endif
92 endfunction
94 function! s:repeat(str,count)
95 let cnt = a:count
96 let str = ""
97 while cnt > 0
98 let str = str . a:str
99 let cnt = cnt - 1
100 endwhile
101 return str
102 endfunction
104 function! s:fixindent(str,spc)
105 let str = substitute(a:str,'\t',s:repeat(' ',&sw),'g')
106 let spc = substitute(a:spc,'\t',s:repeat(' ',&sw),'g')
107 let str = substitute(str,'\(\n\|\%^\).\@=','\1'.spc,'g')
108 if ! &et
109 let str = substitute(str,'\s\{'.&ts.'\}',"\t",'g')
110 endif
111 return str
112 endfunction
114 function! s:process(string)
115 let i = 0
116 while i < 7
117 let i = i + 1
118 let repl_{i} = ''
119 let m = matchstr(a:string,nr2char(i).'.\{-\}\ze'.nr2char(i))
120 if m != ''
121 let m = substitute(strpart(m,1),'\r.*','','')
122 let repl_{i} = input(substitute(m,':\s*$','','').': ')
123 endif
124 endwhile
125 let s = ""
126 let i = 0
127 while i < strlen(a:string)
128 let char = strpart(a:string,i,1)
129 if char2nr(char) < 8
130 let next = stridx(a:string,char,i+1)
131 if next == -1
132 let s = s . char
133 else
134 let insertion = repl_{char2nr(char)}
135 let subs = strpart(a:string,i+1,next-i-1)
136 let subs = matchstr(subs,'\r.*')
137 while subs =~ '^\r.*\r'
138 let sub = matchstr(subs,"^\r\\zs[^\r]*\r[^\r]*")
139 let subs = strpart(subs,strlen(sub)+1)
140 let r = stridx(sub,"\r")
141 let insertion = substitute(insertion,strpart(sub,0,r),strpart(sub,r+1),'')
142 endwhile
143 let s = s . insertion
144 let i = next
145 endif
146 else
147 let s = s . char
148 endif
149 let i = i + 1
150 endwhile
151 return s
152 endfunction
154 function! s:wrap(string,char,type,...)
155 let keeper = a:string
156 let newchar = a:char
157 let type = a:type
158 let linemode = type ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0
159 let special = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
160 let before = ""
161 let after = ""
162 if type ==# "V"
163 let initspaces = matchstr(keeper,'\%^\s*')
164 else
165 let initspaces = matchstr(getline('.'),'\%^\s*')
166 endif
167 " Duplicate b's are just placeholders (removed)
168 let pairs = "b()B{}r[]a<>"
169 let extraspace = ""
170 if newchar =~ '^ '
171 let newchar = strpart(newchar,1)
172 let extraspace = ' '
173 endif
174 let idx = stridx(pairs,newchar)
175 if newchar == ' '
176 let before = ''
177 let after = ''
178 elseif exists("b:surround_".char2nr(newchar))
179 let all = s:process(b:surround_{char2nr(newchar)})
180 let before = s:extractbefore(all)
181 let after = s:extractafter(all)
182 elseif exists("g:surround_".char2nr(newchar))
183 let all = s:process(g:surround_{char2nr(newchar)})
184 let before = s:extractbefore(all)
185 let after = s:extractafter(all)
186 elseif newchar ==# "p"
187 let before = "\n"
188 let after = "\n\n"
189 elseif newchar =~# "[tT\<C-T><,]"
190 let dounmapp = 0
191 let dounmapb = 0
192 if !maparg(">","c")
193 let dounmapb= 1
194 " Hide from AsNeeded
195 exe "cn"."oremap > <CR>"
196 endif
197 let default = ""
198 if newchar ==# "T"
199 if !exists("s:lastdel")
200 let s:lastdel = ""
201 endif
202 let default = matchstr(s:lastdel,'<\zs.\{-\}\ze>')
203 endif
204 let tag = input("<",default)
205 echo "<".substitute(tag,'>*$','>','')
206 if dounmapb
207 silent! cunmap >
208 endif
209 if tag != ""
210 let tag = substitute(tag,'>*$','','')
211 let before = '<'.tag.'>'
212 if tag =~ '/$'
213 let after = ''
214 else
215 let after = '</'.substitute(tag,' .*','','').'>'
216 endif
217 if newchar == "\<C-T>" || newchar == ","
218 if type ==# "v" || type ==# "V"
219 let before = before . "\n\t"
220 endif
221 if type ==# "v"
222 let after = "\n". after
223 endif
224 endif
225 endif
226 elseif newchar ==# 'l' || newchar == '\'
227 " LaTeX
228 let env = input('\begin{')
229 let env = '{' . env
230 let env = env . s:closematch(env)
231 echo '\begin'.env
232 if env != ""
233 let before = '\begin'.env
234 let after = '\end'.matchstr(env,'[^}]*').'}'
235 endif
236 "if type ==# 'v' || type ==# 'V'
237 "let before = before ."\n\t"
238 "endif
239 "if type ==# 'v'
240 "let after = "\n".initspaces.after
241 "endif
242 elseif newchar ==# 'f' || newchar ==# 'F'
243 let fnc = input('function: ')
244 if fnc != ""
245 let before = substitute(fnc,'($','','').'('
246 let after = ')'
247 if newchar ==# 'F'
248 let before = before . ' '
249 let after = ' ' . after
250 endif
251 endif
252 elseif idx >= 0
253 let spc = (idx % 3) == 1 ? " " : ""
254 let idx = idx / 3 * 3
255 let before = strpart(pairs,idx+1,1) . spc
256 let after = spc . strpart(pairs,idx+2,1)
257 elseif newchar == "\<C-[>" || newchar == "\<C-]>"
258 let before = "{\n\t"
259 let after = "\n}"
260 elseif newchar !~ '\a'
261 let before = newchar
262 let after = newchar
263 else
264 let before = ''
265 let after = ''
266 endif
267 "let before = substitute(before,'\n','\n'.initspaces,'g')
268 let after = substitute(after ,'\n','\n'.initspaces,'g')
269 "let after = substitute(after,"\n\\s*\<C-U>\\s*",'\n','g')
270 if type ==# 'V' || (special && type ==# "v")
271 let before = substitute(before,' \+$','','')
272 let after = substitute(after ,'^ \+','','')
273 if after !~ '^\n'
274 let after = initspaces.after
275 endif
276 if keeper !~ '\n$' && after !~ '^\n'
277 let keeper = keeper . "\n"
278 elseif keeper =~ '\n$' && after =~ '^\n'
279 let after = strpart(after,1)
280 endif
281 if before !~ '\n\s*$'
282 let before = before . "\n"
283 if special
284 let before = before . "\t"
285 endif
286 endif
287 endif
288 if type ==# 'V'
289 let before = initspaces.before
290 endif
291 if before =~ '\n\s*\%$'
292 if type ==# 'v'
293 let keeper = initspaces.keeper
294 endif
295 let padding = matchstr(before,'\n\zs\s\+\%$')
296 let before = substitute(before,'\n\s\+\%$','\n','')
297 let keeper = s:fixindent(keeper,padding)
298 endif
299 if type ==# 'V'
300 let keeper = before.keeper.after
301 elseif type =~ "^\<C-V>"
302 " Really we should be iterating over the buffer
303 let repl = substitute(before,'[\\~]','\\&','g').'\1'.substitute(after,'[\\~]','\\&','g')
304 let repl = substitute(repl,'\n',' ','g')
305 let keeper = substitute(keeper."\n",'\(.\{-\}\)\(\n\)',repl.'\n','g')
306 let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\n\%$','','')
307 else
308 let keeper = before.extraspace.keeper.extraspace.after
309 endif
310 return keeper
311 endfunction
313 function! s:wrapreg(reg,char,...)
314 let orig = getreg(a:reg)
315 let type = substitute(getregtype(a:reg),'\d\+$','','')
316 let special = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
317 let new = s:wrap(orig,a:char,type,special)
318 call setreg(a:reg,new,type)
319 endfunction
320 " }}}1
322 function! s:insert(...) " {{{1
323 " Optional argument causes the result to appear on 3 lines, not 1
324 "call inputsave()
325 let linemode = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
326 let char = s:inputreplacement()
327 while char == "\<CR>" || char == "\<C-S>"
328 " TODO: use total count for additional blank lines
329 let linemode = linemode + 1
330 let char = s:inputreplacement()
331 endwhile
332 "call inputrestore()
333 if char == ""
334 return ""
335 endif
336 "call inputsave()
337 let cb_save = &clipboard
338 set clipboard-=unnamed
339 let reg_save = @@
340 call setreg('"',"\r",'v')
341 call s:wrapreg('"',char,linemode)
342 " If line mode is used and the surrounding consists solely of a suffix,
343 " remove the initial newline. This fits a use case of mine but is a
344 " little inconsistent. Is there anyone that would prefer the simpler
345 " behavior of just inserting the newline?
346 if linemode && match(getreg('"'),'^\n\s*\zs.*') == 0
347 call setreg('"',matchstr(getreg('"'),'^\n\s*\zs.*'),getregtype('"'))
348 endif
349 " This can be used to append a placeholder to the end
350 if exists("g:surround_insert_tail")
351 call setreg('"',g:surround_insert_tail,"a".getregtype('"'))
352 endif
353 "if linemode
354 "call setreg('"',substitute(getreg('"'),'^\s\+','',''),'c')
355 "endif
356 if col('.') >= col('$')
357 norm! ""p
358 else
359 norm! ""P
360 endif
361 if linemode
362 call s:reindent()
363 endif
364 norm! `]
365 call search('\r','bW')
366 let @@ = reg_save
367 let &clipboard = cb_save
368 return "\<Del>"
369 endfunction " }}}1
371 function! s:reindent() " {{{1
372 if exists("b:surround_indent") ? b:surround_indent : (exists("g:surround_indent") && g:surround_indent)
373 silent norm! '[=']
374 endif
375 endfunction " }}}1
377 function! s:dosurround(...) " {{{1
378 let scount = v:count1
379 let char = (a:0 ? a:1 : s:inputtarget())
380 let spc = ""
381 if char =~ '^\d\+'
382 let scount = scount * matchstr(char,'^\d\+')
383 let char = substitute(char,'^\d\+','','')
384 endif
385 if char =~ '^ '
386 let char = strpart(char,1)
387 let spc = 1
388 endif
389 if char == 'a'
390 let char = '>'
391 endif
392 if char == 'r'
393 let char = ']'
394 endif
395 let newchar = ""
396 if a:0 > 1
397 let newchar = a:2
398 if newchar == "\<Esc>" || newchar == "\<C-C>" || newchar == ""
399 return s:beep()
400 endif
401 endif
402 let cb_save = &clipboard
403 set clipboard-=unnamed
404 let append = ""
405 let original = getreg('"')
406 let otype = getregtype('"')
407 call setreg('"',"")
408 let strcount = (scount == 1 ? "" : scount)
409 if char == '/'
410 exe 'norm! '.strcount.'[/d'.strcount.']/'
411 else
412 exe 'norm! d'.strcount.'i'.char
413 endif
414 let keeper = getreg('"')
415 let okeeper = keeper " for reindent below
416 if keeper == ""
417 call setreg('"',original,otype)
418 let &clipboard = cb_save
419 return ""
420 endif
421 let oldline = getline('.')
422 let oldlnum = line('.')
423 if char ==# "p"
424 call setreg('"','','V')
425 elseif char ==# "s" || char ==# "w" || char ==# "W"
426 " Do nothing
427 call setreg('"','')
428 elseif char =~ "[\"'`]"
429 exe "norm! i \<Esc>d2i".char
430 call setreg('"',substitute(getreg('"'),' ','',''))
431 elseif char == '/'
432 norm! "_x
433 call setreg('"','/**/',"c")
434 let keeper = substitute(substitute(keeper,'^/\*\s\=','',''),'\s\=\*$','','')
435 else
436 " One character backwards
437 call search('.','bW')
438 exe "norm! da".char
439 endif
440 let removed = getreg('"')
441 let rem2 = substitute(removed,'\n.*','','')
442 let oldhead = strpart(oldline,0,strlen(oldline)-strlen(rem2))
443 let oldtail = strpart(oldline, strlen(oldline)-strlen(rem2))
444 let regtype = getregtype('"')
445 if char =~# '[\[({<T]' || spc
446 let keeper = substitute(keeper,'^\s\+','','')
447 let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\s\+$','','')
448 endif
449 if col("']") == col("$") && col('.') + 1 == col('$')
450 if oldhead =~# '^\s*$' && a:0 < 2
451 let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\%^\n'.oldhead.'\(\s*.\{-\}\)\n\s*\%$','\1','')
452 endif
453 let pcmd = "p"
454 else
455 let pcmd = "P"
456 endif
457 if line('.') < oldlnum && regtype ==# "V"
458 let pcmd = "p"
459 endif
460 call setreg('"',keeper,regtype)
461 if newchar != ""
462 call s:wrapreg('"',newchar)
463 endif
464 silent exe 'norm! ""'.pcmd.'`['
465 if removed =~ '\n' || okeeper =~ '\n' || getreg('"') =~ '\n'
466 call s:reindent()
467 endif
468 if getline('.') =~ '^\s\+$' && keeper =~ '^\s*\n'
469 silent norm! cc
470 endif
471 call setreg('"',removed,regtype)
472 let s:lastdel = removed
473 let &clipboard = cb_save
474 if newchar == ""
475 silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Dsurround".char,scount)
476 else
477 silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Csurround".char.newchar,scount)
478 endif
479 endfunction " }}}1
481 function! s:changesurround() " {{{1
482 let a = s:inputtarget()
483 if a == ""
484 return s:beep()
485 endif
486 let b = s:inputreplacement()
487 if b == ""
488 return s:beep()
489 endif
490 call s:dosurround(a,b)
491 endfunction " }}}1
493 function! s:opfunc(type,...) " {{{1
494 let char = s:inputreplacement()
495 if char == ""
496 return s:beep()
497 endif
498 let reg = '"'
499 let sel_save = &selection
500 let &selection = "inclusive"
501 let cb_save = &clipboard
502 set clipboard-=unnamed
503 let reg_save = getreg(reg)
504 let reg_type = getregtype(reg)
505 "call setreg(reg,"\n","c")
506 let type = a:type
507 if a:type == "char"
508 silent exe 'norm! v`[o`]"'.reg.'y'
509 let type = 'v'
510 elseif a:type == "line"
511 silent exe 'norm! `[V`]"'.reg.'y'
512 let type = 'V'
513 elseif a:type ==# "v" || a:type ==# "V" || a:type ==# "\<C-V>"
514 let ve = &virtualedit
515 if !(a:0 && a:1)
516 set virtualedit=
517 endif
518 silent exe 'norm! gv"'.reg.'y'
519 let &virtualedit = ve
520 elseif a:type =~ '^\d\+$'
521 let type = 'v'
522 silent exe 'norm! ^v'.a:type.'$h"'.reg.'y'
523 if mode() ==# 'v'
524 norm! v
525 return s:beep()
526 endif
527 else
528 let &selection = sel_save
529 let &clipboard = cb_save
530 return s:beep()
531 endif
532 let keeper = getreg(reg)
533 if type ==# "v" && a:type !=# "v"
534 let append = matchstr(keeper,'\_s\@<!\s*$')
535 let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\_s\@<!\s*$','','')
536 endif
537 call setreg(reg,keeper,type)
538 call s:wrapreg(reg,char,a:0 && a:1)
539 if type ==# "v" && a:type !=# "v" && append != ""
540 call setreg(reg,append,"ac")
541 endif
542 silent exe 'norm! gv'.(reg == '"' ? '' : '"' . reg).'p`['
543 if type ==# 'V' || (getreg(reg) =~ '\n' && type ==# 'v')
544 call s:reindent()
545 endif
546 call setreg(reg,reg_save,reg_type)
547 let &selection = sel_save
548 let &clipboard = cb_save
549 if a:type =~ '^\d\+$'
550 silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Y".(a:0 && a:1 ? "S" : "s")."surround".char,a:type)
551 endif
552 endfunction
554 function! s:opfunc2(arg)
555 call s:opfunc(a:arg,1)
556 endfunction " }}}1
558 function! s:closematch(str) " {{{1
559 " Close an open (, {, [, or < on the command line.
560 let tail = matchstr(a:str,'.[^\[\](){}<>]*$')
561 if tail =~ '^\[.\+'
562 return "]"
563 elseif tail =~ '^(.\+'
564 return ")"
565 elseif tail =~ '^{.\+'
566 return "}"
567 elseif tail =~ '^<.+'
568 return ">"
569 else
570 return ""
571 endif
572 endfunction " }}}1
574 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Dsurround :<C-U>call <SID>dosurround(<SID>inputtarget())<CR>
575 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Csurround :<C-U>call <SID>changesurround()<CR>
576 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Yssurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(v:count1)<CR>
577 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSsurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc2(v:count1)<CR>
578 " <C-U> discards the numerical argument but there's not much we can do with it
579 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Ysurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc<CR>g@
580 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc2<CR>g@
581 vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Vsurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode())<CR>
582 vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR>
583 vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VgSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1)<CR>
584 inoremap <silent> <Plug>Isurround <C-R>=<SID>insert()<CR>
585 inoremap <silent> <Plug>ISurround <C-R>=<SID>insert(1)<CR>
587 if !exists("g:surround_no_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_mappings
588 nmap ds <Plug>Dsurround
589 nmap cs <Plug>Csurround
590 nmap ys <Plug>Ysurround
591 nmap yS <Plug>YSurround
592 nmap yss <Plug>Yssurround
593 nmap ySs <Plug>YSsurround
594 nmap ySS <Plug>YSsurround
595 if !hasmapto("<Plug>Vsurround","v") && !hasmapto("<Plug>VSurround","v")
596 if exists(":xmap")
597 xmap s <Plug>Vsurround
598 else
599 vmap s <Plug>Vsurround
600 endif
601 endif
602 if !hasmapto("<Plug>VSurround","v")
603 if exists(":xmap")
604 xmap S <Plug>VSurround
605 else
606 vmap S <Plug>VSurround
607 endif
608 endif
609 if exists(":xmap")
610 xmap gS <Plug>VgSurround
611 else
612 vmap gS <Plug>VgSurround
613 endif
614 if !hasmapto("<Plug>Isurround","i") && "" == mapcheck("<C-S>","i")
615 imap <C-S> <Plug>Isurround
616 endif
617 imap <C-G>s <Plug>Isurround
618 imap <C-G>S <Plug>ISurround
619 "Implemented internally instead
620 "imap <C-S><C-S> <Plug>ISurround
621 endif
623 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
625 " vim:set ft=vim sw=2 sts=2 et: