var engine = Serpentity();
-Add entities or systems:
+Add entities or systems, systems are added with a priority (the smaller
+the number, the earlier it will be called):
- engine.addSystem(new GameSystem());
+ engine.addSystem(new GameSystem(), priority);
Update all systems:
-You can add components to entities by using the add method:
+You can add components to entities by using the addComponent method:
- entity.add(new PositionComponent());
+ entity.addComponent(new PositionComponent());
Systems can refer to entities by requesting nodes.
Just run `engine.update(dt)` in your game loop :D
+## Checking it in the frontend (dev).
+You can link the bower package to test it out locally.
+Spawn a python server (`python -m SimpleHTTPServer`) to see
+the test page in `http://localhost:8000/browser_test/`
## TO-DO
-* Priorities
* Removing components
* Implement the ashteroids demo (Serpentoids)
* Actually check performance