+2024-03-13: Man pages are stored gzipped. I should probably update my packaging to make sure the manpages are gzipped first.
+2024-03-11: You can iterate over several architectures in make by setting a variable to space separated values, then using the variable name as the target (eg. $(architectures):). Then you can access the value with $@
+2024-03-09: I misunderstood how expect() works in rust. In a Result it won't return Err, it'll panic. .map_err() and ok_or_else() are a closer way to offer the same result.
+2024-03-06: The definition of the first week in the ISO standard is the one that contains january 4th.
+2024-03-06: In lua os.time() if you pass month 13 or month -1, it correctly calculates the next or previous year, so you don't have to manually do that math.
2024-03-03: The string methods in lua are attached to the metatable so you can run them with :, but the table ones aren't so you always need table.method().
2024-03-02: Lua regular expressions aren't fully compatible with regex :( (eg. you can't use the pipe operator)
2024-02-16: scroll-behavior: smooth; gives JS-free smooth scrolling when navigating anchors.