- shapes = [sqr, crc, hrt, chs, lch],
- positions = [id, spn(5), spn(15)],
- draw = shapes[rnd(shapes.length)],
- pos = positions[rnd(positions.length)];
- function rnd (x) {
- return Math.floor(r() * x);
- }
- function sqr(i) {
- var p = pos(i);
- context.fillRect(p.x, p.y, size, size);
- }
- function crc(i) {
- var p = pos(i);
- context.beginPath();
- context.arc(p.x, p.y, size / 2, 0, 2 * pi);
- context.fill();
- }
- function chs(i) {
- var p = pos(i);
- context.beginPath();
- context.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
- context.lineTo(p.x * 10 * cos(i.angle), p.y * 10 * sin(i.angle));
- context.lineTo(rnd(64), rnd(64));
- context.fill();
- }
- function lch(i) {
- var p = pos(i);
- context.beginPath();
- context.lineWidth = 5;
- context.strokeStyle = `rgb(${i.color.join(',')})`;
- context.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
- context.lineTo(p.x * 10 * cos(i.angle), p.y * 10 * sin(i.angle));
- context.stroke();
- }
- function sqr(i) {
- var p = pos(i);
- context.fillRect(p.x, p.y, size, size);
- }
- function hrt(i) {
- var p = pos(i);
- context.fillRect(p.x, p.y, size, size);
- context.beginPath();
- context.arc(p.x + size / 2, p.y, size / 2, 0, 2 * pi, false);
- context.fill();
- context.closePath();
- context.beginPath();
- context.arc(p.x + size, p.y + size / 2, size / 2, 0, 2 * pi, false);
- context.fill();
- context.closePath();
- }
- function id(p) {
- return p;
- }
- function spn(rad) {
- return function (p) {
- return {
- x: p.x + rad * cos(lastFrame),
- y: p.y + rad * sin(lastFrame)
- }
- }
- }
- function mov(i) {
- i.x = i.x + speed * cos(i.angle);
- i.y = i.y + speed * sin(i.angle);
- if (i.x < 0 || i.x > 64) {
- i.angle = Math.atan2(sin(i.angle), -cos(i.angle))
- }
- if (i.y < 0 || i.y > 64) {
- i.angle = Math.atan2(-sin(i.angle), cos(i.angle))
- }
- }
- function updateColor(i) {
- i.color = i.color.map((c) => {
- c = c + 5;
- return c > 255 ? 0 : c;
- })
- }
- function frame(time) {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(frame);
- var delta = time - lastFrame;
- if (delta > 1000 / fps) {
- clear && context.clearRect(0, 0, 64, 64);
- for (var i of items) {
- context.fillStyle = `rgb(${i.color.join(',')})`;
- draw(i);
- changeColor && updateColor(i);
- mov(i);
- }
- lastFrame = time;
- }
- }
+ mov = i => {
+ i.x = i.x + spd * C(i.a)
+ i.y = i.y + spd * S(i.a)
+ if (i.x < 0 || i.x > 64) {
+ i.a = A(S(i.a), -C(i.a))
+ }
+ if (i.y < 0 || i.y > 64) {
+ i.a = A(-S(i.a), C(i.a))
+ }
+ },
+ ucl = i => i.c = i.c.map(c => (c + 5) % 256),
+ frm = t => {
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(frm)
+ var dt = t - l
+ if (dt > 1000 / f) {
+ clr && x.clearRect(0, 0, 64, 64)
+ for (var i of I) {
+ x.fillStyle = `rgb(${i.c.join(',')})`
+ draw(i)
+ ccl && ucl(i)
+ mov(i)
+ }
+ l = t
+ }
+ },
+ x = K.getContext('2d'),
+ f = 24,
+ l = 0,
+ spd = 1,
+ siz = 5 + r(10),
+ clr = R() > 0.5,
+ ccl = R() > 0.5,
+ I = Array(r(10) + 6).fill().map(() => ({
+ x: r(64),
+ y: r(64),
+ a: R() * 2 * PI,
+ c: Array(3).fill(r(256))
+ })),
+ S = [sqr, crc, hrt, chs, lch],
+ P = [id, spn(5), spn(15)],
+ draw = S[r(S.length)],
+ pos = P[r(P.length)]