- export HLFILES=/Users/foo/HotlineFiles #
- docker run --rm -p 5500:5500 -p 5501:5501 -v $HLFILES:/usr/local/var/mobius/config jhalter/mobius-hotline-server:latest -init
+To do this, create a directory in a location of your choice on the host OS. For clarity, we'll assign the path to the `HLFILES` environment variable and re-use it:
+export HLFILES=/home/myuser/hotline-files
+mdkir $HLFILES
+sudo docker run \
+ --pull=always \
+ --rm \
+ -p 5500:5500 \
+ -p 5501:5501 \
+ -v $HLFILES:/usr/local/var/mobius/config \
+ ghcr.io/jhalter/mobius:latest \
+ -init
+It's a good security practice to run your server as a non-root user, which also happens to make editing the configuration files easier from the host OS.
+To do this, add the `--user` flag to the docker run arguments with a user ID and group ID of a user on the host OS.
+`--user 1001:1001`