-Do, a task manager for iOS and MacOs that makes you write a journal entry when the task is done.
-=> https://do.tranquil.systems/ do.tranquil.systems
+=> mailto:contact@r.bdr.sh ✉︎ e-mail
+=> /pub.txt ✶ gpg key
+=> /messages_key.txt ✷ contact key
+## Apps I
+### Captura
+Quickly record your mac's screen and share as .gif or .mp4.
+=> https://captura.tranquil.systems/ captura.tranquil.systems
+### Lyricli
+Print the lyrics of your current track to the terminal. Supports Apple Music, Spotify for mac, and most Linux players.
+=> /lyricli.gmi ./lyricli.gmi
+=> https://git.r.bdr.sh/rbdr/lyricli lyricli source code.