-# sorting-hat
-A sorting hat, sorts you to a variety of sets of 4
+# Sorting Hat
+A sorting hat, sorts you to a variety of sets based on the assignment of
+mind waves.
+## Usage
+This package can be used as a standalone executable or as a library
+inside other node applications
+### As an executable
+It can be used as a local or global installation
+#### Local Install
+$ npm install sorting-hat
+$ npx sorting-hat
+#### Global Install
+$ npm install -g sorting-hat
+$ sorting-hat
+#### Overriding configuration in the binary
+The binary uses environment variables to override the defaults
+* `SORTING_HAT_DEVICE_LOCATION`: The path from where we'll listen to the
+ mindwave, defaults to `/dev/tty.MindWaveMobile-SerialPo`
+* `SORTING_HAT_MAPPING_STRATEGY`: The strategy used to sort the waves,
+ it defaults to `tmnt`. That is also the only supported value as of
+ right now
+* `SORTING_HAT_PORT`: The port on which we'll start the websocket server
+ to send state updates to the frontends
+### As a Library
+You can include it in other libraries by requiring the file. For more
+information on the public API and the used data structures, please check
+'use strict';
+const sortingHat = new SortingHat({
+ deviceLocation: '/dev/tty.MindWaveMobile-SerialPo',
+ mappingStrategy: 'tmnt',
+ port: 1987
+At the moment it's not built right, so you can't really do much with
+this mode. But you can do it.
+## Further Improvements
+* Give independent weights to each wave and category so we can balance
+* Allow actual use as a library