+=> ./swiftbar/monitorcito.1m.sh ⧇ monitorcito.1m.sh
+## Focus Checks
+This is a utility that allows other scripts to conditionally run or halt based on which focus mode is enabled.
+### Dependencies
+You must have jq installed .
+### Usage
+To enable the focus checks, you need to pass separated strings to VAR_RUN_ON_FOCUS or VAR_HALT_ON_FOCUS. For example, this will only run the script if "Personal" or "Do Not Disturb" are active:
+VAR_RUN_ON_FOCUS="Personal|Do Not Disturb"
+And this will halt the script only if the focus is Work
+If neither variable is set, then all checks will be disabled.
+The script will only appear or disappear when it's next refreshed. If you want this faster, trigger a full refresh of your plugins.
+### Setup
+Download and copy focus.utils.sh to your SwiftBar directory on the same directory as the scripts that use this functionality.
+### Permissions
+For the script to correctly get focus data, it requires full disk access. You
+can do this by going to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Full Disk Access,
+and adding SwiftBar to the list.
+### For Developers
+If you want to include this functionality in your script, check the script
+comments for instructions on how to use it in your scripts.
+=> ./swiftbar/focus.utils.sh ⧇ focus.utils.sh