var nostalgiaVersion = []byte{0, 0, 2, 0x2c} // version ID used by the Nostalgia client
type Server struct {
var nostalgiaVersion = []byte{0, 0, 2, 0x2c} // version ID used by the Nostalgia client
type Server struct {
- Port int
- Accounts map[string]*Account
- Agreement []byte
- Clients map[uint16]*ClientConn
- ThreadedNews *ThreadedNews
+ Port int
+ Accounts map[string]*Account
+ Agreement []byte
+ Clients map[uint16]*ClientConn
if err := register(t, tr); err != nil {
server.Logger.Errorw("unable to register with tracker %v", "error", err)
if err := register(t, tr); err != nil {
server.Logger.Errorw("unable to register with tracker %v", "error", err)
-func (s *Server) NewUser(login, name, password string, access []byte) error {
+func (s *Server) NewUser(login, name, password string, access accessBitmap) error {
return s.FS.WriteFile(filepath.Join(s.ConfigDir, "Users", login+".yaml"), out, 0666)
return s.FS.WriteFile(filepath.Join(s.ConfigDir, "Users", login+".yaml"), out, 0666)
-func (s *Server) UpdateUser(login, newLogin, name, password string, access []byte) error {
+func (s *Server) UpdateUser(login, newLogin, name, password string, access accessBitmap) error {
- c.Server.outbox <- *NewTransaction(tranUserAccess, c.ID, NewField(fieldUserAccess, *c.Account.Access))
+ c.Server.outbox <- *NewTransaction(tranUserAccess, c.ID, NewField(fieldUserAccess, c.Account.Access[:]))
// Accounts with accessNoAgreement do not receive the server agreement on login. The behavior is different between
// client versions. For 1.2.3 client, we do not send tranShowAgreement. For other client versions, we send
// Accounts with accessNoAgreement do not receive the server agreement on login. The behavior is different between
// client versions. For 1.2.3 client, we do not send tranShowAgreement. For other client versions, we send
if c.Version == nil || bytes.Equal(c.Version, nostalgiaVersion) {
c.Agreed = true
c.logger = c.logger.With("name", string(c.UserName))
if c.Version == nil || bytes.Equal(c.Version, nostalgiaVersion) {
c.Agreed = true
c.logger = c.logger.With("name", string(c.UserName))
- c.logger.Infow("Login successful", "clientVersion", fmt.Sprintf("%x", c.Version))
+ c.logger.Infow("Login successful", "clientVersion", fmt.Sprintf("%v", func() int { i, _ := byteToInt(c.Version); return i }()))