2 - [test/cologne.js](#testcolognejs)
3 - [test/utilities.js](#testutilitiesjs)
4 - [test/formatters/simple.js](#testformatterssimplejs)
5 - [test/formatters/token.js](#testformatterstokenjs)
6 - [test/loggers/file.js](#testloggersfilejs)
7 - [test/loggers/console.js](#testloggersconsolejs)
10 <a name="testcolognejs"></a>
12 #log() should send every argument to the loggers.
15 #log() should send the same arguments to all the loggers.
18 #log() should send all objects in cologne log format.
21 #log() should default to level 6.
24 #debug() should set to level 7.
27 #info() should set to level 6.
30 #notice() should set to level 5.
33 #warn() should set to level 4.
36 #error() should set to level 3.
39 #buildLog() should return a cologne log.
42 #buildLog() should default to level 6.
45 #buildLog() should use the specified level.
48 #buildLog() should use the message property as the message if available.
51 #buildLog() should extend the object with its properties.
54 #log() calls using a pre-built cologne log should maintain the log level.
57 #removeLogger() should do nothing if it can't find a logger.
60 #removeLogger() should remove a logger.
63 #removeLogger() should no longer affect removed logs.
66 #addLogger() should add loggers after instance is live.
71 <a name="testutilitiesjs"></a>
73 ::now() should give a precise bigint timestamp.
76 ::stringify() should behave like JSON.stringify for non-circular objects.
79 ::stringify() should replace circular references with a string.
82 ::stringify() should convert bigint to string.
85 ::getAnsiCode is sending the correct reset code.
88 ::getAnsiCode() should give us a reset code if something weird is sent.
91 ::getAnsiCode() should not have duplicated non-reset codes.
94 ::getAnsiCode() should not return a reset code in any other supported code.
97 ::gettLevelAnsi is red for emerg.
100 ::gettLevelAnsi is red for alert.
103 ::gettLevelAnsi is red for crit.
106 ::gettLevelAnsi is red for error.
109 ::gettLevelAnsi is yellow for warn.
112 ::gettLevelAnsi is blue for notice.
115 ::gettLevelAnsi is blue for info.
118 ::gettLevelAnsi is green for debug.
121 ::gettLevelAnsi is default for other values.
125 ok - test/utilities.js
126 <a name="testformatterssimplejs"></a>
127 # test/formatters/simple.js
128 #format() should output a string in plain mode.
131 #format() should include the from property in plain mode.
134 #format() should include the timestamp property in iso format in plain mode.
137 #format() should include the level string property in plain mode.
140 #format() should include the message property in plain mode.
143 #format() should output a string in color mode.
146 #format() should include the from property in color mode.
149 #format() should include the timestamp property in iso format in color mode.
152 #format() should include the level string property in color mode.
155 #format() should include the message property in color mode.
158 #format() should colorize the string.
161 #format() should colorize only a bit of the string.
165 ok - test/formatters/simple.js
166 <a name="testformatterstokenjs"></a>
167 # test/formatters/token.js
168 #format() should output a string in default mode.
171 #format() should include the message in default mode.
174 #format() should output a string in custom mode.
177 #format() with custom string should include the specified tokens (check 1).
180 #format() with custom string should include the specified tokens (check 2).
183 #format() with iso date should include the timestamp as an iso date.
186 #format() should not replace tokens that don't match.
189 #format() should output a string in ansi mode.
192 #format() with ansi tokens should colorize the string.
195 #format() with ansi reset should reset the string.
198 #format() with ansi tokens should colorize the string based on level.
201 #format() should output a string in plain date mode.
204 #format() with plain date should include the timestamp as-is.
207 #format() should output a string in custom search mode.
210 #format() with a custom search, should properly match the new tokens.
214 ok - test/formatters/token.js
215 <a name="testloggersfilejs"></a>
216 # test/loggers/file.js
223 it should send all params to the file.
226 it should log the raw json object.
229 it should send all params to the file.
232 it should log the formatted object.
236 ok - test/loggers/file.js
237 <a name="testloggersconsolejs"></a>
238 # test/loggers/console.js
239 It should default to the global console.
242 It should send debug messages to console's #log.
245 It should send info and notice messages to console's #info.
248 It should send warn messages to console's #warn.
251 It should send error messages to console's #error.
254 If available, it should send the objects to the formatter.
258 ok - test/loggers/console.js
259 ----------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|-------------------|
260 File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
261 ----------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|-------------------|
262 All files | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
263 lib | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
264 cologne.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
265 utilities.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
266 lib/formatters | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
267 simple.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
268 token.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
269 lib/loggers | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
270 console.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
271 file.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
272 ----------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|-------------------|