# Mobius
-Cross-platform command line [Hotline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotline_Communications) server and client
+Mobius is a cross-platform command line [Hotline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotline_Communications) server, client, and library developed in Golang.
+The project aims to support Hotline functionality from versions v1.2.3 and >v1.5 (e.g. threaded news and folder transfers).
-# Installation
+## Project status
-### Mac OS X
+### Server
+* Near feature complete
+### Client
+* Early stage with functionality for chat and news posting only
+# Getting started
+### Mac OS
+For Mac OS the easiest path to installation is to install through Homebrew.
#### Client
brew install jhalter/mobius-hotline-client/mobius-hotline-client
+After installation `mobius-hotline-client` installed to `/usr/local/bin/mobius-hotline-client` and should be in your $PATH.
+The client config file is in `/usr/local/etc/mobius-client-config.yaml`
+Run `mobius-hotline-client -help` for usage options.
#### Server
brew install jhalter/mobius-hotline-client/mobius-hotline-client
+After installation `mobius-hotline-server` installed to `/usr/local/bin/mobius-hotline-server` and should be in your $PATH.
+The server config file directory is under `/usr/local/var/mobius` which by default contains:
+ /usr/local/var/mobius/config/MessageBoard.txt
+ /usr/local/var/mobius/config/config.yaml
+ /usr/local/var/mobius/config/ThreadedNews.yaml
+ /usr/local/var/mobius/config/Agreement.txt
+ /usr/local/var/mobius/config/Users/guest.yaml
+ /usr/local/var/mobius/config/Users/admin.yaml
+Edit `/usr/local/var/mobius/config/config.yaml` to change your server name and other settings.
+Edit `/usr/local/var/mobius/config/Agreement.txt` to set your server agreement.
+Run `mobius-hotline-server -help` for usage options.
### Linux
Download a compiled release for your architecture from the Releases page
-# Build
-To build from source, run
-`make build`
+### Build from source
-# Features
+To build from source, run:
-* Hotline 1.2.3
+ make build-client
+ make build-server
## Usage
## Compatibility
-The server has been tested with:
- * Hotline Client version 1.2.3
- * Hotline Client version 1.8.2
- * Hotline Client version 1.9.2
- * Nostalgia
-### Build from source
- make build