+++ /dev/null
-# Blog Tooling
-With so many of the bloggers I follow talking about the the latest release of MarsEdit[1], I've been getting tooling envy. While my blog[2] is a full-featured enterprise-grade state-of-the-art piece of software, it's not compatible with any of these tools :(. Surely, a lack of appropriate tooling is the real reason why I don't update as often.
-=> https://redsweater.com/marsedit/ [1] MarsEdit
-=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/blog [2] Blog
-After a dozen misguided minutes of reading the atompub spec[3], I decided to integrate my tooling directly to my editor of choice: `nvim`.
-=> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc5023/ [3] The atompub spec
-Thanks to the marvels of VimScriptâ„¢ I can now add a text file to my blog with `:Blog add`, update the latest post with `:Blog update`, and publish to staging and live with `:Blog stage` and `:Blog publish`. And all it took was a couple of hours of searching how to write commands in vim[4], learning the difference between `<args>` and `<q-args>`, and a ton of sunken cost bias.
-=> https://vimhelp.org/usr_40.txt.html#40.2 [4] How to write commands in vim
-Here you can see the code in its entirety (with a couple replacements):
-command -nargs=? Blog :call Blog(<q-args>)
-function! Blog(...)
- let command = get(a:, 1, 0)
- let path = expand("%:p")
- if command == "add"
- if path == ""
- echo "This buffer is not a text file"
- else
- echo "Adding ".path." to blog"
- call system("blog --add ".path)
- endif
- return
- endif
- if command == "update"
- if path == ""
- echo "This buffer is not a text file"
- else
- echo "Updating ".path." to blog"
- call system("blog --update ".path)
- endif
- return
- endif
- if command == "stage"
- echo "Publishing blog to staging"
- call system("blog --publish <staging_url>")
- return
- endif
- if command == "publish"
- echo "Publishing blog"
- call system("blog --publish <blog_url>")
- call system("blog --publish-archive <gemini_url>")
- return
- endif
- if command == "help"
- echo "Available commands:"
- echo "\tadd\t\tadds current file to blog"
- echo "\tupdate\t\tupdates latest entry of blog with current file"
- echo "\tstage\t\tpublish blog to staging"
- echo "\tpublish\t\tpublish blog to production"
- echo "\thelp\t\tthis message"
- return
- endif
- echo "Unknown command, run :Blog help for help"
-Surely, this is all I need to form a publishing habit.
-Written, published, edited, republished, debugged, and republished with nvim.