+Within this directory some files are intended to be edited to customize the server, while others are not.
+* 🛠️ Edit this file to customize your server.
+* ⚠️ Avoid manual edits outside of special circumstances (e.g. remove offending news content).
+🛠️ `Agreement.text` - The server agreement sent to users after they join the server.
+🛠️ `Files` - Home of your warez or any other files you'd like to share.
+⚠️ `MessageBoard.txt` - Plain text file containing the server's message board. No need to edit this.
+⚠️ `ThreadedNews.yaml` - YAML file containing the server's threaded news. No need to edit this.
+⚠️ `Users` - Directory containing user account YAML files. No need to edit this.
+🛠️ `banner.jpg` - Path to server banner image.
+🛠️ `config.yaml` - Edit to set your server name, description, and enable tracker registration.
+### User accounts
+The default installation includes two users:
+* guest (no password)
+* admin (default password admin).
+User administration should be performed from a Hotline client. Avoid editing the files under the `Users` directory.
+## Run the server
+By default running `mobius-hotline-server` will listen on ports 5500/5501 of all interfaces with info level logging to STDOUT.
+Use the -h or -help flag for a list of options:
+$ mobius-hotline-server -h
+Usage of mobius-hotline-server:
+ -bind int
+ Base Hotline server port. File transfer port is base port + 1. (default 5500)
+ -config string
+ Path to config root (default "/usr/local/var/mobius/config/")
+ -init
+ Populate the config dir with default configuration
+ -interface string
+ IP addr of interface to listen on. Defaults to all interfaces.
+ -log-file string
+ Path to log file
+ -log-level string
+ Log level (default "info")
+ -stats-port string
+ Enable stats HTTP endpoint on address and port
+ -version
+ Print version and exit