for {
var srv ServerRecord
- _, _ = srv.Read(scanner.Bytes())
+ _, err = srv.Read(scanner.Bytes())
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
servers = append(servers, srv)
if len(servers) == totalSrv {
// 00000050 4f 54 4c 2e 63 6f 6d 3a 35 35 30 30 2d 4f 3a b2 ||
// 00000060 15 7c 00 00 00 00 08 53 65 6e 65 63 74 75 73 20 |.|.....Senectus |
func serverScanner(data []byte, _ bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
+ // The name length field is the 11th byte of the server record. If we don't have that many bytes,
+ // return nil token so the Scanner reads more data and continues scanning.
if len(data) < 10 {
return 0, nil, nil
// A server entry has two variable length fields: the name and description.
- // To get the token length, we first need the name length from the 10th byte:
+ // To get the token length, we first need the name length from the 10th byte
nameLen := int(data[10])
+ // The description length field is at the 12th + nameLen byte of the server record.
+ // If we don't have that many bytes, return nil token so the Scanner reads more data and continues scanning.
+ if len(data) < 11+nameLen {
+ return 0, nil, nil
+ }
// Next we need the description length from the 11+nameLen byte:
descLen := int(data[11+nameLen])
+ if len(data) < 12+nameLen+descLen {
+ return 0, nil, nil
+ }
return 12 + nameLen + descLen, data[0 : 12+nameLen+descLen], nil