]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blob - vim/colors/vibrantink.vim
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[rbdr/dotfiles] / vim / colors / vibrantink.vim
1 " Vim color scheme
2 "
3 " Name: vibrantink.vim
4 " Maintainer: Jo Vermeulen <jo.vermeulen@gmail.com>
5 " Last Change: 5 Mar 2009
6 " License: public domain
7 " Version: 1.3
8 "
9 " This scheme should work in the GUI and in xterm's 256 color mode. It
10 " won't work in 8/16 color terminals.
11 "
12 " I based it on John Lam's initial Vibrant Ink port to Vim [1]. Thanks
13 " to a great tutorial [2], I was able to convert it to xterm 256 color
14 " mode. And of course, credits go to Justin Palmer for creating the
15 " original Vibrant Ink TextMate color scheme [3].
16 "
17 " [1] http://www.iunknown.com/articles/2006/09/04/vim-can-save-your-hands-too
18 " [2] http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/
19 " [3] http://encytemedia.com/blog/articles/2006/01/03/textmate-vibrant-ink-theme-and-prototype-bundle
21 set background=dark
22 hi clear
23 if exists("syntax_on")
24 syntax reset
25 endif
27 let g:colors_name = "vibrantink"
29 if has("gui_running")
30 highlight Normal guifg=White guibg=Black
31 highlight Cursor guifg=Black guibg=Yellow
32 highlight Keyword guifg=#FF6600
33 highlight Define guifg=#FF6600
34 highlight Comment guifg=#9933CC
35 highlight Type guifg=White gui=NONE
36 highlight rubySymbol guifg=#339999 gui=NONE
37 highlight Identifier guifg=White gui=NONE
38 highlight rubyStringDelimiter guifg=#66FF00
39 highlight rubyInterpolation guifg=White
40 highlight rubyPseudoVariable guifg=#339999
41 highlight Constant guifg=#FFEE98
42 highlight Function guifg=#FFCC00 gui=NONE
43 highlight Include guifg=#FFCC00 gui=NONE
44 highlight Statement guifg=#FF6600 gui=NONE
45 highlight String guifg=#66FF00
46 highlight Search guibg=White
47 highlight CursorLine guibg=#323300
48 else
49 set t_Co=256
50 highlight Normal ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black
51 highlight Cursor ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Yellow
52 highlight Keyword ctermfg=202
53 highlight Define ctermfg=202
54 highlight Comment ctermfg=98
55 highlight Type ctermfg=White
56 highlight rubySymbol ctermfg=66
57 highlight Identifier ctermfg=White
58 highlight rubyStringDelimiter ctermfg=82
59 highlight rubyInterpolation ctermfg=White
60 highlight rubyPseudoVariable ctermfg=66
61 highlight Constant ctermfg=228
62 highlight Function ctermfg=220
63 highlight Include ctermfg=220
64 highlight Statement ctermfg=202
65 highlight String ctermfg=82
66 highlight Search ctermbg=White
67 highlight CursorLine cterm=NONE ctermbg=235
68 endif