- `[Blocker] My Cool Node`
- `[Blocker] A`
-### Opportunities
+### Evolution
-You can draw opportunity arrows by using `[Opportunity] Node +x` or
-`[Opportunity] Node -x`. eg.
+You can draw evolution arrows by using `[Evolution] Node +x` or
+`[Evolution] Node -x`. eg.
-- `[Opportunity] My Cool Node -10`
-- `[Opportunity] A +15`
+- `[Evolution] My Cool Node -10`
+- `[Evolution] A +15`
### Modifying the axes
The parser doesn't enforce position, so if you put axis iii before axis i,
you'll get some rendering issues.
+### Groups
+You can group nodes together by using `[Group] NodeA, NodeB...`. eg.
+- `[Group] Tinker, Tailor, Soldier`
+- `[Group] Two Words, Three Words Here`
+### Notes
+You can add notes `[Note] (x, y) Text` where x and y are numbers, and Text is
+any text with spaces or `\n`.
+- `[Note] (30, 45) Here we want to call out an explanation or context.`
+- `[Note] (90, 25) We're close to the edge \n so we can multiline it.`
[swift-format]: https://github.com/apple/swift-format.git