--- title: /index.html
--- description: unlimited.pizza - ruben beltran del río surfs the internet: programming, music, fun times, hugs, bad jokes, and unlimited pizza
```Unlimited Pizza
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The personal capsule of Rubén Beltrán del Río
=> /gemlog/ 📓 Blog / Gemlog
=> /pub.txt 🔑 Public GPG Key
=> gemini://gemini.unlimited.pizza/guestbook 📒 Guestbook
+=> https://pixelfed.de/minoltacos 📷 Pictures I've taken
+=> https://hachyderm.io/@myspace 💭 Social Media™
=> mailto:ruben+up@unlimited.pizza ✉️ Send me an e-mail
-## Apps
+## Apps I
+### Captura
+A macos application that lets you quickly record your screen and share it as an mp4 or gif
+=> https://captura.tranquil.systems/ captura.tranquil.systems
+### Lyricli
+A command line tool to print the lyrics of your current Apple Music or Spotify track
+=> /lyricli.gmi ./lyricli.gmi
+=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/lyricli lyricli source code.
-Do, a task manager for iOS and MacOs that makes you write a journal entry when the task is done.
+## II
+### Do
+A task manager for iOS and MacOs that makes you write a journal entry when the task is done.
=> https://do.tranquil.systems/ do.tranquil.systems
-Map, A MacOS app that lets you create wardley maps using text.
+### Map
+A MacOS app that lets you create wardley maps using text.
=> https://map.tranquil.systems/ map.tranquil.systems
-Ritmo, An iOS and MacOS app that helps you maintain a healthy balance.
-=> https://map.tranquil.systems/ ritmo.tranquil.systems
+### Ritmo
+An iOS and MacOS app that helps you maintain a healthy balance.
+=> https://ritmo.tranquil.systems/ ritmo.tranquil.systems
-Lyricli, a command line tool to print the lyrics of your current Apple Music or Spotify track
+### Lyricli
+A command line tool to print the lyrics of your current Apple Music or Spotify track
=> /lyricli.gmi ./lyricli.gmi
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/lyricli lyricli source code.
## Libraries
-Patterns, MacPaint style pattern views for SwiftUI
+### Patterns
+MacPaint style pattern views for SwiftUI
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/patterns Patterns source code
-Serpentity, an entity-component-system framework for Javascript
+### Serpentity
+An entity-component-system framework for Javascript
=> https://sr.ht/~rbdr/serpentity Serpentity source code
=> https://sr.ht/~rbdr/serpentity-lib Serpentity Shared Library source code
-Grafn, flow based programming library for javascript.
+### Grafn
+Flow based programming library for javascript.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/grafn Grafn source code
-Cologne, log multiplexer for javascript with no dependencies.
+### Cologne
+Log multiplexer for javascript with no dependencies.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/cologne Cologne source code
-## Plugins
+## Plugins I
### Flat Bezel.qsplugin
+A UI Plugin for quicksilver inspired by the classic Bezel with a modern macOS look and SF Symbols.
-A UI Plugin for quicksilver
-=> ./flat_bezel.gmi Flat Bezel Homepage
+=> ./flat_bezel.gmi ./flat_bezel.gmi
### API Notation
A syntax for notating component APIs in text documents. We provide a tree-sitter parser and a neovim plugin.
-=> ./api.gmi API Notation definition
+=> ./api.gmi ./api.gmi
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/tree-sitter-api-notation tree-sitter parser and neovim plugin.
Older versions of the plugin exist for other editors, though they support an older version of the notation definition.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/api-notation-atom Syntax for atom
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/api-notation.tmLanguage Syntax for sublime text
-### NGINX Office Hours
+## II
+### NGINX Office Hours
A victory for the server's labor rights: An nginx module that allows you to serve your content only during office hours.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/ngx_http_office_hours_filter_module ngx_http_office_hours_filter_module
### Junction
A browser extension that lets you start audio calls on any URL.
=> https://junction.unlimited.pizza Junction
=> https://music.apple.com/de/artist/ben-beltran/1338665508?l=en Apple Music
=> https://soundcloud.com/benbeltran Soundcloud
-## More of my things
-=> https://pixelfed.de/minoltacos 📷 Pictures I've taken
-=> https://hachyderm.io/@myspace 💭 Social Media™
+## Etc I
-## Etc
+### Min Sizes
+(2023) Minimum window sizes for assorted mac software
+=> ./min_sizes.gmi ./min_sizes.gmi
-Page (2023): A static website generator.
+### Page
+(2023) A static website generator.
=> gemini://gemini.unlimited.pizza/gemlog/1681763713661/introducing-page.gmi Gemlog entry about page.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/page Page source code
-Prompt (2021): Drawing prompts on demand.
+### Prompt
+(2021) Drawing prompts on demand.
=> https://prompt.unlimited.pizza/ prompt.unlimited.pizza
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/prompt Prompt source code
-Corona Regeln (2021): Up-to-date corona rules for Berlin. Refresh frequently.
+### Corona Regeln
+(2021) Up-to-date corona rules for Berlin. Refresh frequently.
=> https://corona.unlimited.pizza/ corona.unlimited.pizza
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/corona-regeln Corona Regeln source code
-Flower (2018): 🌹🌸🌺💐🌼🌻🌷 draw a flower rotating a cube 🌷🌻🌼💐🌺🌸🌹
+## II
+### Flower
+(2018) 🌹🌸🌺💐🌼🌻🌷 draw a flower rotating a cube 🌷🌻🌼💐🌺🌸🌹
=> https://flower.unlimited.pizza/ flower.unlimited.pizza
-Sorting Hat & Renderer (2017): Reads your brain and places you in a category based on your mental activity
+### Sorting Hat
+(2017) Reads your brain and places you in a category based on your mental activity
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/sorting-hat Sorting hat source
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/sorting-hat-renderer Sorting hat renderer source code
-Dasein (2017): Ephemeral posts experiment: the posts stay alive as the conversation continues, but disappear shortly after activity stops.
+### Dasein
+(2017) Ephemeral posts experiment: the posts stay alive as the conversation continues, but disappear shortly after activity stops.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/dasein Dasein source code
-Frames (2017): 🆒
+### Frames
+(2017) 🆒
=> https://frames.unlimited.pizza/ frames.unlimited.pizza
-Dead Drop (2017, Spanish): Marca un número de 📞 y deja un mensaje secreto, o escucha algo al azar.
+### Dead Drop
+(2017, Spanish) Marca un número de 📞 y deja un mensaje secreto, o escucha algo al azar.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/dead-drop Dead Drop source code
-Tomato Sauce (2016): a random work of ansi art via telnet. Better with 24-bit enabled terminals.
+## III
+### Tomato Sauce
+(2016) a random work of ansi art via telnet. Better with 24-bit enabled terminals.
=> telnet:barthes.unlimited.pizza:7777 telnet barthes.unlimited.pizza 7777
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/tomato-sauce Tomato Sauce source code
-LGTM (2016): Looks Good To Me! 👍
+### LGTM
+(2016) Looks Good To Me! 👍
=> https://lgtm.unlimited.pizza/ lgtm.unlimited.pizza
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/lgtm lgtm source code
-Heart (2016): ❤️💜💙💛💚
+### Heart
+(2016) ❤️💜💙💛💚
=> https://heart.unlimited.pizza/ heart.unlimited.pizza
-Generador de Insultos (2015, Spanish): Un generador de insultos multi-usos que te da un insulto nuevo cada vez que lo cargas.
+### Generador de Insultos
+(2015, Spanish) Un generador de insultos multi-usos que te da un insulto nuevo cada vez que lo cargas.
=> https://insultos.unlimited.pizza/ insultos.unlimited.pizza
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/generador-de-insultos generador de insultos source code
-Grita (2010, Spanish): Comparte texto anónimamente y distribuyelo con QR codes y URLs cortas.
+## IV
+### Grita
+(2010, Spanish) Comparte texto anónimamente y distribuyelo con QR codes y URLs cortas.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/grita grita source code
-Polarity (2009): Top-down arena shooter game with magnetism.
+### Polarity
+(2009) Top-down arena shooter game with magnetism.
=> ./files/polarity.zip polarity.zip
-Pico Engine (2009): Platform game engine with lua scripting.
+### Pico Engine
+(2009) Platform game engine with lua scripting.
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/pico-engine pico source code