type ClientPrefs struct {
- Username string `yaml:"Username"`
- IconID int `yaml:"IconID"`
- Bookmarks []Bookmark `yaml:"Bookmarks"`
- Tracker string `yaml:"Tracker"`
+ Username string `yaml:"Username"`
+ IconID int `yaml:"IconID"`
+ Bookmarks []Bookmark `yaml:"Bookmarks"`
+ Tracker string `yaml:"Tracker"`
+ EnableBell bool `yaml:"EnableBell"`
func (cp *ClientPrefs) IconBytes() []byte {
return db.TextView.Write(p)
-// Sync is a noop function that exists to satisfy the zapcore.WriteSyncer interface
+// Sync is a noop function that dataFile to satisfy the zapcore.WriteSyncer interface
func (db *DebugBuffer) Sync() error {
return nil
return res, err
+func (c *Client) showErrMsg(msg string) {
+ time := time.Now().Format(time.RFC850)
+ title := "| Error |"
+ msgBox := tview.NewTextView().SetScrollable(true)
+ msgBox.SetText(msg).SetBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorDarkRed)
+ msgBox.SetTitle(title).SetBorder(true)
+ msgBox.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey {
+ switch event.Key() {
+ case tcell.KeyEscape:
+ c.UI.Pages.RemovePage("serverMsgModal" + time)
+ }
+ return event
+ })
+ centeredFlex := tview.NewFlex().
+ AddItem(nil, 0, 1, false).
+ AddItem(tview.NewFlex().SetDirection(tview.FlexRow).
+ AddItem(nil, 0, 1, false).
+ AddItem(msgBox, 0, 2, true).
+ AddItem(nil, 0, 1, false), 0, 2, true).
+ AddItem(nil, 0, 1, false)
+ c.UI.Pages.AddPage("serverMsgModal"+time, centeredFlex, true, true)
+ c.UI.App.Draw() // TODO: errModal doesn't render without this. wtf?
func handleGetFileNameList(c *Client, t *Transaction) (res []Transaction, err error) {
+ if t.IsError() {
+ c.showErrMsg(string(t.GetField(fieldError).Data))
+ c.Logger.Infof("Error: %s", t.GetField(fieldError).Data)
+ return res, err
+ }
fTree := tview.NewTreeView().SetTopLevel(1)
root := tview.NewTreeNode("Root")
return res, err
-const readBuffSize = 1024000 // 1KB - TODO: what should this be?
-func (c *Client) ReadLoop() error {
- tranBuff := make([]byte, 0)
- tReadlen := 0
- // Infinite loop where take action on incoming client requests until the connection is closed
- for {
- buf := make([]byte, readBuffSize)
- tranBuff = tranBuff[tReadlen:]
- readLen, err := c.Connection.Read(buf)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- tranBuff = append(tranBuff, buf[:readLen]...)
- // We may have read multiple requests worth of bytes from Connection.Read. readTransactions splits them
- // into a slice of transactions
- var transactions []Transaction
- if transactions, tReadlen, err = readTransactions(tranBuff); err != nil {
- c.Logger.Errorw("Error handling transaction", "err", err)
- }
- // iterate over all of the transactions that were parsed from the byte slice and handle them
- for _, t := range transactions {
- if err := c.HandleTransaction(&t); err != nil {
- c.Logger.Errorw("Error handling transaction", "err", err)
- }
- }
- }
-func (c *Client) GetTransactions() error {
- tranBuff := make([]byte, 0)
- tReadlen := 0
- buf := make([]byte, readBuffSize)
- tranBuff = tranBuff[tReadlen:]
- readLen, err := c.Connection.Read(buf)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- tranBuff = append(tranBuff, buf[:readLen]...)
- return nil
func handleClientGetUserNameList(c *Client, t *Transaction) (res []Transaction, err error) {
var users []User
for _, field := range t.Fields {
func handleClientChatMsg(c *Client, t *Transaction) (res []Transaction, err error) {
+ if c.pref.EnableBell {
+ fmt.Println("\a")
+ }
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(c.UI.chatBox, "%s \n", t.GetField(fieldData).Data)
return res, err
requestNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(t.Type)
- c.Logger.Infow(
- "Received Transaction",
- "RequestType", requestNum,
- )
+ c.Logger.Debugw("Received Transaction", "RequestType", requestNum)
if handler, ok := c.Handlers[requestNum]; ok {
outT, _ := handler.Handle(c, t)