Tools to work with notes and tasks in neovim. It allows you to:
-- Open and edit periodic notes with templates (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and yearly)
-- Open, edit and archive .plan files
-- Open and capture learning entries in a learning file
-- Manage tasks in your daily files
+* Open and edit periodic notes with templates (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and yearly)
+* Open, edit and archive .plan files
+* Open and capture learning entries in a learning file
+* Manage tasks in your daily files
This plugin is still heavily under construction and the functionality to reschedule, capture to inbox or defer tasks is not yet implemented.
Unless disabled, these are the key bindings provided:
### Opening Notes
-- `<leader>od`, `:NotaOpenDailyNote`, Opens today's daily note.
-- `<leader>ow`, `:NotaOpenWeeklyNote`, Opens this week's weekly note.
-- `<leader>om`, `:NotaOpenMonthlyNote`, Opens this month's monthly note.
-- `<leader>os`, `:NotaOpenSeasonalNote`, Opens this season's seasonal note.
-- `<leader>oy`, `:NotaOpenYearlyNote`, Opens this year's yearly note.
-- `<leader>on`, `:NotaOpenNote`, Opens an arbitrary note. (Requires [fzf-lua][fzf-lua])
+* `<leader>od`, `:NotaOpenDailyNote`, Opens today's daily note.
+* `<leader>ow`, `:NotaOpenWeeklyNote`, Opens this week's weekly note.
+* `<leader>om`, `:NotaOpenMonthlyNote`, Opens this month's monthly note.
+* `<leader>os`, `:NotaOpenSeasonalNote`, Opens this season's seasonal note.
+* `<leader>oy`, `:NotaOpenYearlyNote`, Opens this year's yearly note.
+* `<leader>on`, `:NotaOpenNote`, Opens an arbitrary note. (Requires fzf-lua)
### Task Views
-- `<leader>oa`, `:NotaOpenAgenda`, Opens the agenda window with this week's tasks.
-- `<leader>oo`, `:NotaOpenOpen`, Opens a window that lets you navigate through all open tasks.
-- `<leader>oO`, `:NotaOpenOpenImportant`, Opens a window that lets you navigate through all open important tasks.
-- `<leader>oj`, `:NotaOpenJournal`, Opens a window that lets you search completed tasks to find journal entries. (Requires [fzf-lua][fzf-lua] and ripgrep)
+* `<leader>oa`, `:NotaOpenAgenda`, Opens the agenda window with this week's tasks.
+* `<leader>oo`, `:NotaOpenOpen`, Opens a window that lets you navigate through all open tasks.
+* `<leader>oO`, `:NotaOpenOpenImportant`, Opens a window that lets you navigate through all open important tasks.
+* `<leader>oj`, `:NotaOpenJournal`, Opens a window that lets you search completed tasks to find journal entries. (Requires fzf-lua and ripgrep)
### Task Handling Commands
-- `<leader>t`, `:NotaToggleTask`, Toggles completion state of the task under the cursor.
-- `<leader>st`, `:NotaToggleTaskImportance`, Toggles importance state of the task under the cursor. (- [ ] is a regular task, * [ ] is an important task)
-- `<leader>it`, `:NotaInsertTask`, Inserts a task at cursor location.
-- `<leader>ct`, `:NotaCaptureTask`, Captures a new task into the inbox.
-- `<leader>Tt`, `:NotaTagTask`, Adds a tag to the current task.
-- `<leader>rt`, `:NotaRescheduleTaskToday`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to today.
-- `<leader>rT`, `:NotaRescheduleTaskTomorrow`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to tomorrow.
-- `<leader>rs`, `:NotaRescheduleTaskSomeday`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to someday.
-- `<leader>rr`, `:NotaRescheduleTask`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to an arbitrary date.
+* `<leader>t`, `:NotaToggleTask`, Toggles completion state of the task under the cursor.
+* `<leader>st`, `:NotaToggleTaskImportance`, Toggles importance state of the task under the cursor. (- [ ] is a regular task, * [ ] is an important task)
+* `<leader>it`, `:NotaInsertTask`, Inserts a task at cursor location.
+* `<leader>ct`, `:NotaCaptureTask`, Captures a new task into the inbox.
+* `<leader>Tt`, `:NotaTagTask`, Adds a tag to the current task.
+* `<leader>rt`, `:NotaRescheduleTaskToday`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to today.
+* `<leader>rT`, `:NotaRescheduleTaskTomorrow`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to tomorrow.
+* `<leader>rs`, `:NotaRescheduleTaskSomeday`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to someday.
+* `<leader>rr`, `:NotaRescheduleTask`, Reschedules the task under the cursor to an arbitrary date.
### Learning Handling Commands
-- `<leader>ol`, `:NotaOpenLearning`, Opens the learning file.
-- `<leader>cl`, `:NotaCaptureLearning`, Captures a new task into the inbox.
+* `<leader>ol`, `:NotaOpenLearning`, Opens the learning file.
+* `<leader>cl`, `:NotaCaptureLearning`, Captures a new task into the inbox.
### Plan Handling Commands
-- `<leader>op`, `:NotaOpenPlan`, Opens the current plan file.
-- `<leader>cp`, `:NotaCapturePlan`, Captures a new plan and archives the current one.
+* `<leader>op`, `:NotaOpenPlan`, Opens the current plan file.
+* `<leader>cp`, `:NotaCapturePlan`, Captures a new plan and archives the current one.
## Conventions used in the text files.
-- [ ] and - [x] indicate a regular task
-* [ ] and * [x] indicate an important task
-- [>] and * [>] indicate a rescheduled task. This is only applied to tasks that were rescheduled after they were due.
+* - [ ] and - [x] indicate a regular task
+* * [ ] and * [x] indicate an important task
+* - [>] and * [>] indicate a rescheduled task. This is only applied to tasks that were rescheduled after they were due.