]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/r.bdr.sh/blame_incremental - js/animation.js
Get rid of the function keywords
[rbdr/r.bdr.sh] / js / animation.js
... / ...
1(function () {
3 var K = document.querySelector('canvas'),
4 { random: R, PI, cos: C, sin: S, floor, atan2: A } = Math,
5 r = x => floor(R() * x),
6 sqr = i => {
7 var p = pos(i)
8 x.fillRect(p.x, p.y, siz, siz)
9 },
10 crc = i => {
11 var p = pos(i)
12 x.beginPath()
13 x.arc(p.x, p.y, siz / 2, 0, 2 * PI)
14 x.fill()
15 },
16 chs = i => {
17 var p = pos(i)
18 x.beginPath()
19 x.moveTo(p.x, p.y)
20 x.lineTo(p.x * 10 * C(i.a), p.y * 10 * S(i.a))
21 x.lineTo(r(64), r(64))
22 x.fill()
23 },
24 lch = i => {
25 var p = pos(i)
26 x.beginPath()
27 x.lineWidth = 5
28 x.strokeStyle = `rgb(${i.c.join(',')})`
29 x.moveTo(p.x, p.y)
30 x.lineTo(p.x * 10 * C(i.a), p.y * 10 * S(i.a))
31 x.stroke()
32 },
33 hrt = i => {
34 var p = pos(i)
35 x.fillRect(p.x, p.y, siz, siz)
37 x.beginPath()
38 x.arc(p.x + siz / 2, p.y, siz / 2, 0, 2 * PI, false)
39 x.fill()
40 x.closePath()
42 x.beginPath()
43 x.arc(p.x + siz, p.y + siz / 2, siz / 2, 0, 2 * PI, false)
44 x.fill()
45 x.closePath()
46 },
47 id = p => p,
48 spn = rad => (p => ({
49 x: p.x + rad * C(l),
50 y: p.y + rad * S(l)
51 })),
52 mov = i => {
53 i.x = i.x + spd * C(i.a)
54 i.y = i.y + spd * S(i.a)
56 if (i.x < 0 || i.x > 64) {
57 i.a = A(S(i.a), -C(i.a))
58 }
60 if (i.y < 0 || i.y > 64) {
61 i.a = A(-S(i.a), C(i.a))
62 }
63 },
64 ucl = i => i.c = i.c.map(c => (c + 5) % 256),
65 frm = t => {
66 window.requestAnimationFrame(frm)
68 var dt = t - l
70 if (dt > 1000 / f) {
71 clr && x.clearRect(0, 0, 64, 64)
72 for (var i of I) {
73 x.fillStyle = `rgb(${i.c.join(',')})`
74 draw(i)
75 ccl && ucl(i)
76 mov(i)
77 }
79 l = t
80 }
81 },
82 x = K.getContext('2d'),
83 f = 24,
84 l = 0,
85 spd = 1,
86 siz = 5 + r(10),
87 clr = R() > 0.5,
88 ccl = R() > 0.5,
89 I = Array(r(10) + 6).fill().map(() => ({
90 x: r(64),
91 y: r(64),
92 a: R() * 2 * PI,
93 c: Array(3).fill(r(256))
94 })),
95 S = [sqr, crc, hrt, chs, lch],
96 P = [id, spn(5), spn(15)],
97 draw = S[r(S.length)],
98 pos = P[r(P.length)]
100 frm()