1 {CompositeDisposable} = require 'atom'
3 module.exports = class Base
5 constructor: (config) ->
6 @disposables = new CompositeDisposable
9 @registerPairs config.pairs
11 registerPairs: (pairs) ->
12 pairs = (x for x in pairs when x.length > 0 and x.length %2 == 0)
15 if pair not in @curPairs
19 registerPair: (pair) ->
20 [left, right] = @splitPair(pair)
23 @createPairBindings left, "#{left} ", " #{right}"
24 @createPairBindings right, left, right
26 createPairBindings: (key, left, right) ->
27 name = "vim-surround:#{@getName key}"
29 # First, we add a command to the system to actually perform the surround.
30 # We attach the disposable to our object's list.
31 @disposables.add atom.commands.add @context, name, @getRunner left, right
33 # Next, we build up keybindings for our command. First, we build a
34 # space-delineated version of our key that's passed in. This breaks up
35 # double keys like `{%` into the seperate keystroke form: `{ %`
37 for i in [0..key.length-1]
41 keys = "#{keys} #{key[i]}"
43 # Making a one-command keymap data structure here. Basically:
44 # "atom-text-editor.vim-mode.visual-mode":
46 # "vim-surround:surround-("
49 fullCommand = "#{@command} #{keys}"
50 keymapArg[fullCommand] = name
53 contextArg[@context] = keymapArg
55 # Capture the disposable heretom test!
56 @disposables.add atom.keymaps.add name, contextArg
59 return [pair[..(pair.length/2)-1], pair[pair.length/2..]]