]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blob - add-coc-vim-extensions
Start replacing CoC with neovim's LSP support
[rbdr/dotfiles] / add-coc-vim-extensions
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
3 # we need to do it in batches, otherwise it fails
5 nvim --headless -c "CocInstall -sync \
6 coc-css\
7 coc-docker\
8 coc-eslint\
9 coc-flutter\
10 coc-git\
11 coc-html\
12 coc-htmldjango\
13 coc-json\
14 coc-lua\
15 coc-prettier\
16 |\
17 CocInstall -sync \
18 @yaegassy/coc-pylsp\
19 coc-rls\
20 coc-sql\
21 coc-svelte\
22 coc-swagger\
23 coc-tailwindcss\
24 coc-tsserver\
25 coc-yaml\
26 |\
27 qall \
28 "\