+To enable it, include the `--api-addr` flag with a string defining the IP and port to listen on in the form of `<ip>:<port>`.
+Example: `--api-addr=`
+⚠️ The API has no authentication, so binding it to localhost is a good idea!
+#### GET /api/v1/stats
+The stats endpoint returns server runtime statistics and counters.
+❯ curl -s localhost:5503/api/v1/stats | jq .
+ "ConnectionCounter": 0,
+ "ConnectionPeak": 0,
+ "CurrentlyConnected": 0,
+ "DownloadCounter": 0,
+ "DownloadsInProgress": 0,
+ "Since": "2024-07-18T15:36:42.426156-07:00",
+ "UploadCounter": 0,
+ "UploadsInProgress": 0,
+ "WaitingDownloads": 0
+#### GET /api/v1/reload
+The reload endpoint reloads the following configuration files from disk:
+* Agreement.txt
+* News.txt
+* Users/*.yaml
+* ThreadedNews.yaml
+* banner.jpg
+❯ curl -s localhost:5503/api/v1/reload | jq .
+ "msg": "config reloaded"
+#### POST /api/v1/shutdown
+The shutdown endpoint accepts a shutdown message from POST payload, sends it to to all connected Hotline clients, then gracefully shuts down the server.
+❯ curl -d 'Server rebooting' localhost:5503/api/v1/shutdown
+{ "msg": "server shutting down" }