+<a name="AttributesToRenderableSystem"></a>
+## AttributesToRenderableSystem ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+**Kind**: global class
+**Extends**: <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+* [AttributesToRenderableSystem](#AttributesToRenderableSystem) ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+ * [new AttributesToRenderableSystem(config)](#new_AttributesToRenderableSystem_new)
+ * [.added(engine)](#AttributesToRenderableSystem+added)
+ * [.removed()](#AttributesToRenderableSystem+removed)
+ * [.update(currentFrameDuration)](#AttributesToRenderableSystem+update)
+<a name="new_AttributesToRenderableSystem_new"></a>
+### new AttributesToRenderableSystem(config)
+Updates the renderables based on their attribuets
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| config | <code>object</code> | a configuration object to extend. |
+<a name="AttributesToRenderableSystem+added"></a>
+### attributesToRenderableSystem.added(engine)
+Initializes system when added. Requests renderable nodes and
+attaches to event listeners to add / remove them to pixi stage
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>AttributesToRenderableSystem</code>](#AttributesToRenderableSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| engine | <code>external:Serpentity.Engine</code> | the serpentity engine to which we are getting added |
+<a name="AttributesToRenderableSystem+removed"></a>
+### attributesToRenderableSystem.removed()
+Clears system resources when removed.
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>AttributesToRenderableSystem</code>](#AttributesToRenderableSystem)
+<a name="AttributesToRenderableSystem+update"></a>
+### attributesToRenderableSystem.update(currentFrameDuration)
+Runs on every update of the loop. Updates the graphics so they're
+rendered correctly
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>AttributesToRenderableSystem</code>](#AttributesToRenderableSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| currentFrameDuration | <code>Number</code> | the duration of the current frame |
+<a name="CreateCouplingLineSystem"></a>
+## CreateCouplingLineSystem ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+**Kind**: global class
+**Extends**: <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+* [CreateCouplingLineSystem](#CreateCouplingLineSystem) ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+ * [new CreateCouplingLineSystem(config)](#new_CreateCouplingLineSystem_new)
+ * [.added(engine)](#CreateCouplingLineSystem+added)
+ * [.removed()](#CreateCouplingLineSystem+removed)
+ * [.update(currentFrameDuration)](#CreateCouplingLineSystem+update)
+<a name="new_CreateCouplingLineSystem_new"></a>
+### new CreateCouplingLineSystem(config)
+Renders renderable objects using pixi
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| config | <code>object</code> | a configuration object to extend. |
+<a name="CreateCouplingLineSystem+added"></a>
+### createCouplingLineSystem.added(engine)
+Initializes system when added. Requests renderable nodes and
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>CreateCouplingLineSystem</code>](#CreateCouplingLineSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| engine | <code>external:Serpentity.Engine</code> | the serpentity engine to which we are getting added |
+<a name="CreateCouplingLineSystem+removed"></a>
+### createCouplingLineSystem.removed()
+Clears system resources when removed.
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>CreateCouplingLineSystem</code>](#CreateCouplingLineSystem)
+<a name="CreateCouplingLineSystem+update"></a>
+### createCouplingLineSystem.update(currentFrameDuration)
+Runs on every update of the loop. Does nothing.
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>CreateCouplingLineSystem</code>](#CreateCouplingLineSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| currentFrameDuration | <code>Number</code> | the duration of the current frame |
+<a name="PhysicsToAttributesSystem"></a>
+## PhysicsToAttributesSystem ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+**Kind**: global class
+**Extends**: <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+* [PhysicsToAttributesSystem](#PhysicsToAttributesSystem) ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+ * [new PhysicsToAttributesSystem(config)](#new_PhysicsToAttributesSystem_new)
+ * [.added(engine)](#PhysicsToAttributesSystem+added)
+ * [.removed()](#PhysicsToAttributesSystem+removed)
+ * [.update(currentFrameDuration)](#PhysicsToAttributesSystem+update)
+<a name="new_PhysicsToAttributesSystem_new"></a>
+### new PhysicsToAttributesSystem(config)
+Distribuets physics data to the related components
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| config | <code>object</code> | a configuration object to extend. |
+<a name="PhysicsToAttributesSystem+added"></a>
+### physicsToAttributesSystem.added(engine)
+Initializes system when added. Requests physics nodes
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>PhysicsToAttributesSystem</code>](#PhysicsToAttributesSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| engine | <code>external:Serpentity.Engine</code> | the serpentity engine to which we are getting added |
+<a name="PhysicsToAttributesSystem+removed"></a>
+### physicsToAttributesSystem.removed()
+Clears system resources when removed.
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>PhysicsToAttributesSystem</code>](#PhysicsToAttributesSystem)
+<a name="PhysicsToAttributesSystem+update"></a>
+### physicsToAttributesSystem.update(currentFrameDuration)
+Runs on every update of the loop. Updates the other components
+based on physics
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>PhysicsToAttributesSystem</code>](#PhysicsToAttributesSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| currentFrameDuration | <code>Number</code> | the duration of the current frame |
+<a name="PhysicsWorldControlSystem"></a>
+## PhysicsWorldControlSystem ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+**Kind**: global class
+**Extends**: <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+* [PhysicsWorldControlSystem](#PhysicsWorldControlSystem) ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+ * [new PhysicsWorldControlSystem(config)](#new_PhysicsWorldControlSystem_new)
+ * [.added(engine)](#PhysicsWorldControlSystem+added)
+ * [.removed()](#PhysicsWorldControlSystem+removed)
+ * [.update(currentFrameDuration)](#PhysicsWorldControlSystem+update)
+<a name="new_PhysicsWorldControlSystem_new"></a>
+### new PhysicsWorldControlSystem(config)
+Adds and removes objects to the physics world and calls update
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| config | <code>object</code> | a configuration object to extend. |
+<a name="PhysicsWorldControlSystem+added"></a>
+### physicsWorldControlSystem.added(engine)
+Initializes system when added. Requests physics nodes and
+attaches to event listeners to add / remove them to pixi stage
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>PhysicsWorldControlSystem</code>](#PhysicsWorldControlSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| engine | <code>external:Serpentity.Engine</code> | the serpentity engine to which we are getting added |
+<a name="PhysicsWorldControlSystem+removed"></a>
+### physicsWorldControlSystem.removed()
+Clears system resources when removed.
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>PhysicsWorldControlSystem</code>](#PhysicsWorldControlSystem)
+<a name="PhysicsWorldControlSystem+update"></a>
+### physicsWorldControlSystem.update(currentFrameDuration)
+Runs on every update of the loop. Updates the physics
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>PhysicsWorldControlSystem</code>](#PhysicsWorldControlSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| currentFrameDuration | <code>Number</code> | the duration of the current frame |
+<a name="RenderSystem"></a>
+## RenderSystem ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+**Kind**: global class
+**Extends**: <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+* [RenderSystem](#RenderSystem) ⇐ <code>external:Serpentity.System</code>
+ * [new RenderSystem(config)](#new_RenderSystem_new)
+ * [.added(engine)](#RenderSystem+added)
+ * [.removed()](#RenderSystem+removed)
+ * [.update(currentFrameDuration)](#RenderSystem+update)
+<a name="new_RenderSystem_new"></a>
+### new RenderSystem(config)
+Renders renderable objects using pixi
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| config | <code>object</code> | a configuration object to extend. |
+<a name="RenderSystem+added"></a>
+### renderSystem.added(engine)
+Initializes system when added. Requests renderable nodes and
+attaches to event listeners to add / remove them to pixi stage
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>RenderSystem</code>](#RenderSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| engine | <code>external:Serpentity.Engine</code> | the serpentity engine to which we are getting added |
+<a name="RenderSystem+removed"></a>
+### renderSystem.removed()
+Clears system resources when removed.
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>RenderSystem</code>](#RenderSystem)
+<a name="RenderSystem+update"></a>
+### renderSystem.update(currentFrameDuration)
+Runs on every update of the loop. Does nothing.
+**Kind**: instance method of [<code>RenderSystem</code>](#RenderSystem)
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| currentFrameDuration | <code>Number</code> | the duration of the current frame |
+<a name="PixiFactory"></a>
+## PixiFactory : <code>object</code>
+Factory object that contains many methods to create prefab pixi
+**Kind**: global variable
+* [PixiFactory](#PixiFactory) : <code>object</code>
+ * [.createSumo()](#PixiFactory.createSumo) ⇒ <code>external:CreateJs.Container</code>
+ * [.createEmptyGraphic()](#PixiFactory.createEmptyGraphic) ⇒ <code>external:CreateJs.Container</code>
+<a name="PixiFactory.createSumo"></a>
+### PixiFactory.createSumo() ⇒ <code>external:CreateJs.Container</code>
+Creates a sumo container
+**Kind**: static method of [<code>PixiFactory</code>](#PixiFactory)
+**Returns**: <code>external:CreateJs.Container</code> - the created container
+<a name="PixiFactory.createEmptyGraphic"></a>
+### PixiFactory.createEmptyGraphic() ⇒ <code>external:CreateJs.Container</code>
+Creates an empty graphic
+**Kind**: static method of [<code>PixiFactory</code>](#PixiFactory)
+**Returns**: <code>external:CreateJs.Container</code> - the created container
+<a name="SumoFactory"></a>
+## SumoFactory : <code>object</code>
+Factory object that contains many methods to create prefab entities.
+**Kind**: global variable
+* [SumoFactory](#SumoFactory) : <code>object</code>
+ * [.createSumo([engine], [config])](#SumoFactory.createSumo) ⇒ <code>external:Serpentity.Entity</code>
+ * [.createRubberBand([engine], [config])](#SumoFactory.createRubberBand) ⇒ <code>external:Serpentity.Entity</code>
+<a name="SumoFactory.createSumo"></a>
+### SumoFactory.createSumo([engine], [config]) ⇒ <code>external:Serpentity.Entity</code>
+Creates a sumo entity and adds it to the engine. Can override
+position in the config object
+**Kind**: static method of [<code>SumoFactory</code>](#SumoFactory)
+**Returns**: <code>external:Serpentity.Entity</code> - the created entity
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| [engine] | <code>external:Serpentity</code> | the serpentity engine to attach to. If not sent, it will not be attached. |
+| [config] | <code>object</code> | the config to override the entity, accepts the key `position` as an object with an x and y property. |
+<a name="SumoFactory.createRubberBand"></a>
+### SumoFactory.createRubberBand([engine], [config]) ⇒ <code>external:Serpentity.Entity</code>
+Creates a rubber band entity and adds it to the engine.
+**Kind**: static method of [<code>SumoFactory</code>](#SumoFactory)
+**Returns**: <code>external:Serpentity.Entity</code> - the created entity
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| [engine] | <code>external:Serpentity</code> | the serpentity engine to attach to. If not sent, it will not be attached. |
+| [config] | <code>object</code> | the config to override the entity, it must include entityA and entityB which will be tied by it. If they are not sent or don't have a physics body, this will throw. |