-The personal capsule of Rubén Beltrán del Río.
-=> /gemlog/ 📓 Blog / Gemlog
-=> /pub.txt 🔑 Public GPG Key
-=> /.plan 📔 What am I up to (roughly)
-=> /learning.txt 💡Things I've learned, big and small
-=> gemini://r.bdr.sh/guestbook 📒 Guestbook
-=> https://pixelfed.de/minoltacos 📷 Pictures I've taken
-=> https://friendship.quest/@ruben 💭 Social Media™
-=> mailto:contact@r.bdr.sh ✉️ Send me an e-mail
+I am Rubén Beltrán del Río. I make software and am online. You can find all my things here, on the internet.
+=> /gemlog/ ⛄︎ blog
+=> /.plan ⚐ .plan
+=> /learning.txt ☝︎ learning.txt
+=> gemini://r.bdr.sh/guestbook ✍︎ guestbook
+=> https://pixelfed.de/minoltacos ✧ pictures
+=> https://friendship.quest/@ruben ☹︎ social media
+=> https://links.srv.bdr.sh/bookmarks/shared ♡ bookmarks
+=> https://myspace.bandcamp.com/ ♬ music
+=> mailto:contact@r.bdr.sh ✉︎ e-mail
+=> /pub.txt ✶ gpg key
+=> /messages_key.txt ✷ messages key