]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blob - atom/packages/vim-mode/docs/operators.md
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[rbdr/dotfiles] / atom / packages / vim-mode / docs / operators.md
1 ## Implemented Operators
3 * [Delete](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#deleting)
4 * `vwd` - works in visual mode
5 * `dw` - with a motion
6 * `3d2w` - with repeating operator and motion
7 * `dd` - linewise
8 * `d2d` - repeated linewise
9 * `D` - delete to the end of the line
10 * `X` - delete the character before the cursor
11 * [Change](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#c)
12 * `vwc` - works in visual mode
13 * `cw` - deletes the next word and switches to insert mode.
14 * `cc` - linewise
15 * `c2c` - repeated linewise
16 * `C` - change to the end of the line
17 * [Adding and subtracting](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#CTRL-A)
18 * `ctrl-a` and `ctrl-x` in normal mode to increase/decrease numbers in text
19 * [Yank](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#yank)
20 * `vwy` - works in visual mode
21 * `yw` - with a motion
22 * `yy` - linewise
23 * `y2y` - repeated linewise
24 * `"ayy` - supports registers (named a-z, A-Z for append, *, +, %, _)
25 * `Y` - linewise
26 * Indent/Outdent/Auto-indent
27 * `vw>` - works in visual mode
28 * `>>` - indent current line one level
29 * `>2>` - repeated linewise
30 * `v2>` - repeat indent operation in visual mode
31 * `<<` - outdent current line one level
32 * `<2<` - repeated linewise
33 * `v2<` - repeat outdent operation in visual mode
34 * `==` - auto-indents current line
35 * [Put](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#p)
36 * `p` - default register
37 * `P` - pastes the default register before the current cursor.
38 * `"ap` - supports registers
39 * `ctrl-r a` or `ctrl-r "` etc. - supports pasting register content in insert mode
40 * [Join](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#J)
41 * `J` - joins the current line with the immediately following line.
42 * [Mark](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/motion.txt.html#m)
43 * `m[a-z][A-Z]` - marks the current cursor position
44 * [Case](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/motion.txt.html#operator)
45 * `~` or `g~` - toggles case
46 * `gU`, or `U` in visual mode - changes to upper case
47 * `gu`, or `u` in visual mode - changes to lower case